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8.7. Enumerated Types

Enumerated (enum) types are data types that are comprised of a static, predefined set of values with a specific order. They are equivalent to the enum types in a number of programming languages. An example of an enum type might be the days of the week, or a set of status values for a piece of data.

8.7.1. Declaration of Enumerated Types

Enum types are created using the CREATE TYPE command, for example:

CREATE TYPE mood AS ENUM ('sad', 'ok', 'happy');

Once created, the enum type can be used in table and function definitions much like any other type:

Example 8-3. Basic Enum Usage

CREATE TYPE mood AS ENUM ('sad', 'ok', 'happy');
    name text,
    current_mood mood
INSERT INTO person VALUES ('Moe', 'happy');
SELECT * FROM person WHERE current_mood = 'happy';
 name | current_mood 
 Moe  | happy
(1 row)

8.7.2. Ordering

The ordering of the values in an enum type is the order in which the values were listed when the type was declared. All standard comparison operators and related aggregate functions are supported for enums. For example:

Example 8-4. Enum Ordering

INSERT INTO person VALUES ('Larry', 'sad');
INSERT INTO person VALUES ('Curly', 'ok');
SELECT * FROM person WHERE current_mood > 'sad';
 name  | current_mood 
 Moe   | happy
 Curly | ok
(2 rows)

SELECT * FROM person WHERE current_mood > 'sad' ORDER BY current_mood;
 name  | current_mood 
 Curly | ok
 Moe   | happy
(2 rows)

SELECT name FROM person
  WHERE current_mood = (SELECT MIN(current_mood) FROM person);
(1 row)

8.7.3. Type Safety

Enumerated types are completely separate data types and may not be compared with each other.

Example 8-5. Lack of Casting

CREATE TYPE happiness AS ENUM ('happy', 'very happy', 'ecstatic');
CREATE TABLE holidays (                                           
    num_weeks int,
    happiness happiness
INSERT INTO holidays(num_weeks,happiness) VALUES (4, 'happy');
INSERT INTO holidays(num_weeks,happiness) VALUES (6, 'very happy');
INSERT INTO holidays(num_weeks,happiness) VALUES (8, 'ecstatic');
INSERT INTO holidays(num_weeks,happiness) VALUES (2, 'sad');
ERROR:  invalid input value for enum happiness: "sad"
SELECT, holidays.num_weeks FROM person, holidays
  WHERE person.current_mood = holidays.happiness;
ERROR:  operator does not exist: mood = happiness

If you really need to do something like that, you can either write a custom operator or add explicit casts to your query:

Example 8-6. Comparing Different Enums by Casting to Text

SELECT, holidays.num_weeks FROM person, holidays
  WHERE person.current_mood::text = holidays.happiness::text;
 name | num_weeks 
 Moe  |         4
(1 row)

8.7.4. Implementation Details

An enum value occupies four bytes on disk. The length of an enum value's textual label is limited by the NAMEDATALEN setting compiled into PostgreSQL; in standard builds this means at most 63 bytes.

Enum labels are case sensitive, so 'happy' is not the same as 'HAPPY'. Spaces in the labels are significant, too.