
Date: 2016-06-28 – 2016-06-29
Location: Milano, MILANO, Italy
Language: English

The event promotes the open source philosophy. Industry experts will help participants to understand the opportunity from a practical point of view, exploring the competitive advantages that open source reserves to the company business.

The highlight of this edition is the presence of new technologies with which PostgreSQL is perfectly integrated with, proving that although it is a DBMS written in a standard language, it is capable of addressing innovative challenges, obtaining excellent results.

5432...MeetUs! Two days to spend with sponsors, speakers and participants in order to explore and share ideas, promote their brands and their skills in a collaborative, funny and exciting atmosphere, in the typical open source style.

Multi-languages conference (English and Italian) - http://5432meet.us/

L'evento promuove la filosofia open source. Esperti del settore aiuteranno i partecipanti a comprenderne le opportunità da un punto di vista concreto, esplorando i vantaggi competitivi che l’open source riserva al business aziendale.

Novità di rilievo di questa edizione è rappresentata dalla presenza delle nuove tecnologie con cui PostgreSQL si integra perfettamente, a dimostrazione che pur trattandosi di un DBMS scritto con un linguaggio classico è in grado di affrontare problemi innovativi ottenendo risultati d’eccellenza.

5432...MeetUs! Due giorni in cui sponsor e partecipanti potranno esplorare e condividere idee, promuovere i loro brand e le loro competenze in un'atmosfera collaborativa e di festa, in pieno stile open source.

Multi-languages conference (English and Italian) - http://5432meet.us/

Posted by 2ndQuadrant Italia.

Note: The PostgreSQL Global Development Group does not endorse any events run by third parties. No guarantee of the quality of events is offered whatsoever.