Cutting support for OpenSSL 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 in 17~?

From: Michael Paquier <michael(at)paquier(dot)xyz>
To: Postgres hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Cutting support for OpenSSL 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 in 17~?
Date: 2023-05-24 08:22:14
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Hi all,

$Subject says it all. Based on an analysis of the code, I can note
the following when it comes to the removal of 1.0.1:
- A lot of code related to channel binding is now simplified as
X509_get_signature_nid() always exists, mostly around its CFLAGS.
- This removes the comments related to 1.0.1e introduced by 74242c2.

Then for 1.0.2, the following flags can be gone:

It would be nice to remove CRYPTO_lock(), but from what I can see the
function still exists in LibreSSL, meaning that libpq locking wouldn't
be thread-safe if these function's paths are removed.

Another related question is how much do we care about builds with
LibreSSL with MSVC? This patch sets takes the simple path of assuming
that this has never been really tested, and if you look at the MSVC
scripts on HEAD we rely on a version number from OpenSSL, which is not
something LibreSSL copes nicely with already, as documented in

OpenSSL 1.0.2 has been EOLd at the end of 2019, and 1.0.1 had its last
minor release in September 2019, so with Postgres 17 targetted in
September/October 2024, we would be five years behind that.

Last comes the buildfarm, and I suspect that a few animals are
building with 1.0.2. Among what I have spotted:
- wobbegong and vulpes, on Fedora 27, though I could not find
references about the version used there.
- bonito, on Fedora 29.
- SUSE 12 SP{4,5} have 1.0.2 as their newer version.
- butterflyfish may not like that, if I recall correctly, as it should
have 1.0.2.

So, it seems to me that 1.0.1 would be a rather silent move for the
buildfarm, and 1.0.2 could lead to some noise. Note as well that
1.1.0 support has been stopped by upstream at the same time as 1.0.1,
with a last minor release in September 2019, though that feels like a
huge jump at this stage. On a code basis, removing 1.0.1 leads to the
most cleanup. The removal of 1.0.2 would be nice, but the tweaks
needed for LibreSSL make it less appealing.

Attached are two patches to remove support for 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 for
now, kept separated for clarity, to be considered as something to do
at the beginning of the v17 cycle. 0001 is in a rather good shape
seen from here.

Now, for 0002 and the removal of 1.0.2, I am seeing two things once
OPENSSL_API_COMPAT is bumped from 0x10002000L to 0x10100000L:
- be-secure-openssl.c requires an extra openssl/bn.h, which is not a
big deal, from what I get.
- Much more interesting: OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms() has two macros
that get removed, see include/openssl/evp.h:
# define OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms() \
# else
# define OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms() \
# endif

The part where I am not quite sure of what to do is about
OPENSSL_LOAD_CONF. We could call directly OPENSSL_init_crypto() and
it feels a bit ugly to copy-paste this code from OpenSSL itself.
Note that patch 0002 still has OPENSSL_API_COMPAT at 0x10002000L.
OPENSSL_init_crypto() looks to be in LibreSSL, and it is new in
OpenSSL 1.1.0, so switching the minimum to OpenSSL 1.1.0 should not
require a new cflags on this one.


Attachment Content-Type Size
v1-0001-Remove-support-for-OpenSSL-1.0.1.patch text/x-diff 17.3 KB
v1-0002-Remove-support-for-OpenSSL-1.0.2.patch text/x-diff 15.8 KB


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