Re: Use streaming read API in ANALYZE

From: Jakub Wartak <jakub(dot)wartak(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>
To: Nazir Bilal Yavuz <byavuz81(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: Melanie Plageman <melanieplageman(at)gmail(dot)com>, PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Use streaming read API in ANALYZE
Date: 2024-04-03 08:41:42
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On Tue, Apr 2, 2024 at 9:24 AM Nazir Bilal Yavuz <byavuz81(at)gmail(dot)com> wrote:
> v4 is rebased on top of v14 streaming read API changes.

Hi Nazir, so with streaming API committed, I gave a try to this patch.
With autovacuum=off and 30GB table on NVMe (with standard readahead of
256kb and ext4, Debian 12, kernel 6.1.0, shared_buffers = 128MB
default) created using: create table t as select repeat('a', 100) || i
|| repeat('b', 500) as filler from generate_series(1, 45000000) as i;

on master, effect of mainteance_io_concurency [default 10] is like
that (when resetting the fs cache after each ANALYZE):

m_io_c = 0:
Time: 3137.914 ms (00:03.138)
Time: 3094.540 ms (00:03.095)
Time: 3452.513 ms (00:03.453)

m_io_c = 1:
Time: 2972.751 ms (00:02.973)
Time: 2939.551 ms (00:02.940)
Time: 2904.428 ms (00:02.904)

m_io_c = 2:
Time: 1580.260 ms (00:01.580)
Time: 1572.132 ms (00:01.572)
Time: 1558.334 ms (00:01.558)

m_io_c = 4:
Time: 938.304 ms
Time: 931.772 ms
Time: 920.044 ms

m_io_c = 8:
Time: 666.025 ms
Time: 660.241 ms
Time: 648.848 ms

m_io_c = 16:
Time: 542.450 ms
Time: 561.155 ms
Time: 539.683 ms

m_io_c = 32:
Time: 538.487 ms
Time: 541.705 ms
Time: 538.101 ms

with patch applied:

m_io_c = 0:
Time: 3106.469 ms (00:03.106)
Time: 3140.343 ms (00:03.140)
Time: 3044.133 ms (00:03.044)

m_io_c = 1:
Time: 2959.817 ms (00:02.960)
Time: 2920.265 ms (00:02.920)
Time: 2911.745 ms (00:02.912)

m_io_c = 2:
Time: 1581.912 ms (00:01.582)
Time: 1561.444 ms (00:01.561)
Time: 1558.251 ms (00:01.558)

m_io_c = 4:
Time: 908.116 ms
Time: 901.245 ms
Time: 901.071 ms

m_io_c = 8:
Time: 619.870 ms
Time: 620.327 ms
Time: 614.266 ms

m_io_c = 16:
Time: 529.885 ms
Time: 526.958 ms
Time: 528.474 ms

m_io_c = 32:
Time: 521.185 ms
Time: 520.713 ms
Time: 517.729 ms

No difference to me, which seems to be good. I've double checked and
patch used the new way

acquire_sample_rows -> heapam_scan_analyze_next_block ->
ReadBufferExtended -> ReadBuffer_common (inlined) -> WaitReadBuffers
-> mdreadv -> FileReadV -> pg_preadv (inlined)
acquire_sample_rows -> heapam_scan_analyze_next_block ->
ReadBufferExtended -> ReadBuffer_common (inlined) -> StartReadBuffer
-> ...

I gave also io_combine_limit to 32 (max, 256kB) a try and got those
slightly better results:

m_io_c = 16:
Time: 494.599 ms
Time: 496.345 ms
Time: 973.500 ms

m_io_c = 32:
Time: 461.031 ms
Time: 449.037 ms
Time: 443.375 ms

and that (last one) apparently was able to push it to ~50-60k still
random IOPS range, the rareq-sz was still ~8 (9.9) kB as analyze was
still reading random , so I assume no merging was done:

Device r/s rMB/s rrqm/s %rrqm r_await rareq-sz
w/s wMB/s wrqm/s %wrqm w_await wareq-sz d/s dMB/s
drqm/s %drqm d_await dareq-sz f/s f_await aqu-sz %util
nvme0n1 61212.00 591.82 0.00 0.00 0.10 9.90
2.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.28 85.20

So in short it looks good to me.

-Jakub Wartak.

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