September 26, 2024: PostgreSQL 17 Released!

Announcing E-Maj 4.5.0.

Posted on 2024-09-11 by Philippe Beaudoin
Related Open Source

We are very glad to announce the 4.5.0 version of E-Maj.

E-Maj is a PostgreSQL extension which enables fine-grained write logging and time travel on subsets of the database.

This version brings the PostgreSQL 17 version compatibility. The emaj extension installation and uninstallation have been enhanced (Many thanks to David Wheeler for his valuable help on this topic). Aside a few bug fixes, it is now possible to monitor the changes recording activity with a new CLI command,, and a new "Activity" page in the Emaj_web client.

E-Maj 4.5.0 is compatible with Postgres 11 to 17 versions.

The full documentation is available on line. The core extension is available at for installation or for development.

The Emaj_web client is also available at

Have fun with E-Maj !