Re: BUG #14998: XXS vulnerabilities in PostgreSQL 'utf8 4-byte truncation'

From: Sergei Kornilov <sk(at)zsrv(dot)org>
To: Thu Luu <ltthu2810(at)gmail(dot)com>, "pgsql-bugs(at)postgresql(dot)org" <pgsql-bugs(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: BUG #14998: XXS vulnerabilities in PostgreSQL 'utf8 4-byte truncation'
Date: 2018-01-04 10:09:31
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I do not understand what your problem is. UTF8 character may be 4 bytes long by standart. Postgresql can store this characters. Mysql - for history reasons - treat utf8 as at most 3 byte characters and is not fully unicode compatible. In mysql 5.5 was added utf8mb4 charset which is full unicode compatible and can store 4 byte characters ( ). Discarding or correct storing 4-byte symbols is not vulnerabilities, just historical error in mysql.

PS: given link is broken due outdated https cert.

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