Re: csv format for psql

From: "Daniel Verite" <daniel(at)manitou-mail(dot)org>
To: "Fabien COELHO" <coelho(at)cri(dot)ensmp(dot)fr>
Cc: "PostgreSQL Hackers" <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: csv format for psql
Date: 2018-08-28 16:45:25
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Fabien COELHO wrote:

> My point was more about the documentation which should be clear about what
> is the EOL. I understand from your point above that the EOL is the
> platform-specific one, which is yet again fine with me, but should be said
> clearly in the documentation?

Okay, I've added a bit in the doc.

> + else if (strcmp(param, "fieldsep_csv") == 0)
> + return pset_quoted_string(popt->topt.fieldSepCsv
> + ? popt->topt.fieldSepCsv
> + : "");
> It is unclear to me when this "" is triggered. Never? If so, maybe a
> comment should say so?

Currently popt->topt.fieldSepCsv can't be NULL so I've simplified this
to just return pset_quoted_string(popt->topt.fieldSepCsv).

> Why removing "-C"? As we already have "-A" an "-H", I was fine with it.

It was a leftover from v3. Participants in the thread don't seem to
want the short option, to my surprise. Pavel argued first against -C
upthread, I argued quite a bit in favor of it, the "for" had 0 upvote, and
"against" had at least 4 I think, including yours in [1].

> It seems that you changed the indentation in "psql-ref.sgml":
> </varlistentry>
> - <varlistentry>
> + <varlistentry>


> - {"unaligned", "aligned", "wrapped", "html", "asciidoc",
> - "latex", "latex-longtable", "troff-ms", NULL};
> + {"aligned", "asciidoc", "csv", "html", "latex", "latex-longtable",
> + "unaligned", "troff-ms", "wrapped", NULL};
> If you want alphabetical, 'u' > 't'.


> While testing I found a small issue if "fieldsep_csv" is set to a strange
> value:
> \pset format_csv ',,'
> SELECT ',', ',';
> -- gives the ambiguous:
> ,,,,
> The rule to decide whether to quote should be made safer/smarter. I'd
> suggest that if the string contains any of the caracters used in format
> csv it should be quoted.

You meant \pset fieldsep_csv ',,'
If you do that even SELECT 'foo', 'bar' comes out wrong because it looks
like a 3-field row: foo,,bar
If we want to prevent people to shoot themselves in the foot with that
sort of thing, I've added a couple tests: No double quote, no LF or
CR, single character (but multibyte allowed) for the separator.


Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite

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