Re: ANALYZE command progress checker

From: vinayak <Pokale_Vinayak_q3(at)lab(dot)ntt(dot)co(dot)jp>
To: Masahiko Sawada <sawada(dot)mshk(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: Robert Haas <robertmhaas(at)gmail(dot)com>, Haribabu Kommi <kommi(dot)haribabu(at)gmail(dot)com>, Ashutosh Sharma <ashu(dot)coek88(at)gmail(dot)com>, Michael Paquier <michael(dot)paquier(at)gmail(dot)com>, Andres Freund <andres(at)anarazel(dot)de>, David Steele <david(at)pgmasters(dot)net>, David Fetter <david(at)fetter(dot)org>, Peter Eisentraut <peter(dot)eisentraut(at)2ndquadrant(dot)com>, pgsql-hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: ANALYZE command progress checker
Date: 2017-04-04 01:27:23
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

On 2017/03/30 17:39, Masahiko Sawada wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 5:38 PM, vinayak
> <Pokale_Vinayak_q3(at)lab(dot)ntt(dot)co(dot)jp> wrote:
>> On 2017/03/25 4:30, Robert Haas wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 3:41 AM, vinayak
>>> <Pokale_Vinayak_q3(at)lab(dot)ntt(dot)co(dot)jp> wrote:
>>>> I have updated the patch.
>>> You can't change the definition of AcquireSampleRowsFunc without
>>> updating the documentation in fdwhandler.sgml, but I think I don't
>>> immediately understand why that's a thing we want to do at all if
>>> neither file_fdw nor postgres_fdw are going to use the additional
>>> argument. It seems to be entirely pointless because the new value
>>> being passed down is always zero and even if the callee were to update
>>> it, do_analyze_rel() would just ignore the change on return. Am I
>>> missing something here? Also, the whitespace-only changes to fdwapi.h
>>> related to AcquireSampleRowsFunc going to get undone by pgindent, so
>>> even if there's some reason to change that you should leave the lines
>>> that don't need changing untouched.
> I reviewed v7 patch.
> When I ran ANALYZE command to the table having 5 millions rows with 3
> child tables, the progress report I got shows the strange result. The
> following result was output after sampled all target rows from child
> tables (i.g, after finished acquire_inherited_sample_rows). I think
> the progress information should report 100% complete at this point.
> #= select * from pg_stat_progress_analyze ;
> pid | datid | datname | relid | phase |
> num_target_sample_rows | num_rows_sampled
> -------+-------+----------+-------+----------------------------------+------------------------+------------------
> 81719 | 13215 | postgres | 16440 | collecting inherited sample rows |
> 3000000 | 1800000
> (1 row)
> I guess the cause of this is that you always count the number of
> sampled rows in acquire_sample_rows staring from 0 for each child
> table. num_rows_sampled is reset whenever starting collecting sample
> rows.
> Also, even if table has child table, the total number of sampling row
> is not changed. I think that main differences between analyzing on
> normal table and on partitioned table is where we fetch the sample row
> from. So I'm not sure if adding "computing inherited statistics" phase
> is desirable. If you want to report progress of collecting sample rows
> on child table I think that you might want to add the information
> showing which child table is being analyzed.
> --
> pg_stat_progress_analyze.num_target_sample_rows is set while ignoring
> the number of rows the target table has actually. So If the table has
> rows less than target number of rows, the num_rows_sampled never reach
> to num_target_sample_rows.
> --
> @@ -1180,6 +1213,9 @@ acquire_sample_rows(Relation onerel, int elevel,
> }
> samplerows += 1;
> +
> + /* Report number of rows sampled so far */
> +
> pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_ANALYZE_NUM_ROWS_SAMPLED,
> numrows);
> }
> }
> I think that it's wrong to use numrows variable to report the progress
> of the number of rows sampled. As the following comment mentioned, we
> first save row into rows[] and increment numrows until numrows <
> targrows. And then we could replace stored sample row with new sampled
> row. That is, after collecting "numrows" rows, analyze can still take
> a long time to get and replace the sample row. To computing progress
> of collecting sample row, IMO reporting the number of blocks we
> scanned so far is better than number of sample rows. Thought?
>> /*
>> * The first targrows sample rows are simply copied into the
>> * reservoir. Then we start replacing tuples in the sample
>> * until we reach the end of the relation. This algorithm is
>> * from Jeff Vitter's paper (see full citation below). It
>> * works by repeatedly computing the number of tuples to skip
>> * before selecting a tuple, which replaces a randomly chosen
>> * element of the reservoir (current set of tuples). At all
>> * times the reservoir is a true random sample of the tuples
>> * we've passed over so far, so when we fall off the end of
>> * the relation we're done.
>> */
Looks good to me.
In the attached patch I have reported number of blocks scanned so far
instead of number of sample rows.

In the 'collecting inherited sample rows' phase, child_relid is reported
as a separate column.
The child_relid is reported its value only in 'collecting inherited
sample rows' phase. For single relation it return 0.
I am not sure whether this column would helpful or not.
Any suggestions are welcome.
>>> + /* Reset rows processed to zero for the next column */
>>> +
>>> pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_ANALYZE_NUM_ROWS_PROCESSED,
>>> 0);
>>> This seems like a bad design. If you see a value other than zero in
>>> this field, you still won't know how much progress analyze has made,
>>> because you don't know which column you're processing. I also feel
>>> like you're not paying enough attention to a key point here that I
>>> made in my last review, which is that you need to look at where
>>> ANALYZE actually spends most of the time. If the process of computing
>>> the per-row statistics consumes significant CPU time, then maybe
>>> there's some point in trying to instrument it, but does it? Unless
>>> you know the answer to that question, you don't know whether there's
>>> even a point to trying to instrument this.
>> Understood. The computing statistics phase takes long time so I am looking
>> at the code.
> Yes, ANALYZE spends most of time on computing statistics phase. I
> measured the duration time for each phases on my environment. I set up
> the table by pgbench -i -s 100 (total 10 million rows), and filled the
> filler column of pgbench_accounts table with random string. And I set
> default_statistics_target to 1000, and ran analyze on that table. The
> analyze scanned all blocks of target table and collected 3000000
> sample rows. The durations of each phase are,
> * Sampling : 7 sec
> * Computing statistics : 28 sec
> * aid column : 1 sec
> * bid column : 1 sec
> * abalance column : 1 sec
> * filler column : 25 sec
> I'm not sure if we can calculate the meaningful progress information
> in computing statistics function such as compute_scalar_stats,
> compute_trivial_stats. But I think that at least showing which
> statistics of column is being computed would be good information for
> user.
I agree with you that showing statistics of the column is being computed
would be good information but
progress reporting API is only supported for int64 values.
So I think it would be good if we report such value that will be helpful
for user in computing statistics phase.

Vinayak Pokale
NTT Open Source Software Center

Attachment Content-Type Size
pg_stat_progress_analyze_v8.patch binary/octet-stream 13.9 KB

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