Pigsty Supplementary APT/YUM Repository with 254 additional PostgreSQL Extensions!

From: Pigsty via PostgreSQL Announce <announce-noreply(at)postgresql(dot)org>
To: PostgreSQL Announce <pgsql-announce(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Pigsty Supplementary APT/YUM Repository with 254 additional PostgreSQL Extensions!
Date: 2024-08-15 13:01:32
Message-ID: 172372689213.395942.12925001473625879337@wrigleys.postgresql.org
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Pigsty [v3.0](https://pigsty.io/blog/releases/v3.0.0-b1/) (beta) introduces a public YUM/APT repository, featuring **121** pre-packaged [RPM extension](https://pigsty.io/docs/pgext/list/rpm/) packages and **133** [DEB extensio](https://pigsty.io/docs/pgext/list/deb/)n packages.

In conjunction with the official PGDG YUM/APT repositories, users now have access to **333** [PostgreSQL extensions](https://pigsty.io/docs/pgext/list/), with **326** available on [RHEL](https://pigsty.io/docs/pgext/list/rpm/) and **312** on [Debian/Ubuntu](https://pigsty.io/docs/pgext/list/deb/), out-of-box with the default OS package manager.

This repo contains PostgreSQL 16 extensions for EL7,8,9, Debian 12, and Ubuntu 22.04 systems on amd64 architecture now. Expect more in the future.

This repository is hosted on Cloudflare and [public available](https://pigsty.io/docs/pgext/usage/repo/), fully open-sourced with all scripts and metadata available [here](https://github.com/pgsty/pkg).

Eager to hear any thoughts and would greatly appreciate any feedback.

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