Prague PostgreSQL Developer Day 2020

Date: 2020-02-05 – 2020-02-06
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Language: Czech
PostgreSQL Community Event This event is recognised under the community event guidelines.

To submit a talk or training proposal, please use the form at The submission deadline is December 6 (which is Friday). Speakers will be notified before December 13, 2019.

All selected speakers will get free entry to the conference (excluding training sessions). We do offer covering travel and accommodations for foreign speakers (generally enough for two nights in a hotel and travel within Europe). If you require assistance with funding to be able to attend, please make a note of this in the submission notes field.

We have also opened our Call for Sponsors. We offer three sponsorship levels (see If you are interested, please see the details at

Posted by CSPUG (Czech and Slovak PostgreSQL Users Group).

Note: The PostgreSQL Global Development Group does not endorse any events run by third parties. No guarantee of the quality of events is offered whatsoever.