We are very glad to announce the 3.3.0 version of E-Maj.
E-Maj is a PostgreSQL extension which enables fine-grained write logging and time travel on subsets of the database.
The major new feature introduced in this version is the ability to export and import parameters or tables groups configurations to or from JSON formatted files. This helps distributing full E-Maj environments on other databases.
The Emaj_web web client has been enhanced to take benefit from these features. A new page also reports details about an in progress or a completed E-Maj rollback operation.
The version also includes some fixes.
This new version supports from 9.5 to v12 PostgreSQL versions.
The full documentation is available on line. The core extension is available at pgxn.org or github.org.
The Emaj_web client is also available at github.org.
Have fun with E-Maj !