Re: First SVG graphic

From: Bruce Momjian <bruce(at)momjian(dot)us>
To: Jürgen Purtz <juergen(at)purtz(dot)de>
Cc: pgsql-docs(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: First SVG graphic
Date: 2019-01-23 23:53:12
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Lists: pgsql-docs

On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 03:02:43PM +0100, Jürgen Purtz wrote:
> The attached patch contains all necessary changes to the sgml, svg, and
> Makefile. (Possibly we need some more changes regarding the 'install*' tasks
> of Makefile.) How to go on? Shall I send the patch to a different list or to
> Commitfest 2019-03?

This is a pretty complicated issue with a lot of back-story. I am
thinking Tatsuo or me will probably commit it before March.


> Kind regards
> Jürgen Purtz
> On 17.01.19 23:43, Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
> >>>Thanks to an additional template created by Alexander Lakhin, which extends the
> >>>'nochunk' stylesheet for SVG and MathML processing, it is now possible to
> >>>create the "single HTML file" of our documentation including SVG. For me this
> >>>is a working solution as long as we use Docbook 4. After the migration to
> >>>Docbook 5, both languages as well as full namespace support will be natively
> >>>included in Docbook.
> >>>
> >>>Does anyone faced some more problems? Or can we start to include the three
> >>>first SVG graphics into PG's documentation?
> >>OK, the wiki pages look good, as do the diagrams, and I think you have
> >>the process we all agreed with. Should we move ahead and commit some of
> >>these diagrams to the souce tree for PG 12?
> >Yes, I think we should.
> >
> >Best regards,
> >--
> >Tatsuo Ishii
> >SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
> >English:
> >Japanese:
> >
> >

> diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/Makefile b/doc/src/sgml/Makefile
> index 8326c7c673..27d1e674f4 100644
> --- a/doc/src/sgml/Makefile
> +++ b/doc/src/sgml/Makefile
> @@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ GENERATED_SGML = version.sgml \
> ALLSGML := $(wildcard $(srcdir)/*.sgml $(srcdir)/ref/*.sgml) $(GENERATED_SGML)
> +SVGSRC := $(wildcard $(srcdir)/svg/*.svg)
> +
> ##
> ## Man pages
> @@ -125,10 +127,12 @@ endif
> html: html-stamp
> -html-stamp: stylesheet.xsl postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML)
> +html-stamp: stylesheet.xsl postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML) $(SVGSRC)
> $(XMLLINT) $(XMLINCLUDE) --noout --valid $(word 2,$^)
> cp $(srcdir)/stylesheet.css html/
> + $(MKDIR_P) html/svg
> + cp $(SVGSRC) html/svg
> touch $@
> htmlhelp: stylesheet-hh.xsl postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML)
> @@ -136,7 +140,7 @@ htmlhelp: stylesheet-hh.xsl postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML)
> $(XSLTPROC) $(XMLINCLUDE) $(XSLTPROCFLAGS) $(wordlist 1,2,$^)
> # single-page HTML
> -postgres.html: stylesheet-html-nochunk.xsl postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML)
> +postgres.html: stylesheet-html-nochunk.xsl postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML) $(SVGSRC)
> $(XMLLINT) $(XMLINCLUDE) --noout --valid $(word 2,$^)
> @@ -152,15 +156,15 @@ postgres.txt: postgres.html
> postgres.pdf:
> $(error Invalid target; use postgres-A4.pdf or postgres-US.pdf as targets)
> stylesheet-fo.xsl %.sgml $(ALLSGML)
> stylesheet-fo.xsl %.sgml
> $(XMLLINT) $(XMLINCLUDE) --noout --valid $(word 2,$^)
> $(XSLTPROC) $(XMLINCLUDE) $(XSLTPROCFLAGS) --stringparam paper.type A4 -o $@ $(wordlist 1,2,$^)
> stylesheet-fo.xsl %.sgml $(ALLSGML)
> stylesheet-fo.xsl %.sgml
> $(XMLLINT) $(XMLINCLUDE) --noout --valid $(word 2,$^)
> $(XSLTPROC) $(XMLINCLUDE) $(XSLTPROCFLAGS) --stringparam paper.type USletter -o $@ $(wordlist 1,2,$^)
> -%.pdf:
> +%.pdf: $(ALLSGML) $(SVGSRC)
> $(FOP) -fo $< -pdf $@
> @@ -169,7 +173,7 @@ postgres.pdf:
> ##
> epub: postgres.epub
> -postgres.epub: postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML)
> +postgres.epub: postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML) $(SVGSRC)
> $(XMLLINT) --noout --valid $<
> $(DBTOEPUB) $<
> @@ -209,7 +213,7 @@ check: postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML) check-tabs
> install: install-html install-man
> installdirs:
> - $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)'/html $(addprefix '$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)'/man, 1 3 $(sqlmansectnum))
> + $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)'/html/svg html/svg $(addprefix '$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)'/man, 1 3 $(sqlmansectnum))
> # If the install used a man directory shared with other applications, this will remove all files.
> uninstall:
> diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/gin.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/gin.sgml
> index cc7cd1ed2c..195e385798 100644
> --- a/doc/src/sgml/gin.sgml
> +++ b/doc/src/sgml/gin.sgml
> @@ -453,6 +453,17 @@
> key values for different columns can be of different types.
> </para>
> + <para>
> + <mediaobject id="gin-trees-and-lists">
> + <imageobject role="html">
> + <imagedata fileref="svg/gin.svg" format="SVG" align="center" />
> + </imageobject>
> + <imageobject role="fo">
> + <imagedata fileref="svg/gin.svg" format="SVG" scale="70" />
> + </imageobject>
> + </mediaobject>
> + </para>
> +
> <sect2 id="gin-fast-update">
> <title>GIN Fast Update Technique</title>
> diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/pg_dump.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/pg_dump.sgml
> index 9e0bb93f08..1fd9ced5f5 100644
> --- a/doc/src/sgml/ref/pg_dump.sgml
> +++ b/doc/src/sgml/ref/pg_dump.sgml
> @@ -73,6 +73,17 @@ PostgreSQL documentation
> architectures.
> </para>
> + <para>
> + <mediaobject id="pg-dump-svg">
> + <imageobject role="html">
> + <imagedata fileref="svg/pgDump.svg" format="SVG" align="center" />
> + </imageobject>
> + <imageobject role="fo">
> + <imagedata fileref="svg/pgDump.svg" format="SVG" scale="70" />
> + </imageobject>
> + </mediaobject>
> + </para>
> +
> <para>
> When used with one of the archive file formats and combined with
> <application>pg_restore</application>,
> diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/storage.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/storage.sgml
> index 8ef2ac8010..4d39ceb958 100644
> --- a/doc/src/sgml/storage.sgml
> +++ b/doc/src/sgml/storage.sgml
> @@ -775,6 +775,17 @@ data. Empty in ordinary tables.</entry>
> </tgroup>
> </table>
> + <para>
> + <mediaobject id="PageLayoutSVG">
> + <imageobject role="html">
> + <imagedata fileref="svg/PageLayout.svg" format="SVG" align="center" />
> + </imageobject>
> + <imageobject role="fo">
> + <imagedata fileref="svg/PageLayout.svg" format="SVG" scale="70" />
> + </imageobject>
> + </mediaobject>
> + </para>
> +
> <para>
> The first 24 bytes of each page consists of a page header
> diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/stylesheet-html-nochunk.xsl b/doc/src/sgml/stylesheet-html-nochunk.xsl
> index ffd2012e91..9e756708f5 100644
> --- a/doc/src/sgml/stylesheet-html-nochunk.xsl
> +++ b/doc/src/sgml/stylesheet-html-nochunk.xsl
> @@ -9,4 +9,27 @@
> <xsl:include href="stylesheet-html-common.xsl" />
> <xsl:include href="stylesheet-speedup-xhtml.xsl" />
> +<!--
> + Integrate SVG and MathML files into the nochunk version (one single HTML file).
> + After migrating to Docbook 5.x this template becomes superfluous.
> +-->
> +<xsl:template match="imagedata">
> + <xsl:variable name="filename">
> + <xsl:call-template name="mediaobject.filename">
> + <xsl:with-param name="object" select=".."/>
> + </xsl:call-template>
> + </xsl:variable>
> +
> + <xsl:choose>
> + <!-- Handle MathML and SVG markup in imagedata -->
> + <xsl:when xmlns:mml="" test="mml:*">
> + <xsl:apply-templates/>
> + </xsl:when>
> + <xsl:when xmlns:svg="" test="svg:*">
> + <xsl:apply-templates/>
> + </xsl:when>
> + </xsl:choose>
> + <xsl:copy-of select="document($filename)"/>
> +</xsl:template>
> +
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/svg/Inkscape/PageLayout_Inkscape.svg b/doc/src/sgml/svg/Inkscape/PageLayout_Inkscape.svg
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..5803077781
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/doc/src/sgml/svg/Inkscape/PageLayout_Inkscape.svg
> @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
> +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
> +<svg xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:inkscape="" width="580" height="280" viewBox="0 0 580 280" version="1.1" id="svg53" sodipodi:docname="PageLayout_Inkscape.svg" inkscape:version="0.92.3 (2405546, 2018-03-11)">
> + <metadata id="metadata57">
> + <rdf:RDF>
> + <cc:Work rdf:about="">
> + <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format>
> + <dc:type rdf:resource="" />
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> + <style type="text/css" id="style2">
> + .text_small {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:11px;
> + font-family:&quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_normal {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:14px;
> + font-family:&quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_big {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:28px;
> + font-family:&quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_comment {font-style:italic;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:14px;
> + font-family:&quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_mono {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:14px;
> + font-family:monospace, monospace;
> + white-space:pre;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + </style>
> + <defs id="defs7">
> + <marker id="a" markerHeight="10" markerWidth="10" orient="auto" refY="5">
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> + <!-- border and background -->
> + <rect x="1" y="1" width="99.4%" height="99.4%" rx="1%" fill="whitesmoke" stroke="#CCCCCC" id="rect9" />
> + <!-- fill="hsl(0, 0%, 97%)" stroke="hsl(0, 0%, 80%)" /> -->
> + <!-- outer rectangle and texts -->
> + <rect x="20" y="80" width="500" height="150" fill="white" stroke="black" id="rect11" />
> + <text class="text_big" x="178" y="50" id="text13">Page Layout</text>
> + <text class="text_mono" x="540" y="125" transform="rotate(90 540 125)" id="text15">8 k B</text>
> + <text class="text_normal" x="392" y="144" id="text17">Free space</text>
> + <!-- first line -->
> + <rect x="20" y="80" width="90" height="30" fill="lime" stroke="black" id="rect19" />
> + <text class="text_normal" x="30" y="100" id="text21">Header</text>
> + <rect x="110" y="80" width="60" height="30" fill="cornflowerblue" stroke="black" id="rect23" />
> + <text class="text_normal" x="115" y="100" id="text25">ItemId</text>
> + <rect x="170" y="80" width="60" height="30" fill="cornflowerblue" stroke="black" id="rect27" />
> + <text class="text_normal" x="175" y="100" id="text29">ItemId</text>
> + <path d="m235 95h78" style="marker-end:url(#a);stroke-dasharray:5, 5" stroke="black" id="path31" />
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> + <!-- last line -->
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> + <!-- fill:hsl(210, 100%, 75%) -->
> + <text class="text_normal" x="121" y="220" id="text41">Item</text>
> + <rect x="345" y="200" width="85" height="30" style="fill:#80BFFF" stroke="black" id="rect43" />
> + <!-- fill:hsl(210, 100%, 75%) -->
> + <text class="text_normal" x="352" y="220" id="text45">Item</text>
> + <rect x="430" y="200" width="90" height="30" style="fill:springgreen" stroke="black" id="rect47" />
> + <text class="text_normal" x="440" y="220" id="text49">Special</text>
> + <!-- explanation -->
> + <text class="text_small" x="100" y="260" id="text51">Content grows from start to center and from end to center.</text>
> +</svg>
> diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/svg/Inkscape/gin_Inkscape.svg b/doc/src/sgml/svg/Inkscape/gin_Inkscape.svg
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..be9a9b4c73
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/doc/src/sgml/svg/Inkscape/gin_Inkscape.svg
> @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
> +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
> +<svg xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:inkscape="" width="580" height="320" viewBox="0 0 580 320" version="1.1" id="svg139" sodipodi:docname="gin_Inkscape.svg" inkscape:version="0.92.3 (2405546, 2018-03-11)">
> + <metadata id="metadata143">
> + <rdf:RDF>
> + <cc:Work rdf:about="">
> + <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format>
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> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:11px;
> + font-family:&quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_normal {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:14px;
> + font-family:&quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_big {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:28px;
> + font-family:&quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_comment {font-style:italic;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:14px;
> + font-family:&quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_mono {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:14px;
> + font-family:monospace, monospace;
> + white-space:pre;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + </style>
> + <defs id="defs7">
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> + <!-- border and background -->
> + <rect x="1" y="1" width="99.4%" height="99.4%" rx="1%" fill="whitesmoke" stroke="#CCCCCC" id="rect9" />
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> + <text class="text_normal" x="32" y="65" id="text13">Meta page</text>
> + <!-- Entry tree -->
> + <rect x="181" y="19" width="209" height="160" fill="white" stroke="black" id="rect15" />
> + <text class="text_normal" x="186" y="35" id="text17">Entry tree</text>
> + <path d="m110 70h83" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path19" />
> + <rect x="206" y="64" width="25" height="10" style="fill:lightgrey" stroke="black" id="rect21" />
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> + <rect x="320" y="90" width="25" height="10" style="fill:green" id="rect53" stroke="black" />
> + <rect x="320" y="120" width="25" height="10" style="fill:limegreen" id="rect55" stroke="black" />
> + <rect x="320" y="150" width="25" height="10" style="fill:limegreen" id="rect57" stroke="black" />
> + <path d="m331 40v6" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path59" />
> + <path d="m331 70v6" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path61" />
> + <path d="m331 100v6" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path63" />
> + <path d="m331 130v6" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path65" />
> + <!-- Posting tree 1 -->
> + <rect x="430" y="10" width="115" height="70" fill="white" stroke="black" id="rect67" />
> + <text class="text_normal" x="440" y="26" id="text69">Posting tree</text>
> + <path d="m345 35 83 14" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path71" />
> + <rect x="440" y="45" width="25" height="10" style="fill:lightgrey" stroke="black" id="rect73" />
> + <path d="m465 50 30 -9" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path75" />
> + <path d="m465 50 30 18" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path77" />
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> + <rect x="505" y="65" width="25" height="10" style="fill:limegreen" stroke="black" id="rect81" />
> + <path d="m515 47v8" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path83" />
> + <!-- Posting tree 2 -->
> + <rect x="430" y="100" width="115" height="70" fill="white" stroke="black" id="rect85" />
> + <text class="text_normal" x="440" y="115" id="text87">Posting tree</text>
> + <path d="m345 95 148 37" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path89" />
> + <rect x="505" y="130" width="25" height="10" style="fill:limegreen" stroke="black" id="rect91" />
> + <!-- Posting tree 3 -->
> + <rect x="430" y="190" width="115" height="70" fill="white" stroke="black" id="rect93" />
> + <text class="text_normal" x="440" y="205" id="text95">Posting tree</text>
> + <path d="m345 95 85 125" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path97" />
> + <rect x="440" y="225" width="25" height="10" style="fill:lightgrey" stroke="black" id="rect99" />
> + <path d="m465 230 30 -9" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path101" />
> + <path d="m465 230 30 18" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path103" />
> + <rect x="505" y="215" width="25" height="10" style="fill:limegreen" stroke="black" id="rect105" />
> + <rect x="505" y="245" width="25" height="10" style="fill:limegreen" stroke="black" id="rect107" />
> + <path d="m515 227v8" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path109" />
> + <!-- Pending list -->
> + <rect x="30" y="215" width="360" height="45" fill="white" stroke="black" id="rect111" />
> + <text class="text_normal" x="37" y="232" id="text113">Pending list</text>
> + <path d="m70 90 77 138" style="fill:none;marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path115" />
> + <rect x="155" y="235" width="25" height="10" style="fill:orangered" stroke="black" id="rect117" />
> + <rect x="210" y="235" width="25" height="10" style="fill:orangered" stroke="black" id="rect119" />
> + <rect x="265" y="235" width="25" height="10" style="fill:orangered" stroke="black" id="rect121" />
> + <rect x="320" y="235" width="25" height="10" style="fill:orangered" stroke="black" id="rect123" />
> + <path d="m180 240h18" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path125" />
> + <path d="m235 240h18" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path127" />
> + <path d="m290 240h18" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black" id="path129" />
> + <!-- Explanation -->
> + <rect x="30" y="291" width="25" height="10" fill="green" stroke="black" id="rect131" />
> + <text class="text_small" x="60" y="300" id="text133">Pointers to Posting tree</text>
> + <rect x="230" y="291" width="25" height="10" fill="limegreen" stroke="black" id="rect135" />
> + <text class="text_small" x="260" y="300" id="text137">Heap pointers (in Posting list or Posting tree)</text>
> +</svg>
> diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/svg/Inkscape/pgDump_Inkscape.svg b/doc/src/sgml/svg/Inkscape/pgDump_Inkscape.svg
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..3e74b485a0
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/doc/src/sgml/svg/Inkscape/pgDump_Inkscape.svg
> @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
> +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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> + font-weight:normal;
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> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_normal {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:14px;
> + font-family:&quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_big {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
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> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:14px;
> + font-family:&quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
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> + <!-- bottom -->
> + <!-- hide upper half of bottom. use <rect> instead of <clipPath> to support gradient -->
> + <rect x="2" y="20" width="100" height="80" stroke-width="0" id="rect14" />
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> + <!-- right -->
> + </symbol>
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> + <!-- fill="hsl(0, 0%, 97%)" stroke="hsl(0, 0%, 80%)" /> -->
> + <!-- Original DB -->
> + <g transform="translate(220 10)" id="g33">
> + <use xlink:href="#disc" id="use27" />
> + <text x="25" y="60" class="text_normal" id="text29">Original</text>
> + <text x="18" y="75" class="text_normal" id="text31">Database</text>
> + </g>
> + <text x="50" y="60" class="text_normal" id="text35">pg_dump, script format</text>
> + <path d="m210 70 h-138 v40" fill="none" stroke="black" marker-end="url(#a)" id="path37" />
> + <text x="340" y="60" class="text_normal" id="text39">pg_dump, other archive formats</text>
> + <path d="m340 70 h155 v40" fill="none" stroke="black" marker-end="url(#a)" id="path41" />
> + <!-- SQL script -->
> + <g transform="translate(20 120)" id="g49">
> + <use xlink:href="#disc" id="use43" />
> + <text x="10" y="60" class="text_normal" id="text45">SQL INSERT</text>
> + <text x="10" y="75" class="text_normal" id="text47">commands</text>
> + </g>
> + <text x="130" y="285" class="text_normal" id="text51">psql</text>
> + <path d="m72 240 v55 h130" fill="none" stroke="black" marker-end="url(#a)" id="path53" />
> + <!-- Binary dump -->
> + <g transform="translate(440 120)" id="g61">
> + <use xlink:href="#disc" id="use55" />
> + <text x="30" y="60" class="text_normal" id="text57">Binary</text>
> + <text x="35" y="75" class="text_normal" id="text59">File(s)</text>
> + </g>
> + <text x="370" y="285" class="text_normal" id="text63">pg_restore</text>
> + <path d="m495 240 v55 h-155" fill="none" stroke="black" marker-end="url(#a)" id="path65" />
> + <!-- New DB -->
> + <g transform="translate(220 230)" id="g73">
> + <use xlink:href="#disc" id="use67" />
> + <text x="20" y="60" class="text_normal" id="text69">Restored</text>
> + <text x="18" y="75" class="text_normal" id="text71">Database</text>
> + </g>
> +</svg>
> diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/svg/PageLayout.svg b/doc/src/sgml/svg/PageLayout.svg
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..cf504ad640
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> @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
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> + font-family:"Open Sans", sans-serif;
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> + .text_big {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:28px;
> + font-family:"Open Sans", sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_comment {font-style:italic;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:14px;
> + font-family:"Open Sans", sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
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> + font-size:14px;
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> +<!-- outer rectangle and texts -->
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> + <text class="text_big" x="178" y="50">Page Layout</text>
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> +<!-- first line -->
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> + <text class="text_normal" x="30" y="100">Header</text>
> + <rect x="110" y="80" width="60" height="30" fill="cornflowerblue" stroke="black"/>
> + <text class="text_normal" x="115" y="100">ItemId</text>
> + <rect x="170" y="80" width="60" height="30" fill="cornflowerblue" stroke="black"/>
> + <text class="text_normal" x="175" y="100">ItemId</text>
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> +</svg>
> +
> diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/svg/gin.svg b/doc/src/sgml/svg/gin.svg
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..8a5e77b252
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/doc/src/sgml/svg/gin.svg
> @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
> +<svg width="580" height="320" viewBox="0 0 580 320" version="1.1" xmlns="">
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> + .text_comment {font-style:italic;
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> + <text class="text_normal" x="186" y="35">Entry tree</text>
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> + <path d="m266 89v18" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m276 44 32 -5" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m276 44 32 15" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m276 84 32 8" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m276 124 32 0" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m276 124 32 23" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <rect x="320" y="30" width="25" height="10" style="fill:green" stroke="black"/>
> + <rect x="320" y="60" width="25" height="10" style="fill:limegreen" stroke="black"/>
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> + <path d="m331 100v6" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m331 130v6" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> +
> +
> +<!-- Posting tree 1 -->
> + <rect x="430" y="10" width="115" height="70" fill="white" stroke="black"/>
> + <text class="text_normal" x="440" y="26">Posting tree</text>
> + <path d="m345 35 83 14" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <rect x="440" y="45" width="25" height="10" style="fill:lightgrey" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m465 50 30 -9" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m465 50 30 18" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <rect x="505" y="35" width="25" height="10" style="fill:limegreen" stroke="black"/>
> + <rect x="505" y="65" width="25" height="10" style="fill:limegreen" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m515 47v8" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> +
> +<!-- Posting tree 2 -->
> + <rect x="430" y="100" width="115" height="70" fill="white" stroke="black"/>
> + <text class="text_normal" x="440" y="115">Posting tree</text>
> + <path d="m345 95 148 37" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <rect x="505" y="130" width="25" height="10" style="fill:limegreen" stroke="black"/>
> +
> +<!-- Posting tree 3 -->
> + <rect x="430" y="190" width="115" height="70" fill="white" stroke="black"/>
> + <text class="text_normal" x="440" y="205">Posting tree</text>
> + <path d="m345 95 85 125" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <rect x="440" y="225" width="25" height="10" style="fill:lightgrey" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m465 230 30 -9" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m465 230 30 18" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <rect x="505" y="215" width="25" height="10" style="fill:limegreen" stroke="black"/>
> + <rect x="505" y="245" width="25" height="10" style="fill:limegreen" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m515 227v8" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> +
> +<!-- Pending list -->
> + <rect x="30" y="215" width="360" height="45" fill="white" stroke="black"/>
> + <text class="text_normal" x="37" y="232">Pending list</text>
> + <path d="m70 90 77 138" style="fill:none;marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <rect x="155" y="235" width="25" height="10" style="fill:orangered" stroke="black"/>
> + <rect x="210" y="235" width="25" height="10" style="fill:orangered" stroke="black"/>
> + <rect x="265" y="235" width="25" height="10" style="fill:orangered" stroke="black"/>
> + <rect x="320" y="235" width="25" height="10" style="fill:orangered" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m180 240h18" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m235 240h18" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> + <path d="m290 240h18" style="marker-end:url(#a)" stroke="black"/>
> +
> +<!-- Explanation -->
> + <rect x="30" y="291" width="25" height="10" fill="green" stroke="black"/>
> + <text class="text_small" x="60" y="300">Pointers to Posting tree</text>
> + <rect x="230" y="291" width="25" height="10" fill="limegreen" stroke="black"/>
> + <text class="text_small" x="260" y="300">Heap pointers (in Posting list or Posting tree)</text>
> +
> +</svg>
> diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/svg/pgDump.svg b/doc/src/sgml/svg/pgDump.svg
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..33e4a7d467
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/doc/src/sgml/svg/pgDump.svg
> @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
> +<svg width="580" height="370" viewBox="0 0 580 370" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
> + <style type="text/css">
> + .text_small {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:11px;
> + font-family:"Open Sans", sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_normal {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:14px;
> + font-family:"Open Sans", sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_big {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:28px;
> + font-family:"Open Sans", sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_comment {font-style:italic;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:14px;
> + font-family:"Open Sans", sans-serif;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + .text_mono {font-style:normal;
> + font-weight:normal;
> + font-size:14px;
> + font-family:monospace, monospace;
> + white-space:pre;
> + fill:black;
> + }
> + </style>
> + <defs>
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> + <stop offset="10%" style="stop-color:white" />
> + <stop offset="90%" style="stop-color:steelblue" />
> + </linearGradient>
> +
> + <symbol id="disc" fill="url(#gradient_disc)" stroke="black">
> + <ellipse cx="52" cy="100" rx="50" ry="12" /> <!-- bottom -->
> + <!-- hide upper half of bottom. use <rect> instead of <clipPath> to support gradient -->
> + <rect x="2" y="20" width="100" height="80" stroke-width="0" />
> + <ellipse cx="52" cy="20" rx="50" ry="12"/> <!-- top -->
> + <path d="m2 21 v80"/> <!-- left -->
> + <path d="m102 21 v80"/> <!-- right -->
> + </symbol>
> + </defs>
> +
> +<!-- border and background -->
> + <rect x="1" y="1" width="99.4%" height="99.4%" rx="1%"
> + fill="whitesmoke" stroke="#CCCCCC" /> <!-- fill="hsl(0, 0%, 97%)" stroke="hsl(0, 0%, 80%)" /> -->
> +
> + <!-- Original DB -->
> + <g transform="translate(220 10)">
> + <use xlink:href="#disc" />
> + <text x="25" y="60" class="text_normal">Original</text>
> + <text x="18" y="75" class="text_normal">Database</text>
> + </g>
> + <text x="50" y="60" class="text_normal">pg_dump, script format</text>
> + <path d="m210 70 h-138 v40" fill="none" stroke="black" marker-end="url(#a)"/>
> + <text x="340" y="60" class="text_normal">pg_dump, other archive formats</text>
> + <path d="m340 70 h155 v40" fill="none" stroke="black" marker-end="url(#a)"/>
> +
> + <!-- SQL script -->
> + <g transform="translate(20 120)">
> + <use xlink:href="#disc"/>
> + <text x="10" y="60" class="text_normal">SQL INSERT</text>
> + <text x="10" y="75" class="text_normal">commands</text>
> + </g>
> + <text x="130" y="285" class="text_normal">psql</text>
> + <path d="m72 240 v55 h130" fill="none" stroke="black" marker-end="url(#a)"/>
> +
> + <!-- Binary dump -->
> + <g transform="translate(440 120)">
> + <use xlink:href="#disc"/>
> + <text x="30" y="60" class="text_normal">Binary</text>
> + <text x="35" y="75" class="text_normal">File(s)</text>
> + </g>
> + <text x="370" y="285" class="text_normal">pg_restore</text>
> + <path d="m495 240 v55 h-155" fill="none" stroke="black" marker-end="url(#a)"/>
> +
> + <!-- New DB -->
> + <g transform="translate(220 230)">
> + <use xlink:href="#disc"/>
> + <text x="20" y="60" class="text_normal">Restored</text>
> + <text x="18" y="75" class="text_normal">Database</text>
> + </g>
> +
> +</svg>
> +

Bruce Momjian <bruce(at)momjian(dot)us>

+ As you are, so once was I. As I am, so you will be. +
+ Ancient Roman grave inscription +

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Next Message Tatsuo Ishii 2019-01-24 01:09:21 Re: First SVG graphic
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