Active Query Builder now with ability to retrieve extended info about parameters.

Posted on 2006-12-04

We're glad to announce the new minor version of Active Query Builder and grant you a special 25% discount on Active Query Builder Single License for the whole Christmas season! Learn more about Christmas special offer.

What's new in Active Query Builder 1.7.5?

* We have implemented retrieval of extended information about parameters.

Now you can get table and field names to what this parameter will be applied. Also you can get the data type expected for this parameter. All these properties are available via the Parameters collection.

Most of demo projects now have example of working with extended information about parameters.

* We have made the new QueryStatistics.OutputColumns property to get access to output columns of the query. It allows you to retrieve maximum information about output columns:

  • SQL Expression and alias of expression,

  • Object name, Object alias and Field name (only if the column is based on single field).

* Better handling of the asterisk item in SELECT list: now the asterisk item (*) is added to a query by default and removed automatically when any other item is added to SELECT list.

* Multiple fixes and improvements for PostgreSQL dialect.

Learn more about Active Query Builder

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