Re: [PATCH] Better logging of COPY queries if log_statement='all'

From: Aleksander Alekseev <a(dot)alekseev(at)postgrespro(dot)ru>
To: Stephen Frost <sfrost(at)snowman(dot)net>
Cc: Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>, Andrew Dunstan <andrew(at)dunslane(dot)net>, PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Better logging of COPY queries if log_statement='all'
Date: 2016-10-18 09:37:47
Message-ID: 20161018093747.GA24013@e733.localdomain
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

> > According to my colleagues it would be very nice to have this feature.
> > For instance, if you are trying to optimize PostgreSQL for application
> > that uses COPY and you don't have access to or something like this.
> > It could also be useful in some other cases.
> This use-case doesn't really make much sense to me. Can you explain it
> in more detail? Is the goal here to replicate all of the statements
> that are changing data in the database?

The idea is to record application workload in real environment and write
a benchmark based on this record. Then using this benchmark we could try
different OS/DBMS configuration (or maybe hardware), find an extremum,
then change configuration in production environment.

It's not always possible to change an application or even database (e.g.
to use triggers) for this purpose. For instance, if DBMS is provided as
a service.

Currently PostgreSQL allows to record all workload _except_ COPY
queries. Considering how easily it could be done I think it's wrong.
Basically the only real question here is how it should look like in

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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