SQLite fdw 2.1.0 released
Posted on 2021-09-25 by Toshiba
Related Open Source
We have just released version 2.1.0 of the Foreign Data Wrapper for SQLite.
This release can work with PostgreSQL 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.
This release improves following items :
- Support TRUNCATE
- Support Bulk Insert
- Support keep connection control and connection cache information
- Refactored tests
The FDW supports following key features :
- SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE of foreign tables
- WHERE clauses is push-downed
- Aggregate is push-downed
- ORDER BY is push-downed
- JOIN is push-downed (LEFT,RIGHT,INNER)
- LIMIT and OFFSET are push-downed (*when all tables queried are fdw)
- Transactions
This is developed by Toshiba Software Engineering & Technology Center.
Please see the repository for details.
Source repository : https://github.com/pgspider/sqlite_fdw
Best Regards,
HIROKI Kumagai