Survey Results

The current results of our How do you contribute to the PostgreSQL Project? survey are:

Answer Responses Percentage
I write core code 22 9.01639344262295%
I develop a PostgreSQL tool, add-on, or public OSS application 26 10.655737704918034%
I support the PostgreSQL infrastructure 11 4.508196721311475%
I contribute to the documentation or do translations 18 7.377049180327869%
I test features and new versions 29 11.885245901639344%
I do events or other advocacy stuff 15 6.147540983606557%
I contribute money to a PostgreSQL NPO 13 5.327868852459017%
I don't ... yet! 110 45.08196721311475%
Total 244

This survey was posted Dec. 14, 2009.

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