Re: [PATCH] Support % wildcard in extension upgrade filenames

From: Sandro Santilli <strk(at)kbt(dot)io>
To: Mat Arye <mat(at)timescaledb(dot)com>
Cc: Regina Obe <lr(at)pcorp(dot)us>, Yurii Rashkovskii <yrashk(at)gmail(dot)com>, Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>, Regina Obe <r(at)pcorp(dot)us>, pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Support % wildcard in extension upgrade filenames
Date: 2023-04-27 10:49:57
Message-ID: 20230427104957.knkkt3klh5uabzke@c19
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On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 01:06:24PM -0400, Mat Arye wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've done upgrade maintenance for multiple extensions now (TimescaleDB
> core, Promscale) and I think the original suggestion (wildcard filenames
> with control-file switch to enable) here is a good one.

Thanks for your comment, Mat.

I'm happy to bring back the control-file switch if there's an
agreement about that.

The rationale for me to add that was solely to be 100% sure about not
breaking any extension using "%" character as an actual version.

I never considered it a security measure because the author of the control
file is the same as the author of the ugprade scripts so shipping a
wildcard upgrade script could be seen as a switch itself.


> As for Tom's concern about downgrades, I think it's valid but it's a case
> that is easy to test for in Plpgsql and either handle or error. For
> example, we use semver so testing for a downgrade at the top of the upgrade
> script is trivial.

I'd say it could be made even easier if PostgreSQL itself would provide
a variable (or other way to fetch it) for the "source" version of the extension
during exection of the "source"--"target" upgrade.

I'm saying this because PostGIS fetches this version by calling a
PostGIS function, but some extensions might have such "version"
function pointing to a C file that doesn't exist enymore at the time
of upgrade and thus would be left with the impossibility to rely on
calling it.


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