PostgreSQL@SCaLE is a two day, two track event which takes place on Thursday/Friday March 5-6, 2020, at Pasadena Convention Center, as part of SCaLE 18x. PostgreSQL@SCaLE will present talks designed for a general audience of web developers, sysadmins, DBAs and open source users. Presentations will have significant technical content in lecture-style breakout sessions.
SCaLE is a completely volunteer-driven event, and in the last decade it has grown into the largest volunteer-run Linux/FOSS event in North America. SCaLE 18x takes place on March 5-8, 2020.
We look forward to seeing you in March!
2020 PostgreSQL@SCaLE Program Committee[1]
[1] The Program Committee is responsible for the overall organization of the event, including talk selection.
Posted by SCaLE Conference.
Note: The PostgreSQL Global Development Group does not endorse any events run by third parties. No guarantee of the quality of events is offered whatsoever.