Re: POC, WIP: OR-clause support for indexes

From: Alena Rybakina <lena(dot)ribackina(at)yandex(dot)ru>
To: Peter Geoghegan <pg(at)bowt(dot)ie>
Cc: Marcos Pegoraro <marcos(at)f10(dot)com(dot)br>, Alena Rybakina <a(dot)rybakina(at)postgrespro(dot)ru>, Andrey Lepikhov <a(dot)lepikhov(at)postgrespro(dot)ru>, pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org, teodor(at)sigaev(dot)ru
Subject: Re: POC, WIP: OR-clause support for indexes
Date: 2023-06-27 15:49:20
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

On 27.06.2023 16:19, Alena Rybakina wrote:
> Thank you for your feedback, your work is also very interesting and
> important, and I will be happy to review it. I learned something new
> from your letter, thank you very much for that!
> I analyzed the buffer consumption when I ran control regression tests
> using my patch. diff shows me that there is no difference between the
> number of buffer block scans without and using my patch, as far as I
> have seen. (regression.diffs)
> In addition, I analyzed the scheduling and duration of the execution
> time of the source code and with my applied patch. I generated 20
> billion data from pgbench and plotted the scheduling and execution
> time depending on the number of "or" expressions.
> By runtime, I noticed a clear acceleration for queries when using the
> index, but I can't say the same when the index is disabled.
> At first I turned it off in this way:
> 1)enable_seqscan='off'
> 2)enable_indexonlyscan='off'
> enable_indexscan='off'
> Unfortunately, it is not yet clear which constant needs to be set when
> the transformation needs to be done, I will still study in detail.
> (the graph for all this is presented in graph1.svg)
> \\
> --
> Regards,
> Alena Rybakina
Sorry, just now I noticed that there were incorrect names in the
headings of the pictures, I corrected it. I also attach its html copy,
because it may be more convenient for viewing it.

Alena Rybakina

Attachment Content-Type Size
graphs.html text/html 3.6 MB
graphs.png image/png 90.1 KB

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