Re: Vacuum statistics

From: Alena Rybakina <a(dot)rybakina(at)postgrespro(dot)ru>
To: Jim Nasby <jnasby(at)upgrade(dot)com>
Cc: Andrei Zubkov <zubkov(at)moonset(dot)ru>, Alexander Korotkov <aekorotkov(at)gmail(dot)com>, Masahiko Sawada <sawada(dot)mshk(at)gmail(dot)com>, Melanie Plageman <melanieplageman(at)gmail(dot)com>, jian he <jian(dot)universality(at)gmail(dot)com>, pgsql-hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>, a(dot)lepikhov(at)postgrespro(dot)ru
Subject: Re: Vacuum statistics
Date: 2024-11-13 16:21:25
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Hi! Thank you for your contribution to this thread!

On 13.11.2024 03:24, Jim Nasby wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2024, at 2:09 PM, Alena Rybakina
> <a(dot)rybakina(at)postgrespro(dot)ru> wrote:
>> On 08.11.2024 22:34, Jim Nasby wrote:
>>>> On Nov 2, 2024, at 7:22 AM, Alena Rybakina
>>>> <a(dot)rybakina(at)postgrespro(dot)ru> wrote:
>>>>>> The second is the interrupts field. It is needed for monitoring to know
>>>>>> do we have them or not, so tracking them on the database level will do
>>>>>> the trick. Interrupt is quite rare event, so once the monitoring system
>>>>>> will catch one the DBA can go to the server log for the details.
>>>>> Just to confirm… by “interrupt” you mean vacuum encountered an error?
>>>> Yes it is.
>>> In that case I feel rather strongly that we should label that as
>>> “errors”. “Interrupt” could mean a few different things, but “error”
>>> is very clear.
>>>> I updated patches. I excluded system and user time statistics and
>>>> save number of interrupts only for database.I removed the ability
>>>> to get statistics for all tables, now they can only be obtained for
>>>> an oid table [0], as suggested here. I also renamed the statistics
>>>> from pg_stat_vacuum_tables to pg_stat_get_vacuum_tables and
>>>> similarly for indexes and databases. I noticed that that’s what
>>>> they’re mostly called. Ready for discussion.
>>> I think it’s better that the views follow the existing naming
>>> conventions (which don’t include “_get_”; only the functions have
>>> that in their names). Assuming that, the only question becomes
>>> pg_stat_vacuum_* vs pg_stat_*_vacuum. Given the existing precedent
>>> of pg_statio_*, I’m inclined to go with pg_stat_vacuum_*.
>> I have fixed it.
> I’ve reviewed and made some cosmetic changes to patch 1, though of
> note it looks like an effort has been made to keep
> stat_reset_timestamp at the end of PgStat_StatDBEntry, so I
> re-arranged that. I also removed some obviously dead code. It appears
> that pgstat_update_snapshot(), InitSnapshotIterator() and
> ScanStatSnapshot() are also dead, but I’ve left it in incase I’m
> missing something. The tests are also failing for me because a number
> of psql variables aren’t set.
Thank you! Yes, I have deleted them.
> I do think we should separate out the counts for deleted but still
> visible tuples vs tuples where we couldn’t get a cleanup lock (in
> other words, recently_dead_tuples and missed_dead_tuples
> from LVRelState). I realize that’s a departure from how some of the
> existing reporting works, but IMO combining them together isn’t a
> pattern we should be repeating since they mean completely different
> things. Towards that end I did remove missed_dead_tuples from the
> reporting, and renamed ExtVacReport.dead_tuples to
> recently_dead_tuples, but I stopped short of creating a separate entry
> for missed_dead_tuples. Note that while recently_dead_tuples is really
> a global thing (so only needs to be reported at a global (or at most
> per-database) level, but missed_dead_tuples should really be at a
> per-table level.
I am willing to agree with your idea. But we need to think about how
clearly describe them in the documentation.
> Updated 0001-v13 attached, as well as the diff between v12 and v13.
Thank you)

And I agree with your changes. And included them in patches.

Alena Rybakina
Postgres Professional

Attachment Content-Type Size
v13-0001-Machinery-for-grabbing-an-extended-vacuum-statistics.patch text/x-patch 65.0 KB
v13-0002-Machinery-for-grabbing-an-extended-vacuum-statistics.patch text/x-patch 43.2 KB
v13-0003-Machinery-for-grabbing-an-extended-vacuum-statistics.patch text/x-patch 22.2 KB
v13-0004-Add-documentation-about-the-system-views-that-are-us.patch text/x-patch 27.1 KB

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