Re: avoid bitmapOR-ing indexes with scan condition inconsistent with partition constraint

From: Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>
To: Konstantin Knizhnik <knizhnik(at)garret(dot)ru>
Cc: pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org, Justin Pryzby <justin(at)telsasoft(dot)com>
Subject: Re: avoid bitmapOR-ing indexes with scan condition inconsistent with partition constraint
Date: 2020-11-12 20:14:34
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

I started looking through this patch. I really quite dislike solving
this via a kluge in indxpath.c. There are multiple disadvantages
to that:

* It only helps for the very specific problem of redundant bitmap
index scans, whereas the problem of applying redundant qual checks
in partition scans seems pretty general.

* It's not unlikely that this will end up trying to make the same
proof multiple times (and the lack of any way to turn that off,
through constraint_exclusion or some other knob, isn't too cool).

* It does nothing to fix rowcount estimates in the light of the
knowledge that some of the restriction clauses are no-ops. Now,
if we have up-to-date stats we'll probably manage to come out with
an appropriate 0 or 1 selectivity anyway, but we might not have those.
In any case, spending significant effort to estimate a selectivity
when some other part of the code has taken the trouble to *prove* the
clause true or false seems very undesirable.

* I'm not even convinced that the logic is correct, specifically that
it's okay to just "continue" if we refute the OR clause. That seems
likely to break generate_bitmap_or_paths' surrounding loop logic about
"We must be able to match at least one index to each of the arms of
the OR". At least, if that still works it requires more than zero
commentary about why.

So I like much better the idea of Konstantin's old patch, that we modify
the rel's baserestrictinfo list by removing quals that we can prove
true. We could extend that to solve the bitmapscan problem by removing
OR arms that we can prove false. So I started to review that patch more
carefully, and after awhile realized that it has a really fundamental
problem: it is trying to use CHECK predicates to prove WHERE clauses.
But we don't know that CHECK predicates are true, only that they are
not-false, and there is no proof mode in predtest.c that will allow
proving some clauses true based only on other ones being not-false.

We can salvage something by restricting the input quals to be only
partition quals, since those are built to be guaranteed-true-or-false;
we can assume they don't yield NULL. There's a hole in that for
hashing, as I noted elsewhere, but we'll fail to prove anything anyway
from a satisfies_hash_partition() qual. (In principle we could also use
attnotnull quals, which also have that property. But I'm dubious that
that will help often enough to be worth the extra cycles for predtest.c
to process them.)

So after a bit of coding I had the attached. This follows Konstantin's
original patch in letting relation_excluded_by_constraints() change
the baserestrictinfo list. I read the comments in the older thread
about people not liking that, and I can see the point. But I'm not
convinced that the later iterations of the patch were an improvement,
because (a) the call locations for
remove_restrictions_implied_by_constraints() seemed pretty random, and
(b) it seems necessary to have relation_excluded_by_constraints() and
remove_restrictions_implied_by_constraints() pretty much in bed with
each other if we don't want to duplicate constraint-fetching work.
Note the comment on get_relation_constraints() that it's called at
most once per relation; that's not something I particularly desire
to give up, because a relcache open isn't terribly cheap. Also
(c) I think it's important that there be a way to suppress this
overhead when it's not useful. In the patch as attached, turning off
constraint_exclusion does that since relation_excluded_by_constraints()
falls out before getting to the new code. If we make
remove_restrictions_implied_by_constraints() independent then it
will need some possibly-quite-duplicative logic to check
constraint_exclusion. (Of course, if we'd rather condition this
on some other GUC then that argument falls down. But I think we
need something.) So, I'm not dead set on this code structure, but
I haven't seen one I like better.

Anyway, this seems to work, and if the regression test changes are
any guide then it may fire often enough in the real world to be useful.
Nonetheless, I'm concerned about performance, because predtest.c is a
pretty expensive thing and there will be a lot of cases where the work
is useless. I did a quick check using pgbench's option to partition
the tables, and observed that the -S (select only) test case seemed to
get about 2.5% slower with the patch than without. That's not far
outside the noise floor, so maybe it's not real, but if it is real then
it seems pretty disastrous. Perhaps we could avoid that problem by
removing the "predicate_implied_by" cases and only trying the
"predicate_refuted_by" case, so that no significant time is added
unless you've got an OR restriction clause on a partitioned table.
That seems like it'd lose a lot of the benefit though :-(.

So I'm not sure where to go from here. Thoughts? Anyone else
care to run some performance tests?

regards, tom lane

Attachment Content-Type Size
v5-0001-prune-restrictions-using-constraints.patch text/x-diff 104.3 KB

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