CloudNativePG 1.19.1, 1.18.3 and 1.17.5 Released!

Posted on 2023-03-21 by The CloudNativePG Contributors
Related Open Source

The CloudNativePG Community has released a new update for the supported 1.19, 1.18 and 1.17 versions of the CloudNativePG Operator.

Versions 1.19.1, 1.18.3 and 1.17.5 are patch releases containing a few bug fixes and minor enhancements, including:

  • enable overriding the default backup target policy for ScheduledBackup and Backup resources
  • additional metrics and information in the status, about the last time of success or failure of a backup
  • several improvements in the code for backup execution and management
  • fixes when adding WAL storage to an existing single-instance cluster
  • fixes with the application of nodeAffinity

With this release, version 1.17 has reached End-of-Life (EOL): version 1.17.5 is the last that will be released for the 1.17 minor version.

We encourage you to update the operator at your earliest possible convenience.

For a complete list of changes, please refer to:

About CloudNativePG

CloudNativePG is an open source Kubernetes Operator for PostgreSQL workloads that orchestrates the full life cycle of a PostgreSQL cluster, from bootstrapping and configuration, through high availability and connection routing, to backups and disaster recovery. CloudNativePG relies on PostgreSQL’s native streaming replication to distribute data across pods, nodes, and zones, using standard Kubernetes patterns. Replicas can be scaled up and down in a Kubernetes native manner, and the operator automatically and safely reconfigure replication as appropriate. CloudNativePG is a project originally created and supported by EDB.