> On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 12:11:59PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Dmitry Dolgov <9erthalion6(at)gmail(dot)com> writes:
> > New status: Waiting on Author
> > This seems incorrect, as the only feedback I've got was "this is a bad
> > idea", and no reaction on follow-up questions.
> I changed the status because it seems to me there is no chance of
> this being committed as-is.
> 1. I think an absolute prerequisite before we could even consider
> changing the query jumbler rules this much is to do the work that was
> put off when the jumbler was moved into core: that is, provide some
> honest support for multiple query-ID generation methods being used at
> the same time. Even if you successfully make a case for
> pg_stat_statements to act this way, other consumers of query IDs
> aren't going to be happy with it.
> 2. You haven't made a case for it. The original complaint was
> about different lengths of IN lists not being treated as equivalent,
> but this patch has decided to do I'm-not-even-sure-quite-what
> about treating different Params as equivalent. Plus you're trying
> to invoke eval_const_expressions in the jumbler; that is absolutely
> Not OK, for both safety and semantic reasons.
> If you backed off to just treating ArrayExprs containing different
> numbers of Consts as equivalent, maybe that'd be something we could
> adopt without fixing point 1. I don't think anything that fuzzes the
> treatment of Params can get away with that, though.
Here is the limited version of list collapsing functionality, which
doesn't utilize eval_const_expressions and ignores most of the stuff
except ArrayExprs. Any thoughts/more suggestions?