Re: psql: add \si, \sm, \st and \sr functions to show CREATE commands for indexes, matviews, triggers and tables

From: Anastasia Lubennikova <a(dot)lubennikova(at)postgrespro(dot)ru>
To: Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>, a(dot)pervushina(at)postgrespro(dot)ru
Cc: Anna Akenteva <a(dot)akenteva(at)postgrespro(dot)ru>, pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: psql: add \si, \sm, \st and \sr functions to show CREATE commands for indexes, matviews, triggers and tables
Date: 2020-11-24 10:04:58
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

On 18.08.2020 17:25, Tom Lane wrote:
> a(dot)pervushina(at)postgrespro(dot)ru writes:
>> [ si_st_sm_sr_v2.patch ]
> I hadn't particularly noticed this thread before, but I happened to
> look through this patch, and I've got to say that this proposed feature
> seems like an absolute disaster from a maintenance standpoint. There
> will be no value in an \st command that is only 90% accurate; the produced
> DDL has to be 100% correct. This means that, if we accept this feature,
> psql will have to know everything pg_dump knows about how to construct the
> DDL describing tables, indexes, views, etc. That is a lot of code, and
> it's messy, and it changes nontrivially on a very regular basis. I can't
> accept that we want another copy in psql --- especially one that looks
> nothing like what pg_dump has.
> There've been repeated discussions about somehow extracting pg_dump's
> knowledge into a library that would also be available to other client
> programs (see e.g. the concurrent thread at [1]). That's quite a tall
> order, which is why it's not happened yet. But I think we really need
> to have something like that before we can accept this feature for psql.
> BTW, as an example of why this is far more difficult than it might
> seem at first glance, this patch doesn't even begin to meet the
> expectation stated at the top of describe.c:
> * Support for the various \d ("describe") commands. Note that the current
> * expectation is that all functions in this file will succeed when working
> * with servers of versions 7.4 and up. It's okay to omit irrelevant
> * information for an old server, but not to fail outright.
> It might be okay for this to cut off at 8.0 or so, as I think pg_dump
> does, but not to just fail on older servers.
> Another angle, which I'm not even sure how we want to think about it, is
> security. It will not do for "\et" to allow some attacker to replace
> function calls appearing in the table's CHECK constraints, for instance.
> So this means you've got to be very aware of CVE-2018-1058-style attacks.
> Our answer to that for pg_dump has partially depended on restricting the
> search_path used at both dump and restore time ... but I don't think \et
> gets to override the search path that the psql user is using. I'm not
> sure what that means in practice but it certainly requires some thought
> before we add the feature, not after.
> Anyway, I can see the attraction of having psql commands like these,
> but "write a bunch of new code that we'll have to maintain" does not
> seem like a desirable way to get them.
> regards, tom lane
> [1]

Since there has been no activity on this thread since before the CF and
no response from the author I have marked this "returned with feedback".

Alexandra, feel free to resubmit it to the next commitfest, when you
have time to address the issues raised in the review.

Anastasia Lubennikova
Postgres Professional:
The Russian Postgres Company

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