From: | Alena Rybakina <a(dot)rybakina(at)postgrespro(dot)ru> |
To: | Nikolay Shaplov <dhyan(at)nataraj(dot)su>, pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org |
Cc: | Alexander Korotkov <aekorotkov(at)gmail(dot)com>, Andrei Lepikhov <a(dot)lepikhov(at)postgrespro(dot)ru>, jian he <jian(dot)universality(at)gmail(dot)com>, Robert Haas <robertmhaas(at)gmail(dot)com>, pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org, Peter Geoghegan <pg(at)bowt(dot)ie>, "Finnerty, Jim" <jfinnert(at)amazon(dot)com>, Marcos Pegoraro <marcos(at)f10(dot)com(dot)br>, teodor(at)sigaev(dot)ru, Tomas Vondra <tomas(dot)vondra(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>, Peter Eisentraut <peter(at)eisentraut(dot)org>, Ranier Vilela <ranier(dot)vf(at)gmail(dot)com> |
Subject: | Re: POC, WIP: OR-clause support for indexes |
Date: | 2024-07-11 16:17:42 |
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Hi, again!
I have finished patch and processed almost your suggestions (from [0],
[1], [2]). It remainsonlyto addtestswherethe conversionshouldwork,butI
willaddthis inthe nextversion.
On 09.07.2024 04:57, Alena Rybakina wrote:
> Hi! Thank you for your review! Sorryforthe delayin responding.
> Irewrotethe patchasyourequested,butnowI'm facedwiththe problemof
> processingthe elementsof the or_entries list.For somereason,
> thepointerto thelistis cleared and I couldn't find the place where it
> happened.MaybeI'mmissingsomethingsimpleinviewof the heavyworkloadright
> now,butmaybeyou'll seea problem?Ihave displayedpart of stackbelow.
> #5 0x00005b0f6d9f6a6a in ExceptionalCondition
> (conditionName=0x5b0f6dbb74f7 "IsPointerList(list)",
> fileName=0x5b0f6dbb7418 "list.c", lineNumber=341) at assert.c:66 #6
> 0x00005b0f6d5dc3ba in lappend (list=0x5b0f6eec5ca0,
> datum=0x5b0f6eec0d90) at list.c:341 #7 0x00005b0f6d69230c in
> transform_or_to_any (root=0x5b0f6eeb13c8, orlist=0x5b0f6eec57c0) at
> initsplan.c:2818 #8 0x00005b0f6d692958 in add_base_clause_to_rel
> (root=0x5b0f6eeb13c8, relid=1, restrictinfo=0x5b0f6eec5990) at
> initsplan.c:2982 #9 0x00005b0f6d692e5f in
> distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels (root=0x5b0f6eeb13c8,
> restrictinfo=0x5b0f6eec5990) at initsplan.c:3175 #10
> 0x00005b0f6d691bf2 in distribute_qual_to_rels (root=0x5b0f6eeb13c8,
> clause=0x5b0f6eec0fc0, jtitem=0x5b0f6eec4330, sjinfo=0x0,
> security_level=0, qualscope=0x5b0f6eec4730, ojscope=0x0,
> outerjoin_nonnullable=0x0, incompatible_relids=0x0,
> allow_equivalence=true, has_clone=false, is_clone=false,
> postponed_oj_qual_list=0x0) at initsplan.c:2576 #11 0x00005b0f6d69146f
> in distribute_quals_to_rels (root=0x5b0f6eeb13c8,
> clauses=0x5b0f6eec0bb0, jtitem=0x5b0f6eec4330, sjinfo=0x0,
> security_level=0, qualscope=0x5b0f6eec4730, ojscope=0x0,
> outerjoin_nonnullable=0x0, incompatible_relids=0x0,
> allow_equivalence=true, has_clone=false, is_clone=false,
> postponed_oj_qual_list=0x0) at initsplan.c:2144
> Thisis stillthe firstiterationof the fixesyouhave proposed,soI have
> attachedthe patchindiffformat.I rewroteit,asyousuggestedinthe
> firstletter[0].Icreateda separatefunctionthattriesto forman
> OrClauseGroup node,butifit failsinthis, it returnsfalse,otherwiseit
> processesthe generatedelementaccordingtowhat it found-eitheraddsit to
> thelistasnew,oraddsa constantto anexistingone.
> Ialsodividedonegenerallistof
> suitableforconversionandunsuitableintotwodifferentones:appropriate_entriesandor_entries.Nowweare
> onlylookinginthe listof suitableelementstoformANYexpr.
> Thishelpsusto get ridofrepetitionsinthe codeyoumentioned.
> Pleasewriteifthisis notthelogicthatyouhave seenbefore.
> [0]
The errorwascausedby the specificsof storingthe "OR"clausesinthe
RestrictInfostructure.Scanning the orclauses list of the RestrictInfo
variable, wecouldfacenotonlytheitem with RestrictInfo
type,butalsotheBoolExpr type.
For example, when we have both or clauses and "AND" clauses together,
like x = 1 and (y =1 or y=2 or y=3 and z = 1). The structure looks like:
RestrictInfo->orclauses = [RestrictInfo [x=1],
RestrictInfo->orclauses = [RestrictInfo[y=1],
RestrictInfo [y=2],
BoolExpr = [Restrictinfo [y=3], RestrictInfo [z=1]
Alena Rybakina
Postgres Professional:
The Russian Postgres Company
Attachment | Content-Type | Size |
v26-0001-Transform-OR-clauses-to-ANY-expression.patch | text/x-patch | 24.7 KB |
v26-0002-Add-some-new-tests-to-check-the-functionality-of.patch | text/x-patch | 3.5 KB |
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