Re: Perform COPY FROM encoding conversions in larger chunks

From: Heikki Linnakangas <hlinnaka(at)iki(dot)fi>
To: John Naylor <john(dot)naylor(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>
Cc: pgsql-hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Perform COPY FROM encoding conversions in larger chunks
Date: 2021-02-01 16:15:13
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On 30/01/2021 20:47, John Naylor wrote:
> I took a look at v2, and for the first encoding I tried, it fails to
> report the error for invalid input:

That's embarassing...

> I believe the problem is in UtfToLocal(). I've attached a fix formatted
> as a text file to avoid confusing the cfbot. The fix keeps the debugging
> ereport() in case you find it useful.

Thanks. I fixed it slightly differently, and also changed LocalToUtf()
to follow the same pattern, even though LocalToUtf() did not have the
same bug.

> Some additional test coverage might be good here, but not sure how
> much work that would be. I didn't check any other conversions yet.
I added a bunch of tests for various built-in conversions.

> v2-0002 seems fine to me, I just have cosmetic comments here:
> + * the same, no conversion is required by we must still validate that the
> s/by/but/
> This comment in copyfrom_internal.h above the *StateData struct is the
> same as the corresponding one in copyto.c:
>  * Multi-byte encodings: all supported client-side encodings encode
> multi-byte
>  * characters by having the first byte's high bit set. Subsequent bytes
> of the
>  * character can have the high bit not set. When scanning data in such an
>  * encoding to look for a match to a single-byte (ie ASCII) character,
> we must
>  * use the full pg_encoding_mblen() machinery to skip over multibyte
>  * characters, else we might find a false match to a trailing byte. In
>  * supported server encodings, there is no possibility of a false
> match, and
>  * it's faster to make useless comparisons to trailing bytes than it is to
>  * invoke pg_encoding_mblen() to skip over them. encoding_embeds_ascii
> is true
>  * when we have to do it the hard way.
> The references to pg_encoding_mblen() and encoding_embeds_ascii, are out
> of date for copy-from. I'm not sure the rest is relevant to copy-from
> anymore, either. Can you confirm?

Yeah, that comment is obsolete for COPY FROM, the encoding conversion
works differently now. Removed it from copyfrom_internal.h.

> This comment inside the struct is now out of date as well:
>  * Similarly, line_buf holds the whole input line being processed. The
>  * input cycle is first to read the whole line into line_buf, convert it
>  * to server encoding there, and then extract the individual attribute
> HEAD has this macro already:
> /* Shorthand for number of unconsumed bytes available in raw_buf */
> #define RAW_BUF_BYTES(cstate) ((cstate)->raw_buf_len -
> (cstate)->raw_buf_index)
> It might make sense to create a CONVERSION_BUF_BYTES equivalent since
> the patch calculates cstate->conversion_buf_len -
> cstate->conversion_buf_index in a couple places.

Thanks for the review!

I spent some time refactoring and adding comments all around the patch,
hopefully making it all more clear. One notable difference is that I
renamed 'raw_buf' (which exists in master too) to 'input_buf', and
renamed 'conversion_buf' to 'raw_buf'. I'm going to read through this
patch again another day with fresh eyes, and also try to add some tests
for the corner cases at buffer boundaries.

Attached is a new set of patches. I added some regression tests for the
built-in conversion functions, which cover the bug you found, and many
other interesting cases that did not have test coverage yet. It comes in
two patches: the first patch uses just the existing convert_from() SQL
function, and the second one uses the new "noError" variants of the
conversion functions. I also kept the bug-fixes compared to the previous
patch version as a separate commit, for easier review.

- Heikki

Attachment Content-Type Size
v3-0001-Add-regression-tests-for-built-in-encoding-conver.patch text/x-patch 53.3 KB
v3-0002-Change-conversion-function-signature.patch text/x-patch 155.7 KB
v3-0003-Add-tests-for-the-new-noError-variants-of-built-i.patch text/x-patch 93.8 KB
v3-0004-Fix-bugs-in-the-commit-to-change-conversion-funct.patch text/x-patch 4.1 KB
v3-0005-Do-COPY-FROM-encoding-conversion-verification-in-.patch text/x-patch 42.1 KB

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