PostgreSQL 9.4 InterlockedCompareExchange appearing in mingw64-w32 causing issue with PostGIS win32 load

From: "Paragon Corporation" <lr(at)pcorp(dot)us>
To: <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: PostgreSQL 9.4 InterlockedCompareExchange appearing in mingw64-w32 causing issue with PostGIS win32 load
Date: 2014-05-22 06:02:38
Message-ID: E18E764B5E204E7488342C3EEFA0F8EF@O
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

Not sure if people know this, but PostGIS windows builds are built with
mingw64-w32 and mingw64-w64 chains and usually used with EDB VC++ built
This is mostly because there is too much unix stuff ingrained in PostGIS
toolchain making it difficult to compile in VC++.

Anyrate this has worked fine in the past, but when I tried the mingw64-w32
build in the EDB PostgreSQL 9.4beta1 Windows 32, it failed to load.

The 64-bit chain still works fine and regresses fine against PostGIS tests.

I looked at dependency walker, and noticed what was additional in the mingw
postgres that couldn't be found in the 9.4beta1 EDB postgres was a function:


I'm pretty sure this must be something that has changed in 9.4 because I'm
using the same chain to build 9.3 for 32-bit and this

InterlockedCompareExchange call doesn't exist in 9.3 (niether the ming
compiled or edb compiled)

I'm using mingw64-w32 gcc 4.8.0 rev2. I have the same chain mingw64-w64 to
build the 64-bit.

The only place I could find reference to this function is in


I have related PostGIS ticket here:

Regina Obe


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