French Prime Minister loves PostgreSQL

From: damien clochard <damien(at)dalibo(dot)info>
To: PostgreSQL Advocacy <pgsql-advocacy(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: French Prime Minister loves PostgreSQL
Date: 2012-09-22 11:58:03
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Hipster developpers are not the only one to praise PostgreSQL. The
French Prime Minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, just sent a letter to every
agency of the French administration to urge them to use more free software :

on page 17, you can read :

« Favoriser la migration des bases propriétaires vers des bases
libres, en particulier PostgreSQL. »

Which can be translated as :

« Promote the migration from proprietary databases to free databases
, especially PostgreSQL. »

Can it be any clearer ?

This is not a big surprise for people working in the French PostgreSQL
community. It's a well known fact that PostgreSQL is making its way into
the French gouverment agencies and that huge migrations are coming.

However this is the first time we see such an an official statement.
We've been waiting for it for many years, and this letter overcomes our

I think this letter is a tremendous weapon for anyone trying to advocate
PostgreSQL to governement agencies around the world. I will try to start
a translation of the document in wiki, if any other french-speaking guy
wants to help here, let me know !


damien clochard


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