Re: cataloguing NOT NULL constraints

From: Alvaro Herrera <alvherre(at)alvh(dot)no-ip(dot)org>
To: Peter Eisentraut <peter(at)eisentraut(dot)org>
Cc: pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: cataloguing NOT NULL constraints
Date: 2023-07-10 16:52:13
Message-ID: 20230710165213.jaiuzdo3p7hlmj5g@alvherre.pgsql
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

On 2023-Jul-03, Peter Eisentraut wrote:

> On 30.06.23 13:44, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> > OK, so here's a new attempt to get this working correctly.
> Attached is a small fixup patch for the documentation.
> Furthermore, there are a few outdated comments that are probably left over
> from previous versions of this patch set.

Thanks! I've incorporated your doc fixes and applied fixes for almost
all the other issues you listed; and fixed a couple of additional
issues, such as

* adding a test to regress for an error message that wasn't covered (and
removed the XXX comment about that)
* remove a pointless variable addition to pg_dump (leftover from a
previous implementation of constraint capture)
* adapt the sepgsql tests again (we don't recurse to children when
there's nothing to do, so an object hook invocation doesn't happen
anymore -- I think)
* made ATExecSetAttNotNull return the constraint address
* more outdated comments adjustment in MergeAttributes

Most importantly, I fixed table creation for LIKE inheritance, as I
described upthread already.

The one thing I have not touched is add &not_valid to processCASbits()
in gram.y; rather I added a comment that NOT VALID is not yet suported.
I think adding support for that is a reasonably easy on top of this
patch, but since it also requires more pg_dump support and stuff, I'd
rather not mix it in at this point. The pg_upgrade support is already
quite a house of cards and it drove me crazy.

So, attached is v10.

Álvaro Herrera Breisgau, Deutschland —
"Industry suffers from the managerial dogma that for the sake of stability
and continuity, the company should be independent of the competence of
individual employees." (E. Dijkstra)

Attachment Content-Type Size
v10-0001-Add-pg_constraint-rows-for-NOT-NULL-constraints.patch text/x-diff 218.9 KB

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