release - ldap2pg v2.0

Posted on 2017-07-24 by Dalibo

Paris, France - July 24th, 2017

ldap2pg is a simple yet powerful tool to synchronize Postgres roles and ACLs from LDAP directories, including OpenLDAP and Active Directory.

Project goals include stability, portability, high configurability, state of the art code quality and nice user experience.

Here is what's new in version 2.0:

Inspect, grant and revoke custom ACLs.
Reassign objects on role delete.
Manage several databases.
Move to libldap through pyldap.
Accept standard libldap LDAP* env vars.
Deprecation: LDAP_* envvars are deprecated in favor of libldap2 regular envvars.
Read ldaprc files.
SSL/TLS support.
SASL authentification support.
Read configuration from stdin.

Here is some documentation to learn more about Ldap2pg:

Contribution: Check out our Github repository and help us if you can