September 26, 2024: PostgreSQL 17 Released!
Supported Versions: Current (17) / 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12
Development Versions: devel
Unsupported versions: 11 / 10 / 9.6 / 9.5 / 9.4 / 9.3 / 9.2 / 9.1 / 9.0 / 8.4 / 8.3 / 8.2

D.1. Supported Features

Identifier Core? Description Comment
B012   Embedded C  
B021   Direct SQL  
E011 Core Numeric data types  
E011-01 Core INTEGER and SMALLINT data types  
E011-02 Core REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, and FLOAT data types  
E011-03 Core DECIMAL and NUMERIC data types  
E011-04 Core Arithmetic operators  
E011-05 Core Numeric comparison  
E011-06 Core Implicit casting among the numeric data types  
E021 Core Character data types  
E021-01 Core CHARACTER data type  
E021-02 Core CHARACTER VARYING data type  
E021-03 Core Character literals  
E021-04 Core CHARACTER_LENGTH function trims trailing spaces from CHARACTER values before counting
E021-05 Core OCTET_LENGTH function  
E021-06 Core SUBSTRING function  
E021-07 Core Character concatenation  
E021-08 Core UPPER and LOWER functions  
E021-09 Core TRIM function  
E021-10 Core Implicit casting among the character string types  
E021-11 Core POSITION function  
E021-12 Core Character comparison  
E031 Core Identifiers  
E031-01 Core Delimited identifiers  
E031-02 Core Lower case identifiers  
E031-03 Core Trailing underscore  
E051 Core Basic query specification  
E051-02 Core GROUP BY clause  
E051-04 Core GROUP BY can contain columns not in <select list>  
E051-05 Core Select list items can be renamed  
E051-06 Core HAVING clause  
E051-07 Core Qualified * in select list  
E051-08 Core Correlation names in the FROM clause  
E051-09 Core Rename columns in the FROM clause  
E061 Core Basic predicates and search conditions  
E061-01 Core Comparison predicate  
E061-02 Core BETWEEN predicate  
E061-03 Core IN predicate with list of values  
E061-04 Core LIKE predicate  
E061-05 Core LIKE predicate ESCAPE clause  
E061-06 Core NULL predicate  
E061-07 Core Quantified comparison predicate  
E061-08 Core EXISTS predicate  
E061-09 Core Subqueries in comparison predicate  
E061-11 Core Subqueries in IN predicate  
E061-12 Core Subqueries in quantified comparison predicate  
E061-13 Core Correlated subqueries  
E061-14 Core Search condition  
E071 Core Basic query expressions  
E071-01 Core UNION DISTINCT table operator  
E071-02 Core UNION ALL table operator  
E071-03 Core EXCEPT DISTINCT table operator  
E071-05 Core Columns combined via table operators need not have exactly the same data type  
E071-06 Core Table operators in subqueries  
E081 Core Basic Privileges  
E081-01 Core SELECT privilege  
E081-02 Core DELETE privilege  
E081-03 Core INSERT privilege at the table level  
E081-04 Core UPDATE privilege at the table level  
E081-05 Core UPDATE privilege at the column level  
E081-06 Core REFERENCES privilege at the table level  
E081-07 Core REFERENCES privilege at the column level  
E081-09 Core USAGE privilege  
E081-10 Core EXECUTE privilege  
E091 Core Set functions  
E091-01 Core AVG  
E091-02 Core COUNT  
E091-03 Core MAX  
E091-04 Core MIN  
E091-05 Core SUM  
E091-06 Core ALL quantifier  
E091-07 Core DISTINCT quantifier  
E101 Core Basic data manipulation  
E101-01 Core INSERT statement  
E101-03 Core Searched UPDATE statement  
E101-04 Core Searched DELETE statement  
E111 Core Single row SELECT statement  
E121 Core Basic cursor support  
E121-02 Core ORDER BY columns need not be in select list  
E121-03 Core Value expressions in ORDER BY clause  
E121-04 Core OPEN statement  
E121-06 Core Positioned UPDATE statement  
E121-07 Core Positioned DELETE statement  
E121-08 Core CLOSE statement  
E121-10 Core FETCH statement implicit NEXT  
E121-17 Core WITH HOLD cursors  
E131 Core Null value support (nulls in lieu of values)  
E141 Core Basic integrity constraints  
E141-01 Core NOT NULL constraints  
E141-02 Core UNIQUE constraints of NOT NULL columns  
E141-03 Core PRIMARY KEY constraints  
E141-04 Core Basic FOREIGN KEY constraint with the NO ACTION default for both referential delete action and referential update action  
E141-06 Core CHECK constraints  
E141-07 Core Column defaults  
E141-08 Core NOT NULL inferred on PRIMARY KEY  
E141-10 Core Names in a foreign key can be specified in any order  
E151 Core Transaction support  
E151-01 Core COMMIT statement  
E151-02 Core ROLLBACK statement  
E152 Core Basic SET TRANSACTION statement  
E152-02 Core SET TRANSACTION statement: READ ONLY and READ WRITE clauses  
E153 Core Updatable queries with subqueries  
E161 Core SQL comments using leading double minus  
E171 Core SQLSTATE support  
E182 Core Host language binding  
F021 Core Basic information schema  
F021-01 Core COLUMNS view  
F021-02 Core TABLES view  
F021-03 Core VIEWS view  
F021-04 Core TABLE_CONSTRAINTS view  
F021-06 Core CHECK_CONSTRAINTS view  
F031 Core Basic schema manipulation  
F031-01 Core CREATE TABLE statement to create persistent base tables  
F031-02 Core CREATE VIEW statement  
F031-03 Core GRANT statement  
F031-04 Core ALTER TABLE statement: ADD COLUMN clause  
F031-13 Core DROP TABLE statement: RESTRICT clause  
F031-16 Core DROP VIEW statement: RESTRICT clause  
F031-19 Core REVOKE statement: RESTRICT clause  
F032   CASCADE drop behavior  
F033   ALTER TABLE statement: DROP COLUMN clause  
F034   Extended REVOKE statement  
F034-01   REVOKE statement performed by other than the owner of a schema object  
F034-02   REVOKE statement: GRANT OPTION FOR clause  
F034-03   REVOKE statement to revoke a privilege that the grantee has WITH GRANT OPTION  
F041 Core Basic joined table  
F041-01 Core Inner join (but not necessarily the INNER keyword)  
F041-02 Core INNER keyword  
F041-03 Core LEFT OUTER JOIN  
F041-05 Core Outer joins can be nested  
F041-07 Core The inner table in a left or right outer join can also be used in an inner join  
F041-08 Core All comparison operators are supported (rather than just =)  
F051 Core Basic date and time  
F051-01 Core DATE data type (including support of DATE literal)  
F051-02 Core TIME data type (including support of TIME literal) with fractional seconds precision of at least 0  
F051-03 Core TIMESTAMP data type (including support of TIMESTAMP literal) with fractional seconds precision of at least 0 and 6  
F051-04 Core Comparison predicate on DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP data types  
F051-05 Core Explicit CAST between datetime types and character string types  
F051-06 Core CURRENT_DATE  
F051-07 Core LOCALTIME  
F052   Intervals and datetime arithmetic  
F053   OVERLAPS predicate  
F081 Core UNION and EXCEPT in views  
F111   Isolation levels other than SERIALIZABLE  
F111-01   READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level  
F111-02   READ COMMITTED isolation level  
F111-03   REPEATABLE READ isolation level  
F131 Core Grouped operations  
F131-01 Core WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses supported in queries with grouped views  
F131-02 Core Multiple tables supported in queries with grouped views  
F131-03 Core Set functions supported in queries with grouped views  
F131-04 Core Subqueries with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses and grouped views  
F131-05 Core Single row SELECT with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses and grouped views  
F171   Multiple schemas per user  
F181 Core Multiple module support  
F191   Referential delete actions  
F200   TRUNCATE TABLE statement  
F201 Core CAST function  
F202   TRUNCATE TABLE: identity column restart option  
F221 Core Explicit defaults  
F222   INSERT statement: DEFAULT VALUES clause  
F231   Privilege tables  
F231-01   TABLE_PRIVILEGES view  
F231-02   COLUMN_PRIVILEGES view  
F231-03   USAGE_PRIVILEGES view  
F251   Domain support  
F261 Core CASE expression  
F261-01 Core Simple CASE  
F261-02 Core Searched CASE  
F261-03 Core NULLIF  
F261-04 Core COALESCE  
F262   Extended CASE expression  
F271   Compound character literals  
F281   LIKE enhancements  
F302   INTERSECT table operator  
F302-01   INTERSECT DISTINCT table operator  
F302-02   INTERSECT ALL table operator  
F304   EXCEPT ALL table operator  
F311 Core Schema definition statement  
F311-01 Core CREATE SCHEMA  
F311-02 Core CREATE TABLE for persistent base tables  
F311-03 Core CREATE VIEW  
F311-05 Core GRANT statement  
F321   User authorization  
F361   Subprogram support  
F381   Extended schema manipulation  
F381-01   ALTER TABLE statement: ALTER COLUMN clause  
F381-02   ALTER TABLE statement: ADD CONSTRAINT clause  
F381-03   ALTER TABLE statement: DROP CONSTRAINT clause  
F382   Alter column data type  
F383   Set column not null clause  
F384   Drop identity property clause  
F385   Drop column generation expression clause  
F386   Set identity column generation clause  
F391   Long identifiers  
F392   Unicode escapes in identifiers  
F393   Unicode escapes in literals  
F394   Optional normal form specification  
F401   Extended joined table  
F401-01   NATURAL JOIN  
F401-04   CROSS JOIN  
F402   Named column joins for LOBs, arrays, and multisets  
F411   Time zone specification differences regarding literal interpretation
F421   National character  
F431   Read-only scrollable cursors  
F431-01   FETCH with explicit NEXT  
F431-02   FETCH FIRST  
F431-03   FETCH LAST  
F431-04   FETCH PRIOR  
F441   Extended set function support  
F442   Mixed column references in set functions  
F471 Core Scalar subquery values  
F481 Core Expanded NULL predicate  
F491   Constraint management  
F501 Core Features and conformance views  
F501-01 Core SQL_FEATURES view  
F501-02 Core SQL_SIZING view  
F502   Enhanced documentation tables  
F531   Temporary tables  
F555   Enhanced seconds precision  
F561   Full value expressions  
F571   Truth value tests  
F591   Derived tables  
F611   Indicator data types  
F641   Row and table constructors  
F651   Catalog name qualifiers  
F661   Simple tables  
F672   Retrospective check constraints  
F690   Collation support but no character set support
F692   Extended collation support  
F701   Referential update actions  
F711   ALTER domain  
F731   INSERT column privileges  
F751   View CHECK enhancements  
F761   Session management  
F771   Connection management  
F781   Self-referencing operations  
F791   Insensitive cursors  
F801   Full set function  
F850   Top-level <order by clause> in <query expression>  
F851   <order by clause> in subqueries  
F852   Top-level <order by clause> in views  
F855   Nested <order by clause> in <query expression>  
F856   Nested <fetch first clause> in <query expression>  
F857   Top-level <fetch first clause> in <query expression>  
F858   <fetch first clause> in subqueries  
F859   Top-level <fetch first clause> in views  
F860   <fetch first row count> in <fetch first clause>  
F861   Top-level <result offset clause> in <query expression>  
F862   <result offset clause> in subqueries  
F863   Nested <result offset clause> in <query expression>  
F864   Top-level <result offset clause> in views  
F865   <offset row count> in <result offset clause>  
F867   FETCH FIRST clause: WITH TIES option  
S071   SQL paths in function and type name resolution  
S092   Arrays of user-defined types  
S095   Array constructors by query  
S096   Optional array bounds  
S098   ARRAY_AGG  
S111   ONLY in query expressions  
S201   SQL-invoked routines on arrays  
S201-01   Array parameters  
S201-02   Array as result type of functions  
S211   User-defined cast functions  
S301   Enhanced UNNEST  
T031   BOOLEAN data type  
T071   BIGINT data type  
T121   WITH (excluding RECURSIVE) in query expression  
T122   WITH (excluding RECURSIVE) in subquery  
T131   Recursive query  
T132   Recursive query in subquery  
T141   SIMILAR predicate  
T151   DISTINCT predicate  
T152   DISTINCT predicate with negation  
T171   LIKE clause in table definition  
T172   AS subquery clause in table definition  
T173   Extended LIKE clause in table definition  
T174   Identity columns  
T177   Sequence generator support: simple restart option  
T178   Identity columns: simple restart option  
T191   Referential action RESTRICT  
T201   Comparable data types for referential constraints  
T211-01   Triggers activated on UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE of one base table  
T211-02   BEFORE triggers  
T211-03   AFTER triggers  
T211-04   FOR EACH ROW triggers  
T211-05   Ability to specify a search condition that must be true before the trigger is invoked  
T211-07   TRIGGER privilege  
T212   Enhanced trigger capability  
T213   INSTEAD OF triggers  
T231   Sensitive cursors  
T241   START TRANSACTION statement  
T261   Chained transactions  
T271   Savepoints  
T281   SELECT privilege with column granularity  
T285   Enhanced derived column names  
T312   OVERLAY function  
T321-01 Core User-defined functions with no overloading  
T321-02 Core User-defined stored procedures with no overloading  
T321-03 Core Function invocation  
T321-04 Core CALL statement  
T321-06 Core ROUTINES view  
T321-07 Core PARAMETERS view  
T323   Explicit security for external routines  
T325   Qualified SQL parameter references  
T331   Basic roles  
T341   Overloading of SQL-invoked functions and procedures  
T351   Bracketed SQL comments (/*...*/ comments)  
T431   Extended grouping capabilities  
T432   Nested and concatenated GROUPING SETS  
T433   Multiargument GROUPING function  
T441   ABS and MOD functions  
T461   Symmetric BETWEEN predicate  
T491   LATERAL derived table  
T501   Enhanced EXISTS predicate  
T521   Named arguments in CALL statement  
T523   Default values for INOUT parameters of SQL-invoked procedures  
T524   Named arguments in routine invocations other than a CALL statement  
T525   Default values for parameters of SQL-invoked functions  
T551   Optional key words for default syntax  
T581   Regular expression substring function  
T591   UNIQUE constraints of possibly null columns  
T611   Elementary OLAP operations  
T612   Advanced OLAP operations  
T613   Sampling  
T614   NTILE function  
T615   LEAD and LAG functions  
T617   FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE function  
T620   WINDOW clause: GROUPS option  
T621   Enhanced numeric functions  
T622   Trigonometric functions  
T623   General logarithm functions  
T624   Common logarithm functions  
T631 Core IN predicate with one list element  
T651   SQL-schema statements in SQL routines  
T653   SQL-schema statements in external routines  
T655   Cyclically dependent routines  
T831   SQL/JSON path language: strict mode  
T832   SQL/JSON path language: item method  
T833   SQL/JSON path language: multiple subscripts  
T834   SQL/JSON path language: wildcard member accessor  
T835   SQL/JSON path language: filter expressions  
T836   SQL/JSON path language: starts with predicate  
T837   SQL/JSON path language: regex_like predicate  
X010   XML type  
X011   Arrays of XML type  
X014   Attributes of XML type  
X016   Persistent XML values  
X020   XMLConcat  
X031   XMLElement  
X032   XMLForest  
X034   XMLAgg  
X035   XMLAgg: ORDER BY option  
X036   XMLComment  
X037   XMLPI  
X040   Basic table mapping  
X041   Basic table mapping: nulls absent  
X042   Basic table mapping: null as nil  
X043   Basic table mapping: table as forest  
X044   Basic table mapping: table as element  
X045   Basic table mapping: with target namespace  
X046   Basic table mapping: data mapping  
X047   Basic table mapping: metadata mapping  
X048   Basic table mapping: base64 encoding of binary strings  
X049   Basic table mapping: hex encoding of binary strings  
X050   Advanced table mapping  
X051   Advanced table mapping: nulls absent  
X052   Advanced table mapping: null as nil  
X053   Advanced table mapping: table as forest  
X054   Advanced table mapping: table as element  
X055   Advanced table mapping: with target namespace  
X056   Advanced table mapping: data mapping  
X057   Advanced table mapping: metadata mapping  
X058   Advanced table mapping: base64 encoding of binary strings  
X059   Advanced table mapping: hex encoding of binary strings  
X060   XMLParse: character string input and CONTENT option  
X061   XMLParse: character string input and DOCUMENT option  
X070   XMLSerialize: character string serialization and CONTENT option  
X071   XMLSerialize: character string serialization and DOCUMENT option  
X072   XMLSerialize: character string serialization  
X090   XML document predicate  
X120   XML parameters in SQL routines  
X121   XML parameters in external routines  
X221   XML passing mechanism BY VALUE  
X301   XMLTable: derived column list option  
X302   XMLTable: ordinality column option  
X303   XMLTable: column default option  
X304   XMLTable: passing a context item must be XML DOCUMENT
X400   Name and identifier mapping  
X410   Alter column data type: XML type  

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