On 16/1/2024 22:05, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 4:48 AM Richard Guo <guofenglinux(at)gmail(dot)com> wrote:
>> * When trying to match the ordering of GROUP BY to that of ORDER BY in
>> get_useful_group_keys_orderings, this patch checks against the length of
>> path->pathkeys. This does not make sense. I guess this is a typo and
>> the real intention is to check against root->sort_pathkeys.
Thanks! It is really my blunder - fresh look works.
>> --- a/src/backend/optimizer/path/pathkeys.c
>> +++ b/src/backend/optimizer/path/pathkeys.c
>> @@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ get_useful_group_keys_orderings(PlannerInfo *root, Path *path)
>> root->num_groupby_pathkeys);
>> if (n > 0 &&
>> - (enable_incremental_sort || n == list_length(path->pathkeys)))
>> + (enable_incremental_sort || n == list_length(root->sort_pathkeys)))
>> However, I think this is also incorrect. When incremental sort is
>> disabled, it is reasonable to consider reordering the GROUP BY keys only
>> if the number of matching pathkeys is equal to the length of
>> root->group_pathkeys i.e. if 'n == list_length(root->group_pathkeys)'.
> Hmm... Why should this be list_length(root->group_pathkeys) while
> we're targeting root->sort_pathkeys. I yet changed that to
> list_length(root->sort_pathkeys).
I think, in the first case, when we are trying to arrange group-by keys
according to underlying pathkeys with incremental sort = off, it makes
sense to do if we fetch all group-by keys regardless of a more or equal
number of path keys the incoming path contains. The code and test case
are in step1.txt.
>> * When the original ordering of GROUP BY keys matches the path's
>> pathkeys or ORDER BY keys, get_useful_group_keys_orderings would
>> generate duplicate PathKeyInfos. Consequently, this duplication would
>> lead to the creation and addition of identical paths multiple times.
>> This is not great. Consider the query below:
>> create table t (a int, b int);
>> create index on t (a, b);
>> set enable_hashagg to off;
>> explain select count(*) from t group by a, b;
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> GroupAggregate (cost=0.15..97.27 rows=226 width=16)
>> Group Key: a, b
>> -> Index Only Scan using t_a_b_idx on t (cost=0.15..78.06 rows=2260 width=8)
>> (3 rows)
>> The same path with group keys {a, b} is created and added twice.
> I tried to address that.
>> * Part of the work performed in this patch overlaps with that of
>> preprocess_groupclause. They are both trying to adjust the ordering of
>> the GROUP BY keys to match ORDER BY. I wonder if it would be better to
>> perform this work only once.
> Andrei, could you take a look.
As I see, the PathKeyInfo list often contains duplicated pathkeys,
coming from either sort_pathkeys or path->pathkeys orderings. So, I can
propose to check duplicates each time (see step2.txt in attachment).
>> * When reordering the GROUP BY keys, I think the following checks need
>> some improvements.
>> + /*
>> + * Since 1349d27 pathkey coming from underlying node can be in the
>> + * root->group_pathkeys but not in the processed_groupClause. So, we
>> + * should be careful here.
>> + */
>> + sgc = get_sortgroupref_clause_noerr(pathkey->pk_eclass->ec_sortref,
>> + *group_clauses);
>> + if (!sgc)
>> + /* The grouping clause does not cover this pathkey */
>> + break;
>> I think we need to check or assert 'pathkey->pk_eclass->ec_sortref' is
>> valid before calling get_sortgroupref_clause_noerr with it. Also, how
>> can we guarantee that the returned GROUP BY item is sortable? Should we
>> check that with OidIsValid(sgc->sortop)?
> Added.
Reviewed it, looks good.
Andrei Lepikhov
Postgres Professional