September 26, 2024: PostgreSQL 17 Released!

pgBadger v11.6 released

Posted on 2021-09-06 by Gilles Darold
Related Open Source

Libreville, Gabon - September 4th, 2021


pgBadger is a PostgreSQL performance analyzer, built for speed with fully detailed reports based on your PostgreSQL log files.

pgBadger 11.6 was released today, this release of pgBadger adds support for PostgreSQL 14 new log information, fixes some issues reported by users since past seven months and adds some improvements:

  • Add detection of Query Id in log_line_prefix, new in PG14.
  • Add advanced regression tests with db exclusion and the explode feature.
  • Improve speed of reports generation when --explode is used by using multi-process.
  • Add --iso-week-number in incremental mode, calendar's weeks start on a Monday and respect the ISO 8601 week number, range 01 to 53, where week 1 is the first week that has at least 4 days in the new year.
  • Add command line option --keep-comments to not remove comments from normalized queries. It can be useful if you want to distinguish between same normalized queries.
  • Skip INFO lines introduced in PostgreSQL log file by third parties software.
  • Add compatibility with PostgresPro log file including rows number and size in bytes following the statement duration.
  • Parse times with T's to allow using the timestamps from journalctl.
  • Improve Windows port.

Backward compatibility:

  • Expect that --iso-week-number will be the default in next major release and that --start-monday option will be removed as the week will always start a Monday. The possibility to have week reports start a Sunday (current default) will be removed to simplify the code.

For the complete list of changes, fixes and acknowledgements, please checkout the release note

Links & Credits


I would like to thank all users who submitted patches and users who reported bugs and feature requests, they are all cited the ChangeLog file.

pgBadger is an open project. Any contribution to build a better tool is welcome. You just have to send your ideas, features requests or patches using the GitHub tools or directly to


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About pgBadger

pgBagder is a new generation log analyzer for PostgreSQL, created by Gilles Darold (also author of ora2pg, the powerful migration tool). pgBadger is a fast and easy tool to analyze your SQL traffic and create HTML5 reports with dynamics graphs. pgBadger is the perfect tool to understand the behavior of your PostgreSQL servers and identify which SQL queries need to be optimized.

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