Re: First SVG graphic

From: Jürgen Purtz <juergen(at)purtz(dot)de>
To: pgsql-docs(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: First SVG graphic
Date: 2019-03-28 11:24:58
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Lists: pgsql-docs

On 28.03.19 09:52, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> On 2019-03-28 09:03, Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
>>> This has been committed. The SVG images are committed as well, so no
>>> new tools are required.
>> What is the policy of adding graphics to PostgreSQL 12? Is it
>> encouraged to add more graphics to 12 docs? Or do we want to prohibit
>> it?
> I have nothing against a few more, especially if they stay within the
> provided tooling.
Because many of the prospective authors voted for Inkscape in the course
of this discussion, there shall be at least one example in Inkscape format.

There were reservations against the published Inkscape files because
they didn't made use of any 'higher-level-concept'. Please find a new
Inkscape version of the pg_dump which uses such concepts. It groups
texts and paths together to logical units (disc with explanation). You
can rearrange such units as a whole or align a set of them to left, top,
... with Inkscape (iconized) commands. Additionally those objects are
linked together with connectors to rearrange their position by
drag-and-drop. The resulting file in 'Optimized' version is also attached.

Kind regards, Jürgen

Attachment Content-Type Size
pgDump_Inkscape.svg image/svg+xml 10.2 KB
pgDump.svg image/svg+xml 5.1 KB

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