Re: List of countries (WAS: National Number to text conversion)

From: brian ally <brian(at)zijn-digital(dot)com>
To: pgsql-general(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: List of countries (WAS: National Number to text conversion)
Date: 2006-05-29 19:27:52
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Lists: pgsql-general

Nis Jorgensen wrote:
> brian ally wrote:
>> I was thinking the same. But Bob's reply has me wondering if there are
>> any online resources for this sort of thing. Specifically, i have a
>> look-up table, with most (possibly all - i don't know) countries'
>> 2-letter ISO codes and english names. Just this weekend, i've learned
>> that i'll require the names in french, as well. I'd thought about
>> feeding the names to Babelfish, but, if such a list exists somewhere
>> that'd be a real time saver.
> Do you mean something like
> Unfortunately the list is in ALL CAPS. I believe I can extract a
> decapitated version from one of my systems, if you have time to wait
> until tomorrow.
> /Nis

Thanks, Nis. Here's my revised list, using those (errors of letter-case
entirely my own, owing to my hazy understanding of capitilisation for
hyphenated french nouns):

ISO-3166 Name (en) Name(fr)
'AF' 'Afghanistan' 'Afghanistan'
'AL' 'Albania' 'Albanie'
'DZ' 'Algeria' 'Algérie'
'AS' 'American Samoa' 'Samoa Américaines'
'AD' 'Andorra' 'Andorre'
'AO' 'Angola' 'Angola'
'AI' 'Anguilla' 'Anguilla'
'AQ' 'Antarctica' 'Antarctique'
'AG' 'Antigua and Barbuda' 'Antigua-et-barbuda'
'AR' 'Argentina' 'Argentine'
'AM' 'Armenia' 'Arménie'
'AW' 'Aruba' 'Aruba'
'AX' 'Åland Islands' 'Åland, Îles'
'AU' 'Australia' 'Australie'
'AT' 'Austria' 'Autriche'
'AZ' 'Azerbaijan' 'Azerbaïdjan'
'BS' 'Bahamas' 'Bahamas'
'BH' 'Bahrain' 'Bahreïn'
'BD' 'Bangladesh' 'Bangladesh'
'BB' 'Barbados' 'Barbade'
'BY' 'Belarus' 'Bélarus'
'BE' 'Belgium' 'Belgique'
'BZ' 'Belize' 'Belize'
'BJ' 'Benin' 'Bénin'
'BM' 'Bermuda' 'Bermudes'
'BT' 'Bhutan' 'Bhoutan'
'BO' 'Bolivia' 'Bolivie'
'BA' 'Bosnia and Herzegovina' 'Bosnie-herzégovine'
'BW' 'Botswana' 'Botswana'
'BV' 'Bouvet Island' 'Bouvet, Île'
'BR' 'Brazil' 'Brésil'
'IO' 'British Indian Ocean Territory' 'Océan Indien, Territoire
Britannique de l''
'BN' 'Brunei Darussalam' 'Brunéi Darussalam'
'BG' 'Bulgaria' 'Bulgarie'
'BF' 'Burkina Faso' 'Burkina Faso'
'BI' 'Burundi' 'Burundi'
'KH' 'Cambodia' 'Cambodge'
'CM' 'Cameroon' 'Cameroun'
'CA' 'Canada' 'Canada'
'CV' 'Cap Verde' 'Cap-vert'
'KY' 'Cayman Islands' 'Caïmanes, Îles'
'CF' 'Central African Republic' 'Centrafricaine, République'
'TD' 'Chad' 'Tchad'
'CL' 'Chile' 'Chili'
'CN' 'China' 'Chine'
'CX' 'Christmas Island' 'Christmas, Île'
'CC' 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands' 'Cocos (Keeling), Îles'
'CO' 'Colombia' 'Colombie'
'KM' 'Comoros' 'Comores'
'CD' 'Congo, Democratic Republic of the' 'Congo, la République
Démocratique du'
'CG' 'Congo, Republic of' 'Congo'
'CK' 'Cook Islands' 'Cook, Îles'
'CR' 'Costa Rica' 'Costa Rica'
'CI' 'Côte d'Ivoire' 'Côte D'ivoire'
'HR' 'Croatia/Hrvatska' 'Croatie'
'CU' 'Cuba' 'Cuba'
'CY' 'Cyprus' 'Chypre'
'CZ' 'Czech Republic' 'Tchèque, République'
'DK' 'Denmark' 'Danemark'
'DJ' 'Djibouti' 'Djibouti'
'DM' 'Dominica' 'Dominique'
'DO' 'Dominican Republic' 'Dominicaine, République'
'TL' 'East Timor' 'Timor-Leste'
'EC' 'Ecuador' 'Équateur'
'EG' 'Egypt' 'Égypte'
'SV' 'El Salvador' 'El Salvador'
'GQ' 'Equatorial Guinea' 'Guinée équatoriale'
'ER' 'Eritrea' 'Érythrée'
'EE' 'Estonia' 'Estonie'
'ET' 'Ethiopia' 'Éthiopie'
'FK' 'Falkland Islands (Malvina)' 'Falkland, Îles (Malvinas)'
'FO' 'Faroe Islands' 'Féroé, Îles'
'FJ' 'Fiji' 'Fidji'
'FI' 'Finland' 'Finlande'
'FR' 'France' 'France'
'GF' 'French Guiana' 'Guyane Française'
'PF' 'French Polynesia' 'Polynésie Française'
'TF' 'French Southern Territories' 'Terres Australes Françaises'
'GA' 'Gabon' 'Gabon'
'GM' 'Gambia' 'Gambie'
'GE' 'Georgia' 'Géorgie'
'DE' 'Germany' 'Allemagne'
'GH' 'Ghana' 'Ghana'
'GI' 'Gibraltar' 'Gibraltar'
'GR' 'Greece' 'Grèce'
'GL' 'Greenland' 'Groenland'
'GD' 'Grenada' 'Grenade'
'GP' 'Guadeloupe' 'Guadeloupe'
'GU' 'Guam' 'Guam'
'GT' 'Guatemala' 'Guatemala'
'GG' 'Guernsey' 'Guernesey'
'GN' 'Guinea' 'Guinée'
'GW' 'Guinea-Bissau' 'Guinée-bissau'
'GY' 'Guyana' 'Guyana'
'HT' 'Haiti' 'Haïti'
'HM' 'Heard and McDonald Islands' 'Heard, Île et Mcdonald, Îles'
'VA' 'Holy See (City Vatican State)' 'Saint-siège (État de la Cité du
'HN' 'Honduras' 'Honduras'
'HK' 'Hong Kong' 'Hong-kong'
'HU' 'Hungary' 'Hongrie'
'IS' 'Iceland' 'Islande'
'IN' 'India' 'Inde'
'ID' 'Indonesia' 'Indonésie'
'IR' 'Iran (Islamic Republic of)' 'Iran, République Islamique d''
'IQ' 'Iraq' 'Iraq'
'IE' 'Ireland' 'Irlande'
'IM' 'Isle of Man' 'Île de Man'
'IL' 'Israel' 'Israël'
'IT' 'Italy' 'Italie'
'JM' 'Jamaica' 'Jamaïque'
'JP' 'Japan' 'Japon'
'JE' 'Jersey' 'Jersey'
'JO' 'Jordan' 'Jordanie'
'KZ' 'Kazakhstan' 'Kazakhstan'
'KE' 'Kenya' 'Kenya'
'KI' 'Kiribati' 'Kiribati'
'KP' 'Korea, Democratic People's Republic' 'Corée, République Populaire
Démocratique de'
'KR' 'Korea, Republic of' 'Corée, République De'
'KW' 'Kuwait' 'Koweït'
'KG' 'Kyrgyzstan' 'Kirghizistan'
'LA' 'Lao People's Democratic Republic' 'Lao, République Démocratique
'LV' 'Latvia' 'Lettonie'
'LB' 'Lebanon' 'Liban'
'LS' 'Lesotho' 'Lesotho'
'LR' 'Liberia' 'Libéria'
'LY' 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya' 'Libyenne, Jamahiriya Arabe'
'LI' 'Liechtenstein' 'Liechtenstein'
'LT' 'Lithuania' 'Lituanie'
'LU' 'Luxembourg' 'Luxembourg'
'MO' 'Macau' 'Macao'
'MK' 'Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic' 'Macédoine, l'ex-république
Yougoslave de'
'MG' 'Madagascar' 'Madagascar'
'MW' 'Malawi' 'Malawi'
'MY' 'Malaysia' 'Malaisie'
'MV' 'Maldives' 'Maldives'
'ML' 'Mali' 'Mali'
'MT' 'Malta' 'Malte'
'MH' 'Marshall Islands' 'Marshall, Îles'
'MQ' 'Martinique' 'Martinique'
'MR' 'Mauritania' 'Mauritanie'
'MU' 'Mauritius' 'Maurice'
'YT' 'Mayotte' 'Mayotte'
'MX' 'Mexico' 'Mexique'
'FM' 'Micronesia, Federal State of' 'Micronésie, États Fédérés de'
'MD' 'Moldova, Republic of' 'Moldova, République de'
'MC' 'Monaco' 'Monaco'
'MN' 'Mongolia' 'Mongolie'
'MS' 'Montserrat' 'Montserrat'
'MA' 'Morocco' 'Maroc'
'MZ' 'Mozambique' 'Mozambique'
'MM' 'Myanmar' 'Myanmar'
'NA' 'Namibia' 'Namibie'
'NR' 'Nauru' 'Nauru'
'NP' 'Nepal' 'Népal'
'NL' 'Netherlands' 'Pays-bas'
'AN' 'Netherlands Antilles' 'Antilles Néerlandaises'
'NC' 'New Caledonia' 'Nouvelle-calédonie'
'NZ' 'New Zealand' 'Nouvelle-zélande'
'NI' 'Nicaragua' 'Nicaragua'
'NE' 'Niger' 'Niger'
'NG' 'Nigeria' 'Nigéria'
'NU' 'Niue' 'Niué'
'NF' 'Norfolk Island' 'Norfolk, Île'
'MP' 'Northern Mariana Islands' 'Mariannes Du Nord, Îles'
'NO' 'Norway' 'Norvège'
'OM' 'Oman' 'Oman'
'PK' 'Pakistan' 'Pakistan'
'PW' 'Palau' 'Palaos'
'PS' 'Palestinian Territories' 'Palestinien Occupé, Territoire'
'PA' 'Panama' 'Panama'
'PG' 'Papua New Guinea' 'Papouasie-nouvelle-guinée'
'PY' 'Paraguay' 'Paraguay'
'PE' 'Peru' 'Pérou'
'PH' 'Philippines' 'Philippines'
'PN' 'Pitcairn Island' 'Pitcairn'
'PL' 'Poland' 'Pologne'
'PT' 'Portugal' 'Portugal'
'PR' 'Puerto Rico' 'Porto Rico'
'QA' 'Qatar' 'Qatar'
'RE' 'Reunion Island' 'Réunion'
'RO' 'Romania' 'Roumanie'
'RU' 'Russian Federation' 'Russie, Fédération de'
'RW' 'Rwanda' 'Rwanda'
'KN' 'Saint Kitts and Nevis' 'Saint-kitts-et-nevis'
'LC' 'Saint Lucia' 'Sainte-lucie'
'VC' 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' 'Saint-vincent-et-les Grenadines'
'SM' 'San Marino' 'Saint-marin'
'ST' 'São Tomé et Principe' 'Sao Tomé-et-principe'
'SA' 'Saudi Arabia' 'Arabie Saoudite'
'SN' 'Senegal' 'Sénégal'
'SC' 'Seychelles' 'Seychelles'
'SL' 'Sierra Leone' 'Sierra Leone'
'SG' 'Singapore' 'Singapour'
'SK' 'Slovak Republic' 'Slovaquie'
'SI' 'Slovenia' 'Slovénie'
'SB' 'Solomon Islands' 'Salomon, Îles'
'SO' 'Somalia' 'Somalie'
'ZA' 'South Africa' 'Afrique Du Sud'
'GS' 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands' 'Géorgie du Sud et
les Îles Sandwich du Sud'
'ES' 'Spain' 'Espagne'
'LK' 'Sri Lanka' 'Sri Lanka'
'SH' 'St Helena' 'Sainte-hélène'
'PM' 'St Pierre and Miquelon' 'Saint-pierre-et-miquelon'
'SD' 'Sudan' 'Soudan'
'SR' 'Suriname' 'Suriname'
'SJ' 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands' 'Svalbard et Île Jan Mayen'
'SZ' 'Swaziland' 'Swaziland'
'SE' 'Sweden' 'Suède'
'CH' 'Switzerland' 'Suisse'
'SY' 'Syrian Arab Republic' 'Syrienne, République Arabe'
'TW' 'Taiwan' 'Taïwan, Province De Chine'
'TJ' 'Tajikistan' 'Tadjikistan'
'TZ' 'Tanzania' 'Tanzanie, République-unie de'
'TH' 'Thailand' 'Thaïlande'
'TG' 'Togo' 'Togo'
'TK' 'Tokelau' 'Tokelau'
'TO' 'Tonga' 'Tonga'
'TT' 'Trinidad and Tobago' 'Trinité-et-tobago'
'TN' 'Tunisia' 'Tunisie'
'TR' 'Turkey' 'Turquie'
'TM' 'Turkmenistan' 'Turkménistan'
'TC' 'Turks and Caicos Islands' 'Turks et Caïques, Îles'
'TV' 'Tuvalu' 'Tuvalu'
'UM' 'US Minor Outlying Islands' 'Îles Mineures Éloignées des États-unis'
'UG' 'Uganda' 'Ouganda'
'UA' 'Ukraine' 'Ukraine'
'AE' 'United Arab Emirates' 'Émirats Arabes Unis'
'GB' 'United Kingdom' 'Royaume-Uni'
'US' 'United States' 'États-unis'
'UY' 'Uruguay' 'Uruguay'
'UZ' 'Uzbekistan' 'Ouzbékistan'
'VU' 'Vanuatu' 'Vanuatu'
'VE' 'Venezuela' 'Venezuela'
'VN' 'Vietnam' 'Viet Nam'
'VG' 'Virgin Islands (British)' 'Îles Vierges Britanniques'
'VI' 'Virgin Islands (USA)' 'Îles Vierges des États-unis'
'WF' 'Wallis and Futuna Islands' 'Wallis et Futuna'
'EH' 'Western Sahara' 'Sahara Occidental'
'WS' 'Western Samoa' 'Samoa'
'YE' 'Yemen' 'Yémen'
'CS' 'Serbia and Montenegro' 'Serbie-et-Monténégro'
'ZM' 'Zambia' 'Zambie'
'ZW' 'Zimbabwe' 'Zimbabwe'

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