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B.3. Date/Time Key Words

Table B.1 shows the tokens that are recognized as names of months.

Table B.1. Month Names

Month Abbreviations
January Jan
February Feb
March Mar
April Apr
June Jun
July Jul
August Aug
September Sep, Sept
October Oct
November Nov
December Dec

Table B.2 shows the tokens that are recognized as names of days of the week.

Table B.2. Day of the Week Names

Day Abbreviations
Sunday Sun
Monday Mon
Tuesday Tue, Tues
Wednesday Wed, Weds
Thursday Thu, Thur, Thurs
Friday Fri
Saturday Sat

Table B.3 shows the tokens that serve various modifier purposes.

Table B.3. Date/Time Field Modifiers

Identifier Description
AM Time is before 12:00
AT Ignored
JULIAN, JD, J Next field is Julian Date
ON Ignored
PM Time is on or after 12:00
T Next field is time