Last updated: December 8, 2020. View change history.
This policy pertains to our trademarks. Specifically, the terms Postgres and PostgreSQL and the Elephant Logo (Slonik) are all registered trademarks of the PostgreSQL Community Association of Canada. If you wish to use these marks, you must comply with this policy.
We have implemented this Trademark Policy because it is important to the Community that our trademarks are not used in ways that confuse people. For example, we do not want people to use our trademarks:
If these things happen, over time, our marks will lose their meaning. As the Community grows, the best way to ensure that this does not happen is by setting and enforcing standards for how our marks are used.
You may make fair use of Postgres or PostgreSQL to refer to the software in true factual statements. For example:
As long as you do not state or imply that that you or your business are affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored or approved by the PostgreSQL Community Association of Canada, PostgreSQL Global Development Group, PostgreSQL Project, PostgreSQL Core Team, or PostgreSQL Community, these kinds of uses of the words Postgres and PostgreSQL are generally fine.
Please adhere to the following guidelines when using the marks as permitted under this Trademark Policy. If you fail to do so, we may revoke your permission to use them.
The Elephant Logo (Slonik) must appear in one of the forms below:
For pretty much any use not discussed above, you must contact us for permission before you use our marks. For example, if you want to use our marks (or some variant of them) in your company name, product name or domain name, you must obtain prior approval. We will try to work with you to permit uses that support the PostgreSQL® project and our Community. Please note, however, that we will approve uses in our sole discretion, and that we will not be able to approve uses if we believe that they will cause confusion about your relationship with the PostgreSQL Community Association of Canada, PostgreSQL Global Development Group, PostgreSQL Project, PostgreSQL Core Team, or PostgreSQL Community.
The PostgreSQL Community Association of Canada does NOT make any express or implied warranties, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of any third-party intellectual property rights. We reserve the right to update this Trademark Policy from time to time without notice. Uses that predate this version of the Trademark Policy (i.e. uses prior to December 8, 2020) do not require permission from us so long as the use is consistent with this Policy. However, if you think you may have used the trademarks in the past in ways that would violate this Policy, we suggest seeking permission. Our aim is to work with you to support uses that support the project, however PostgreSQL Community Association of Canada reserves the right to deny trademark use that violates this Policy. Past use in violation of this policy does not confer a right to continue that use.
Please feel free to reach out to us by emailing with any questions or requests for approval.