Re: Removing unneeded self joins

From: Andrey Lepikhov <a(dot)lepikhov(at)postgrespro(dot)ru>
To: "Gregory Stark (as CFM)" <stark(dot)cfm(at)gmail(dot)com>, Michał Kłeczek <michal(at)kleczek(dot)org>
Cc: PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Removing unneeded self joins
Date: 2023-09-12 11:49:05
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On 5/7/2023 21:28, Andrey Lepikhov wrote:
> Hi,
> During the significant code revision in v.41 I lost some replacement
> operations. Here is the fix and extra tests to check this in the future.
> Also, Tom added the JoinDomain structure five months ago, and I added
> code to replace relids for that place too.
> One more thing, I found out that we didn't replace SJs, defined by
> baserestrictinfos if no one self-join clause have existed for the join.
> Now, it is fixed, and the test has been added.
> To understand changes readily, see the delta file in the attachment.
Here is new patch in attachment. Rebased on current master and some
minor gaffes are fixed.

Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional

Attachment Content-Type Size
v43-0001-Remove-self-joins.patch text/plain 96.6 KB

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