/*-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- * * pg_ctl --- start/stops/restarts the PostgreSQL server * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * * src/bin/pg_ctl/pg_ctl.c * *-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- */ #ifdef WIN32 /* * Need this to get defines for restricted tokens and jobs. And it * has to be set before any header from the Win32 API is loaded. */ #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 #endif #include "postgres_fe.h" #include "libpq-fe.h" #include "pqexpbuffer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H #include #include #endif #include "getopt_long.h" #include "miscadmin.h" /* PID can be negative for standalone backend */ typedef long pgpid_t; typedef enum { SMART_MODE, FAST_MODE, IMMEDIATE_MODE } ShutdownMode; typedef enum { NO_COMMAND = 0, INIT_COMMAND, START_COMMAND, STOP_COMMAND, RESTART_COMMAND, RELOAD_COMMAND, STATUS_COMMAND, PROMOTE_COMMAND, KILL_COMMAND, REGISTER_COMMAND, UNREGISTER_COMMAND, RUN_AS_SERVICE_COMMAND } CtlCommand; #define DEFAULT_WAIT 60 static bool do_wait = false; static bool del_service_rid = false; static bool wait_set = false; static int wait_seconds = DEFAULT_WAIT; static bool wait_seconds_arg = false; static bool silent_mode = false; static ShutdownMode shutdown_mode = FAST_MODE; static int sig = SIGINT; /* default */ static CtlCommand ctl_command = NO_COMMAND; static char *pg_data = NULL; static char *pg_config = NULL; static char *pgdata_opt = NULL; static char *post_opts = NULL; static const char *progname; static char *log_file = NULL; static char *exec_path = NULL; static char *event_source = NULL; static char *register_servicename = "PostgreSQL"; /* FIXME: + version ID? */ static char *register_username = NULL; static char *register_password = NULL; static char *argv0 = NULL; static bool allow_core_files = false; static time_t start_time; static char postopts_file[MAXPGPATH]; static char version_file[MAXPGPATH]; static char pid_file[MAXPGPATH]; static char backup_file[MAXPGPATH]; static char recovery_file[MAXPGPATH]; static char promote_file[MAXPGPATH]; #ifdef WIN32 static DWORD pgctl_start_type = SERVICE_AUTO_START; static SERVICE_STATUS status; static SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE hStatus = (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE) 0; static HANDLE shutdownHandles[2]; static pid_t postmasterPID = -1; #define shutdownEvent shutdownHandles[0] #define postmasterProcess shutdownHandles[1] #endif static void write_stderr(const char *fmt,...) pg_attribute_printf(1, 2); static void do_advice(void); static void do_help(void); static void set_mode(char *modeopt); static void set_sig(char *signame); static void do_init(void); static void do_start(void); static void do_stop(void); static void do_restart(void); static void do_reload(void); static void do_status(void); static void do_promote(void); static void do_kill(pgpid_t pid); static void print_msg(const char *msg); static void adjust_data_dir(void); #ifdef WIN32 #if (_MSC_VER >= 1800) #include #else static bool IsWindowsXPOrGreater(void); static bool IsWindows7OrGreater(void); #endif static bool pgwin32_IsInstalled(SC_HANDLE); static char *pgwin32_CommandLine(bool); static void pgwin32_doRegister(void); static void pgwin32_doUnregister(void); static void pgwin32_SetServiceStatus(DWORD); static void WINAPI pgwin32_ServiceHandler(DWORD); static void WINAPI pgwin32_ServiceMain(DWORD, LPTSTR *); static void pgwin32_doRunAsService(void); static int CreateRestrictedProcess(char *cmd, PROCESS_INFORMATION *processInfo, bool as_service); #endif static pgpid_t get_pgpid(bool is_status_request); static char **readfile(const char *path); static void free_readfile(char **optlines); static pgpid_t start_postmaster(void); static void read_post_opts(void); static PGPing test_postmaster_connection(pgpid_t pm_pid, bool do_checkpoint); static bool postmaster_is_alive(pid_t pid); #if defined(HAVE_GETRLIMIT) && defined(RLIMIT_CORE) static void unlimit_core_size(void); #endif #ifdef WIN32 static void write_eventlog(int level, const char *line) { static HANDLE evtHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (silent_mode && level == EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE) return; if (evtHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { evtHandle = RegisterEventSource(NULL, event_source ? event_source : DEFAULT_EVENT_SOURCE); if (evtHandle == NULL) { evtHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return; } } ReportEvent(evtHandle, level, 0, 0, /* All events are Id 0 */ NULL, 1, 0, &line, NULL); } #endif /* * Write errors to stderr (or by equal means when stderr is * not available). */ static void write_stderr(const char *fmt,...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); #ifndef WIN32 /* On Unix, we just fprintf to stderr */ vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); #else /* * On Win32, we print to stderr if running on a console, or write to * eventlog if running as a service */ if (pgwin32_is_service()) /* Running as a service */ { char errbuf[2048]; /* Arbitrary size? */ vsnprintf(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), fmt, ap); write_eventlog(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, errbuf); } else /* Not running as service, write to stderr */ vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); #endif va_end(ap); } /* * Given an already-localized string, print it to stdout unless the * user has specified that no messages should be printed. */ static void print_msg(const char *msg) { if (!silent_mode) { fputs(msg, stdout); fflush(stdout); } } static pgpid_t get_pgpid(bool is_status_request) { FILE *pidf; long pid; struct stat statbuf; if (stat(pg_data, &statbuf) != 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) write_stderr(_("%s: directory \"%s\" does not exist\n"), progname, pg_data); else write_stderr(_("%s: could not access directory \"%s\": %s\n"), progname, pg_data, strerror(errno)); /* * The Linux Standard Base Core Specification 3.1 says this should * return '4, program or service status is unknown' * https://refspecs.linuxbase.org/LSB_3.1.0/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-g * eneric/iniscrptact.html */ exit(is_status_request ? 4 : 1); } if (stat(version_file, &statbuf) != 0 && errno == ENOENT) { write_stderr(_("%s: directory \"%s\" is not a database cluster directory\n"), progname, pg_data); exit(is_status_request ? 4 : 1); } pidf = fopen(pid_file, "r"); if (pidf == NULL) { /* No pid file, not an error on startup */ if (errno == ENOENT) return 0; else { write_stderr(_("%s: could not open PID file \"%s\": %s\n"), progname, pid_file, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } if (fscanf(pidf, "%ld", &pid) != 1) { /* Is the file empty? */ if (ftell(pidf) == 0 && feof(pidf)) write_stderr(_("%s: the PID file \"%s\" is empty\n"), progname, pid_file); else write_stderr(_("%s: invalid data in PID file \"%s\"\n"), progname, pid_file); exit(1); } fclose(pidf); return (pgpid_t) pid; } /* * get the lines from a text file - return NULL if file can't be opened */ static char ** readfile(const char *path) { int fd; int nlines; char **result; char *buffer; char *linebegin; int i; int n; int len; struct stat statbuf; /* * Slurp the file into memory. * * The file can change concurrently, so we read the whole file into memory * with a single read() call. That's not guaranteed to get an atomic * snapshot, but in practice, for a small file, it's close enough for the * current use. */ fd = open(path, O_RDONLY | PG_BINARY, 0); if (fd < 0) return NULL; if (fstat(fd, &statbuf) < 0) { close(fd); return NULL; } if (statbuf.st_size == 0) { /* empty file */ close(fd); result = (char **) pg_malloc(sizeof(char *)); *result = NULL; return result; } buffer = pg_malloc(statbuf.st_size + 1); len = read(fd, buffer, statbuf.st_size + 1); close(fd); if (len != statbuf.st_size) { /* oops, the file size changed between fstat and read */ free(buffer); return NULL; } /* * Count newlines. We expect there to be a newline after each full line, * including one at the end of file. If there isn't a newline at the end, * any characters after the last newline will be ignored. */ nlines = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (buffer[i] == '\n') nlines++; } /* set up the result buffer */ result = (char **) pg_malloc((nlines + 1) * sizeof(char *)); /* now split the buffer into lines */ linebegin = buffer; n = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (buffer[i] == '\n') { int slen = &buffer[i] - linebegin + 1; char *linebuf = pg_malloc(slen + 1); memcpy(linebuf, linebegin, slen); linebuf[slen] = '\0'; result[n++] = linebuf; linebegin = &buffer[i + 1]; } } result[n] = NULL; free(buffer); return result; } /* * Free memory allocated for optlines through readfile() */ static void free_readfile(char **optlines) { char *curr_line = NULL; int i = 0; if (!optlines) return; while ((curr_line = optlines[i++])) free(curr_line); free(optlines); return; } /* * start/test/stop routines */ /* * Start the postmaster and return its PID. * * Currently, on Windows what we return is the PID of the shell process * that launched the postmaster (and, we trust, is waiting for it to exit). * So the PID is usable for "is the postmaster still running" checks, * but cannot be compared directly to postmaster.pid. * * On Windows, we also save aside a handle to the shell process in * "postmasterProcess", which the caller should close when done with it. */ static pgpid_t start_postmaster(void) { char cmd[MAXPGPATH]; #ifndef WIN32 pgpid_t pm_pid; /* Flush stdio channels just before fork, to avoid double-output problems */ fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); pm_pid = fork(); if (pm_pid < 0) { /* fork failed */ write_stderr(_("%s: could not start server: %s\n"), progname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (pm_pid > 0) { /* fork succeeded, in parent */ return pm_pid; } /* fork succeeded, in child */ /* * Since there might be quotes to handle here, it is easier simply to pass * everything to a shell to process them. Use exec so that the postmaster * has the same PID as the current child process. */ if (log_file != NULL) snprintf(cmd, MAXPGPATH, "exec \"%s\" %s%s < \"%s\" >> \"%s\" 2>&1", exec_path, pgdata_opt, post_opts, DEVNULL, log_file); else snprintf(cmd, MAXPGPATH, "exec \"%s\" %s%s < \"%s\" 2>&1", exec_path, pgdata_opt, post_opts, DEVNULL); (void) execl("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, (char *) NULL); /* exec failed */ write_stderr(_("%s: could not start server: %s\n"), progname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); return 0; /* keep dumb compilers quiet */ #else /* WIN32 */ /* * As with the Unix case, it's easiest to use the shell (CMD.EXE) to * handle redirection etc. Unfortunately CMD.EXE lacks any equivalent of * "exec", so we don't get to find out the postmaster's PID immediately. */ PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; if (log_file != NULL) snprintf(cmd, MAXPGPATH, "CMD /C \"\"%s\" %s%s < \"%s\" >> \"%s\" 2>&1\"", exec_path, pgdata_opt, post_opts, DEVNULL, log_file); else snprintf(cmd, MAXPGPATH, "CMD /C \"\"%s\" %s%s < \"%s\" 2>&1\"", exec_path, pgdata_opt, post_opts, DEVNULL); if (!CreateRestrictedProcess(cmd, &pi, false)) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not start server: error code %lu\n"), progname, (unsigned long) GetLastError()); exit(1); } /* Don't close command process handle here; caller must do so */ postmasterProcess = pi.hProcess; CloseHandle(pi.hThread); return pi.dwProcessId; /* Shell's PID, not postmaster's! */ #endif /* WIN32 */ } /* * Find the pgport and try a connection * * On Unix, pm_pid is the PID of the just-launched postmaster. On Windows, * it may be the PID of an ancestor shell process, so we can't check the * contents of postmaster.pid quite as carefully. * * On Windows, the static variable postmasterProcess is an implicit argument * to this routine; it contains a handle to the postmaster process or an * ancestor shell process thereof. * * Note that the checkpoint parameter enables a Windows service control * manager checkpoint, it's got nothing to do with database checkpoints!! */ static PGPing test_postmaster_connection(pgpid_t pm_pid, bool do_checkpoint) { PGPing ret = PQPING_NO_RESPONSE; char connstr[MAXPGPATH * 2 + 256]; int i; /* if requested wait time is zero, return "still starting up" code */ if (wait_seconds <= 0) return PQPING_REJECT; connstr[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < wait_seconds; i++) { /* Do we need a connection string? */ if (connstr[0] == '\0') { /*---------- * The number of lines in postmaster.pid tells us several things: * * # of lines * 0 lock file created but status not written * 2 pre-9.1 server, shared memory not created * 3 pre-9.1 server, shared memory created * 5 9.1+ server, ports not opened * 6 9.1+ server, shared memory not created * 7 9.1+ server, shared memory created * * This code does not support pre-9.1 servers. On Unix machines * we could consider extracting the port number from the shmem * key, but that (a) is not robust, and (b) doesn't help with * finding out the socket directory. And it wouldn't work anyway * on Windows. * * If we see less than 6 lines in postmaster.pid, just keep * waiting. *---------- */ char **optlines; /* Try to read the postmaster.pid file */ if ((optlines = readfile(pid_file)) != NULL && optlines[0] != NULL && optlines[1] != NULL && optlines[2] != NULL) { if (optlines[3] == NULL) { /* File is exactly three lines, must be pre-9.1 */ write_stderr(_("\n%s: -w option is not supported when starting a pre-9.1 server\n"), progname); return PQPING_NO_ATTEMPT; } else if (optlines[4] != NULL && optlines[5] != NULL) { /* File is complete enough for us, parse it */ pgpid_t pmpid; time_t pmstart; /* * Make sanity checks. If it's for the wrong PID, or the * recorded start time is before pg_ctl started, then * either we are looking at the wrong data directory, or * this is a pre-existing pidfile that hasn't (yet?) been * overwritten by our child postmaster. Allow 2 seconds * slop for possible cross-process clock skew. */ pmpid = atol(optlines[LOCK_FILE_LINE_PID - 1]); pmstart = atol(optlines[LOCK_FILE_LINE_START_TIME - 1]); if (pmstart >= start_time - 2 && #ifndef WIN32 pmpid == pm_pid #else /* Windows can only reject standalone-backend PIDs */ pmpid > 0 #endif ) { /* * OK, seems to be a valid pidfile from our child. */ int portnum; char *sockdir; char *hostaddr; char host_str[MAXPGPATH]; /* * Extract port number and host string to use. Prefer * using Unix socket if available. */ portnum = atoi(optlines[LOCK_FILE_LINE_PORT - 1]); sockdir = optlines[LOCK_FILE_LINE_SOCKET_DIR - 1]; hostaddr = optlines[LOCK_FILE_LINE_LISTEN_ADDR - 1]; /* * While unix_socket_directories can accept relative * directories, libpq's host parameter must have a * leading slash to indicate a socket directory. So, * ignore sockdir if it's relative, and try to use TCP * instead. */ if (sockdir[0] == '/') strlcpy(host_str, sockdir, sizeof(host_str)); else strlcpy(host_str, hostaddr, sizeof(host_str)); /* remove trailing newline */ if (strchr(host_str, '\n') != NULL) *strchr(host_str, '\n') = '\0'; /* Fail if couldn't get either sockdir or host addr */ if (host_str[0] == '\0') { write_stderr(_("\n%s: -w option cannot use a relative socket directory specification\n"), progname); return PQPING_NO_ATTEMPT; } /* * Map listen-only addresses to counterparts usable * for establishing a connection. connect() to "::" * or "" is not portable to OpenBSD 5.0 or to * Windows Server 2008, and connect() to "::" is * additionally not portable to NetBSD 6.0. (Cygwin * does handle both addresses, though.) */ if (strcmp(host_str, "*") == 0) strcpy(host_str, "localhost"); else if (strcmp(host_str, "") == 0) strcpy(host_str, ""); else if (strcmp(host_str, "::") == 0) strcpy(host_str, "::1"); /* * We need to set connect_timeout otherwise on Windows * the Service Control Manager (SCM) will probably * timeout first. */ snprintf(connstr, sizeof(connstr), "dbname=postgres port=%d host='%s' connect_timeout=5", portnum, host_str); } } } /* * Free the results of readfile. * * This is safe to call even if optlines is NULL. */ free_readfile(optlines); } /* If we have a connection string, ping the server */ if (connstr[0] != '\0') { ret = PQping(connstr); if (ret == PQPING_OK || ret == PQPING_NO_ATTEMPT) break; } /* * Check whether the child postmaster process is still alive. This * lets us exit early if the postmaster fails during startup. * * On Windows, we may be checking the postmaster's parent shell, but * that's fine for this purpose. */ #ifndef WIN32 { int exitstatus; if (waitpid((pid_t) pm_pid, &exitstatus, WNOHANG) == (pid_t) pm_pid) return PQPING_NO_RESPONSE; } #else if (WaitForSingleObject(postmasterProcess, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) return PQPING_NO_RESPONSE; #endif /* No response, or startup still in process; wait */ #ifdef WIN32 if (do_checkpoint) { /* * Increment the wait hint by 6 secs (connection timeout + sleep) * We must do this to indicate to the SCM that our startup time is * changing, otherwise it'll usually send a stop signal after 20 * seconds, despite incrementing the checkpoint counter. */ status.dwWaitHint += 6000; status.dwCheckPoint++; SetServiceStatus(hStatus, (LPSERVICE_STATUS) &status); } else #endif print_msg("."); pg_usleep(1000000); /* 1 sec */ } /* return result of last call to PQping */ return ret; } #if defined(HAVE_GETRLIMIT) && defined(RLIMIT_CORE) static void unlimit_core_size(void) { struct rlimit lim; getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &lim); if (lim.rlim_max == 0) { write_stderr(_("%s: cannot set core file size limit; disallowed by hard limit\n"), progname); return; } else if (lim.rlim_max == RLIM_INFINITY || lim.rlim_cur < lim.rlim_max) { lim.rlim_cur = lim.rlim_max; setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &lim); } } #endif static void read_post_opts(void) { if (post_opts == NULL) { post_opts = ""; /* default */ if (ctl_command == RESTART_COMMAND) { char **optlines; optlines = readfile(postopts_file); if (optlines == NULL) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not read file \"%s\"\n"), progname, postopts_file); exit(1); } else if (optlines[0] == NULL || optlines[1] != NULL) { write_stderr(_("%s: option file \"%s\" must have exactly one line\n"), progname, postopts_file); exit(1); } else { int len; char *optline; char *arg1; optline = optlines[0]; /* trim off line endings */ len = strcspn(optline, "\r\n"); optline[len] = '\0'; /* * Are we at the first option, as defined by space and * double-quote? */ if ((arg1 = strstr(optline, " \"")) != NULL) { *arg1 = '\0'; /* terminate so we get only program * name */ post_opts = pg_strdup(arg1 + 1); /* point past whitespace */ } if (exec_path == NULL) exec_path = pg_strdup(optline); } /* Free the results of readfile. */ free_readfile(optlines); } } } static char * find_other_exec_or_die(const char *argv0, const char *target, const char *versionstr) { int ret; char *found_path; found_path = pg_malloc(MAXPGPATH); if ((ret = find_other_exec(argv0, target, versionstr, found_path)) < 0) { char full_path[MAXPGPATH]; if (find_my_exec(argv0, full_path) < 0) strlcpy(full_path, progname, sizeof(full_path)); if (ret == -1) write_stderr(_("The program \"%s\" is needed by %s " "but was not found in the\n" "same directory as \"%s\".\n" "Check your installation.\n"), target, progname, full_path); else write_stderr(_("The program \"%s\" was found by \"%s\"\n" "but was not the same version as %s.\n" "Check your installation.\n"), target, full_path, progname); exit(1); } return found_path; } static void do_init(void) { char cmd[MAXPGPATH]; if (exec_path == NULL) exec_path = find_other_exec_or_die(argv0, "initdb", "initdb (PostgreSQL) " PG_VERSION "\n"); if (pgdata_opt == NULL) pgdata_opt = ""; if (post_opts == NULL) post_opts = ""; if (!silent_mode) snprintf(cmd, MAXPGPATH, "\"%s\" %s%s", exec_path, pgdata_opt, post_opts); else snprintf(cmd, MAXPGPATH, "\"%s\" %s%s > \"%s\"", exec_path, pgdata_opt, post_opts, DEVNULL); if (system(cmd) != 0) { write_stderr(_("%s: database system initialization failed\n"), progname); exit(1); } } static void do_start(void) { pgpid_t old_pid = 0; pgpid_t pm_pid; if (ctl_command != RESTART_COMMAND) { old_pid = get_pgpid(false); if (old_pid != 0) write_stderr(_("%s: another server might be running; " "trying to start server anyway\n"), progname); } read_post_opts(); /* No -D or -D already added during server start */ if (ctl_command == RESTART_COMMAND || pgdata_opt == NULL) pgdata_opt = ""; if (exec_path == NULL) exec_path = find_other_exec_or_die(argv0, "postgres", PG_BACKEND_VERSIONSTR); #if defined(HAVE_GETRLIMIT) && defined(RLIMIT_CORE) if (allow_core_files) unlimit_core_size(); #endif /* * If possible, tell the postmaster our parent shell's PID (see the * comments in CreateLockFile() for motivation). Windows hasn't got * getppid() unfortunately. */ #ifndef WIN32 { static char env_var[32]; snprintf(env_var, sizeof(env_var), "PG_GRANDPARENT_PID=%d", (int) getppid()); putenv(env_var); } #endif pm_pid = start_postmaster(); if (do_wait) { print_msg(_("waiting for server to start...")); switch (test_postmaster_connection(pm_pid, false)) { case PQPING_OK: print_msg(_(" done\n")); print_msg(_("server started\n")); break; case PQPING_REJECT: print_msg(_(" stopped waiting\n")); print_msg(_("server is still starting up\n")); break; case PQPING_NO_RESPONSE: print_msg(_(" stopped waiting\n")); write_stderr(_("%s: could not start server\n" "Examine the log output.\n"), progname); exit(1); break; case PQPING_NO_ATTEMPT: print_msg(_(" failed\n")); write_stderr(_("%s: could not wait for server because of misconfiguration\n"), progname); exit(1); } } else print_msg(_("server starting\n")); #ifdef WIN32 /* Now we don't need the handle to the shell process anymore */ CloseHandle(postmasterProcess); postmasterProcess = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #endif } static void do_stop(void) { int cnt; pgpid_t pid; struct stat statbuf; pid = get_pgpid(false); if (pid == 0) /* no pid file */ { write_stderr(_("%s: PID file \"%s\" does not exist\n"), progname, pid_file); write_stderr(_("Is server running?\n")); exit(1); } else if (pid < 0) /* standalone backend, not postmaster */ { pid = -pid; write_stderr(_("%s: cannot stop server; " "single-user server is running (PID: %ld)\n"), progname, pid); exit(1); } if (kill((pid_t) pid, sig) != 0) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not send stop signal (PID: %ld): %s\n"), progname, pid, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (!do_wait) { print_msg(_("server shutting down\n")); return; } else { /* * If backup_label exists, an online backup is running. Warn the user * that smart shutdown will wait for it to finish. However, if * recovery.conf is also present, we're recovering from an online * backup instead of performing one. */ if (shutdown_mode == SMART_MODE && stat(backup_file, &statbuf) == 0 && stat(recovery_file, &statbuf) != 0) { print_msg(_("WARNING: online backup mode is active\n" "Shutdown will not complete until pg_stop_backup() is called.\n\n")); } print_msg(_("waiting for server to shut down...")); for (cnt = 0; cnt < wait_seconds; cnt++) { if ((pid = get_pgpid(false)) != 0) { print_msg("."); pg_usleep(1000000); /* 1 sec */ } else break; } if (pid != 0) /* pid file still exists */ { print_msg(_(" failed\n")); write_stderr(_("%s: server does not shut down\n"), progname); if (shutdown_mode == SMART_MODE) write_stderr(_("HINT: The \"-m fast\" option immediately disconnects sessions rather than\n" "waiting for session-initiated disconnection.\n")); exit(1); } print_msg(_(" done\n")); print_msg(_("server stopped\n")); } } /* * restart/reload routines */ static void do_restart(void) { int cnt; pgpid_t pid; struct stat statbuf; pid = get_pgpid(false); if (pid == 0) /* no pid file */ { write_stderr(_("%s: PID file \"%s\" does not exist\n"), progname, pid_file); write_stderr(_("Is server running?\n")); write_stderr(_("starting server anyway\n")); do_start(); return; } else if (pid < 0) /* standalone backend, not postmaster */ { pid = -pid; if (postmaster_is_alive((pid_t) pid)) { write_stderr(_("%s: cannot restart server; " "single-user server is running (PID: %ld)\n"), progname, pid); write_stderr(_("Please terminate the single-user server and try again.\n")); exit(1); } } if (postmaster_is_alive((pid_t) pid)) { if (kill((pid_t) pid, sig) != 0) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not send stop signal (PID: %ld): %s\n"), progname, pid, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /* * If backup_label exists, an online backup is running. Warn the user * that smart shutdown will wait for it to finish. However, if * recovery.conf is also present, we're recovering from an online * backup instead of performing one. */ if (shutdown_mode == SMART_MODE && stat(backup_file, &statbuf) == 0 && stat(recovery_file, &statbuf) != 0) { print_msg(_("WARNING: online backup mode is active\n" "Shutdown will not complete until pg_stop_backup() is called.\n\n")); } print_msg(_("waiting for server to shut down...")); /* always wait for restart */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < wait_seconds; cnt++) { if ((pid = get_pgpid(false)) != 0) { print_msg("."); pg_usleep(1000000); /* 1 sec */ } else break; } if (pid != 0) /* pid file still exists */ { print_msg(_(" failed\n")); write_stderr(_("%s: server does not shut down\n"), progname); if (shutdown_mode == SMART_MODE) write_stderr(_("HINT: The \"-m fast\" option immediately disconnects sessions rather than\n" "waiting for session-initiated disconnection.\n")); exit(1); } print_msg(_(" done\n")); print_msg(_("server stopped\n")); } else { write_stderr(_("%s: old server process (PID: %ld) seems to be gone\n"), progname, pid); write_stderr(_("starting server anyway\n")); } do_start(); } static void do_reload(void) { pgpid_t pid; pid = get_pgpid(false); if (pid == 0) /* no pid file */ { write_stderr(_("%s: PID file \"%s\" does not exist\n"), progname, pid_file); write_stderr(_("Is server running?\n")); exit(1); } else if (pid < 0) /* standalone backend, not postmaster */ { pid = -pid; write_stderr(_("%s: cannot reload server; " "single-user server is running (PID: %ld)\n"), progname, pid); write_stderr(_("Please terminate the single-user server and try again.\n")); exit(1); } if (kill((pid_t) pid, sig) != 0) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not send reload signal (PID: %ld): %s\n"), progname, pid, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } print_msg(_("server signaled\n")); } /* * promote */ static void do_promote(void) { FILE *prmfile; pgpid_t pid; struct stat statbuf; pid = get_pgpid(false); if (pid == 0) /* no pid file */ { write_stderr(_("%s: PID file \"%s\" does not exist\n"), progname, pid_file); write_stderr(_("Is server running?\n")); exit(1); } else if (pid < 0) /* standalone backend, not postmaster */ { pid = -pid; write_stderr(_("%s: cannot promote server; " "single-user server is running (PID: %ld)\n"), progname, pid); exit(1); } /* If recovery.conf doesn't exist, the server is not in standby mode */ if (stat(recovery_file, &statbuf) != 0) { write_stderr(_("%s: cannot promote server; " "server is not in standby mode\n"), progname); exit(1); } /* * For 9.3 onwards, "fast" promotion is performed. Promotion with a full * checkpoint is still possible by writing a file called * "fallback_promote" instead of "promote" */ snprintf(promote_file, MAXPGPATH, "%s/promote", pg_data); if ((prmfile = fopen(promote_file, "w")) == NULL) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not create promote signal file \"%s\": %s\n"), progname, promote_file, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (fclose(prmfile)) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not write promote signal file \"%s\": %s\n"), progname, promote_file, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } sig = SIGUSR1; if (kill((pid_t) pid, sig) != 0) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not send promote signal (PID: %ld): %s\n"), progname, pid, strerror(errno)); if (unlink(promote_file) != 0) write_stderr(_("%s: could not remove promote signal file \"%s\": %s\n"), progname, promote_file, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } print_msg(_("server promoting\n")); } /* * utility routines */ static bool postmaster_is_alive(pid_t pid) { /* * Test to see if the process is still there. Note that we do not * consider an EPERM failure to mean that the process is still there; * EPERM must mean that the given PID belongs to some other userid, and * considering the permissions on $PGDATA, that means it's not the * postmaster we are after. * * Don't believe that our own PID or parent shell's PID is the postmaster, * either. (Windows hasn't got getppid(), though.) */ if (pid == getpid()) return false; #ifndef WIN32 if (pid == getppid()) return false; #endif if (kill(pid, 0) == 0) return true; return false; } static void do_status(void) { pgpid_t pid; pid = get_pgpid(true); /* Is there a pid file? */ if (pid != 0) { /* standalone backend? */ if (pid < 0) { pid = -pid; if (postmaster_is_alive((pid_t) pid)) { printf(_("%s: single-user server is running (PID: %ld)\n"), progname, pid); return; } } else /* must be a postmaster */ { if (postmaster_is_alive((pid_t) pid)) { char **optlines; char **curr_line; printf(_("%s: server is running (PID: %ld)\n"), progname, pid); optlines = readfile(postopts_file); if (optlines != NULL) { for (curr_line = optlines; *curr_line != NULL; curr_line++) fputs(*curr_line, stdout); /* Free the results of readfile */ free_readfile(optlines); } return; } } } printf(_("%s: no server running\n"), progname); /* * The Linux Standard Base Core Specification 3.1 says this should return * '3, program is not running' * https://refspecs.linuxbase.org/LSB_3.1.0/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-gen er * ic/iniscrptact.html */ exit(3); } static void do_kill(pgpid_t pid) { if (kill((pid_t) pid, sig) != 0) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not send signal %d (PID: %ld): %s\n"), progname, sig, pid, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } #ifdef WIN32 #if (_MSC_VER < 1800) static bool IsWindowsXPOrGreater(void) { OSVERSIONINFO osv; osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osv); /* Windows XP = Version 5.1 */ return (!GetVersionEx(&osv) || /* could not get version */ osv.dwMajorVersion > 5 || (osv.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osv.dwMinorVersion >= 1)); } static bool IsWindows7OrGreater(void) { OSVERSIONINFO osv; osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osv); /* Windows 7 = Version 6.0 */ return (!GetVersionEx(&osv) || /* could not get version */ osv.dwMajorVersion > 6 || (osv.dwMajorVersion == 6 && osv.dwMinorVersion >= 0)); } #endif static bool pgwin32_IsInstalled(SC_HANDLE hSCM) { SC_HANDLE hService = OpenService(hSCM, register_servicename, SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG); bool bResult = (hService != NULL); if (bResult) CloseServiceHandle(hService); return bResult; } static char * pgwin32_CommandLine(bool registration) { PQExpBuffer cmdLine = createPQExpBuffer(); char cmdPath[MAXPGPATH]; int ret; if (registration) { ret = find_my_exec(argv0, cmdPath); if (ret != 0) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not find own program executable\n"), progname); exit(1); } } else { ret = find_other_exec(argv0, "postgres", PG_BACKEND_VERSIONSTR, cmdPath); if (ret != 0) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not find postgres program executable\n"), progname); exit(1); } } /* if path does not end in .exe, append it */ if (strlen(cmdPath) < 4 || pg_strcasecmp(cmdPath + strlen(cmdPath) - 4, ".exe") != 0) snprintf(cmdPath + strlen(cmdPath), sizeof(cmdPath) - strlen(cmdPath), ".exe"); /* use backslashes in path to avoid problems with some third-party tools */ make_native_path(cmdPath); /* be sure to double-quote the executable's name in the command */ appendPQExpBuffer(cmdLine, "\"%s\"", cmdPath); /* append assorted switches to the command line, as needed */ if (registration) appendPQExpBuffer(cmdLine, " runservice -N \"%s\"", register_servicename); if (pg_config) { /* We need the -D path to be absolute */ char *dataDir; if ((dataDir = make_absolute_path(pg_config)) == NULL) { /* make_absolute_path already reported the error */ exit(1); } make_native_path(dataDir); appendPQExpBuffer(cmdLine, " -D \"%s\"", dataDir); free(dataDir); } if (registration && event_source != NULL) appendPQExpBuffer(cmdLine, " -e \"%s\"", event_source); if (registration && do_wait) appendPQExpBuffer(cmdLine, " -w"); if (registration && del_service_rid) appendPQExpBuffer(cmdLine, " -z"); /* Don't propagate a value from an environment variable. */ if (registration && wait_seconds_arg && wait_seconds != DEFAULT_WAIT) appendPQExpBuffer(cmdLine, " -t %d", wait_seconds); if (registration && silent_mode) appendPQExpBuffer(cmdLine, " -s"); if (post_opts) { if (registration) appendPQExpBuffer(cmdLine, " -o \"%s\"", post_opts); else appendPQExpBuffer(cmdLine, " %s", post_opts); } return cmdLine->data; } static void pgwin32_doRegister(void) { SC_HANDLE hService; SC_HANDLE hSCM = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (hSCM == NULL) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not open service manager\n"), progname); exit(1); } if (pgwin32_IsInstalled(hSCM)) { CloseServiceHandle(hSCM); write_stderr(_("%s: service \"%s\" already registered\n"), progname, register_servicename); exit(1); } if ((hService = CreateService(hSCM, register_servicename, register_servicename, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, pgctl_start_type, SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, pgwin32_CommandLine(true), NULL, NULL, "RPCSS\0", register_username, register_password)) == NULL) { CloseServiceHandle(hSCM); write_stderr(_("%s: could not register service \"%s\": error code %lu\n"), progname, register_servicename, (unsigned long) GetLastError()); exit(1); } CloseServiceHandle(hService); CloseServiceHandle(hSCM); } static void pgwin32_doUnregister(void) { SC_HANDLE hService; SC_HANDLE hSCM = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (hSCM == NULL) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not open service manager\n"), progname); exit(1); } if (!pgwin32_IsInstalled(hSCM)) { CloseServiceHandle(hSCM); write_stderr(_("%s: service \"%s\" not registered\n"), progname, register_servicename); exit(1); } if ((hService = OpenService(hSCM, register_servicename, DELETE)) == NULL) { CloseServiceHandle(hSCM); write_stderr(_("%s: could not open service \"%s\": error code %lu\n"), progname, register_servicename, (unsigned long) GetLastError()); exit(1); } if (!DeleteService(hService)) { CloseServiceHandle(hService); CloseServiceHandle(hSCM); write_stderr(_("%s: could not unregister service \"%s\": error code %lu\n"), progname, register_servicename, (unsigned long) GetLastError()); exit(1); } CloseServiceHandle(hService); CloseServiceHandle(hSCM); } static void pgwin32_SetServiceStatus(DWORD currentState) { status.dwCurrentState = currentState; SetServiceStatus(hStatus, (LPSERVICE_STATUS) &status); } static void WINAPI pgwin32_ServiceHandler(DWORD request) { switch (request) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: case SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN: /* * We only need a short wait hint here as it just needs to wait * for the next checkpoint. They occur every 5 seconds during * shutdown */ status.dwWaitHint = 10000; pgwin32_SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOP_PENDING); SetEvent(shutdownEvent); return; case SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE: /* Win32 config reloading */ status.dwWaitHint = 5000; kill(postmasterPID, SIGHUP); return; /* FIXME: These could be used to replace other signals etc */ case SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE: case SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE: default: break; } } static void WINAPI pgwin32_ServiceMain(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv) { PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; DWORD ret; /* Initialize variables */ status.dwWin32ExitCode = S_OK; status.dwCheckPoint = 0; status.dwWaitHint = 60000; status.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS; status.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN | SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE; status.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi)); read_post_opts(); /* Register the control request handler */ if ((hStatus = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(register_servicename, pgwin32_ServiceHandler)) == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE) 0) return; if ((shutdownEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, true, false, NULL)) == NULL) return; /* Start the postmaster */ pgwin32_SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING); if (!CreateRestrictedProcess(pgwin32_CommandLine(false), &pi, true)) { pgwin32_SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOPPED); return; } postmasterPID = pi.dwProcessId; postmasterProcess = pi.hProcess; CloseHandle(pi.hThread); if (do_wait) { write_eventlog(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, _("Waiting for server startup...\n")); if (test_postmaster_connection(postmasterPID, true) != PQPING_OK) { write_eventlog(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, _("Timed out waiting for server startup\n")); pgwin32_SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOPPED); return; } write_eventlog(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, _("Server started and accepting connections\n")); } pgwin32_SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_RUNNING); /* Wait for quit... */ ret = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, shutdownHandles, FALSE, INFINITE); pgwin32_SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOP_PENDING); switch (ret) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: /* shutdown event */ { /* * status.dwCheckPoint can be incremented by * test_postmaster_connection(), so it might not start from 0. */ int maxShutdownCheckPoint = status.dwCheckPoint + 12; kill(postmasterPID, SIGINT); /* * Increment the checkpoint and try again. Abort after 12 * checkpoints as the postmaster has probably hung. */ while (WaitForSingleObject(postmasterProcess, 5000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT && status.dwCheckPoint < maxShutdownCheckPoint) { status.dwCheckPoint++; SetServiceStatus(hStatus, (LPSERVICE_STATUS) &status); } break; } case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1): /* postmaster went down */ break; default: /* shouldn't get here? */ break; } CloseHandle(shutdownEvent); CloseHandle(postmasterProcess); pgwin32_SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOPPED); } static void pgwin32_doRunAsService(void) { SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY st[] = {{register_servicename, pgwin32_ServiceMain}, {NULL, NULL}}; if (StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(st) == 0) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not start service \"%s\": error code %lu\n"), progname, register_servicename, (unsigned long) GetLastError()); exit(1); } } /* * Mingw headers are incomplete, and so are the libraries. So we have to load * a whole lot of API functions dynamically. Since we have to do this anyway, * also load the couple of functions that *do* exist in minwg headers but not * on NT4. That way, we don't break on NT4. */ typedef BOOL (WINAPI * __CreateRestrictedToken) (HANDLE, DWORD, DWORD, PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES, DWORD, PLUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES, DWORD, PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES, PHANDLE); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * __IsProcessInJob) (HANDLE, HANDLE, PBOOL); typedef HANDLE (WINAPI * __CreateJobObject) (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, LPCTSTR); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * __SetInformationJobObject) (HANDLE, JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS, LPVOID, DWORD); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * __AssignProcessToJobObject) (HANDLE, HANDLE); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * __QueryInformationJobObject) (HANDLE, JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS, LPVOID, DWORD, LPDWORD); /* Windows API define missing from some versions of MingW headers */ #ifndef DISABLE_MAX_PRIVILEGE #define DISABLE_MAX_PRIVILEGE 0x1 #endif /* * Create a restricted token, a job object sandbox, and execute the specified * process with it. * * Returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure, same as CreateProcess(). * * On NT4, or any other system not containing the required functions, will * launch the process under the current token without doing any modifications. * * NOTE! Job object will only work when running as a service, because it's * automatically destroyed when pg_ctl exits. */ static int CreateRestrictedProcess(char *cmd, PROCESS_INFORMATION *processInfo, bool as_service) { int r; BOOL b; STARTUPINFO si; HANDLE origToken; HANDLE restrictedToken; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY NtAuthority = {SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY}; SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES dropSids[3]; /* Functions loaded dynamically */ __CreateRestrictedToken _CreateRestrictedToken = NULL; __IsProcessInJob _IsProcessInJob = NULL; __CreateJobObject _CreateJobObject = NULL; __SetInformationJobObject _SetInformationJobObject = NULL; __AssignProcessToJobObject _AssignProcessToJobObject = NULL; __QueryInformationJobObject _QueryInformationJobObject = NULL; HANDLE Kernel32Handle; HANDLE Advapi32Handle; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); Advapi32Handle = LoadLibrary("ADVAPI32.DLL"); if (Advapi32Handle != NULL) { _CreateRestrictedToken = (__CreateRestrictedToken) GetProcAddress(Advapi32Handle, "CreateRestrictedToken"); } if (_CreateRestrictedToken == NULL) { /* * NT4 doesn't have CreateRestrictedToken, so just call ordinary * CreateProcess */ write_stderr(_("%s: WARNING: cannot create restricted tokens on this platform\n"), progname); if (Advapi32Handle != NULL) FreeLibrary(Advapi32Handle); return CreateProcess(NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, processInfo); } /* Open the current token to use as a base for the restricted one */ if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, &origToken)) { /* * Most Windows targets make DWORD a 32-bit unsigned long, but in case * it doesn't cast DWORD before printing. */ write_stderr(_("%s: could not open process token: error code %lu\n"), progname, (unsigned long) GetLastError()); return 0; } /* Allocate list of SIDs to remove */ ZeroMemory(&dropSids, sizeof(dropSids)); if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid(&NtAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &dropSids[0].Sid) || !AllocateAndInitializeSid(&NtAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_POWER_USERS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &dropSids[1].Sid) || !AllocateAndInitializeSid(&NtAuthority, 1, SECURITY_SERVICE_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &dropSids[2].Sid)) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not allocate SIDs: error code %lu\n"), progname, (unsigned long) GetLastError()); return 0; } b = _CreateRestrictedToken(origToken, 0, del_service_rid ? (sizeof(dropSids) / sizeof(dropSids[0])) : (sizeof(dropSids) / sizeof(dropSids[0]) - 1), dropSids, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, &restrictedToken); FreeSid(dropSids[1].Sid); FreeSid(dropSids[0].Sid); CloseHandle(origToken); FreeLibrary(Advapi32Handle); if (!b) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not create restricted token: error code %lu\n"), progname, (unsigned long) GetLastError()); return 0; } AddUserToTokenDacl(restrictedToken); r = CreateProcessAsUser(restrictedToken, NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, NULL, &si, processInfo); Kernel32Handle = LoadLibrary("KERNEL32.DLL"); if (Kernel32Handle != NULL) { _IsProcessInJob = (__IsProcessInJob) GetProcAddress(Kernel32Handle, "IsProcessInJob"); _CreateJobObject = (__CreateJobObject) GetProcAddress(Kernel32Handle, "CreateJobObjectA"); _SetInformationJobObject = (__SetInformationJobObject) GetProcAddress(Kernel32Handle, "SetInformationJobObject"); _AssignProcessToJobObject = (__AssignProcessToJobObject) GetProcAddress(Kernel32Handle, "AssignProcessToJobObject"); _QueryInformationJobObject = (__QueryInformationJobObject) GetProcAddress(Kernel32Handle, "QueryInformationJobObject"); } /* Verify that we found all functions */ if (_IsProcessInJob == NULL || _CreateJobObject == NULL || _SetInformationJobObject == NULL || _AssignProcessToJobObject == NULL || _QueryInformationJobObject == NULL) { /* * IsProcessInJob() is not available on < WinXP, so there is no need * to log the error every time in that case */ if (IsWindowsXPOrGreater()) /* * Log error if we can't get version, or if we're on WinXP/2003 or * newer */ write_stderr(_("%s: WARNING: could not locate all job object functions in system API\n"), progname); } else { BOOL inJob; if (_IsProcessInJob(processInfo->hProcess, NULL, &inJob)) { if (!inJob) { /* * Job objects are working, and the new process isn't in one, * so we can create one safely. If any problems show up when * setting it, we're going to ignore them. */ HANDLE job; char jobname[128]; sprintf(jobname, "PostgreSQL_%lu", (unsigned long) processInfo->dwProcessId); job = _CreateJobObject(NULL, jobname); if (job) { JOBOBJECT_BASIC_LIMIT_INFORMATION basicLimit; JOBOBJECT_BASIC_UI_RESTRICTIONS uiRestrictions; JOBOBJECT_SECURITY_LIMIT_INFORMATION securityLimit; ZeroMemory(&basicLimit, sizeof(basicLimit)); ZeroMemory(&uiRestrictions, sizeof(uiRestrictions)); ZeroMemory(&securityLimit, sizeof(securityLimit)); basicLimit.LimitFlags = JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_DIE_ON_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION | JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_PRIORITY_CLASS; basicLimit.PriorityClass = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; _SetInformationJobObject(job, JobObjectBasicLimitInformation, &basicLimit, sizeof(basicLimit)); uiRestrictions.UIRestrictionsClass = JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_DESKTOP | JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_DISPLAYSETTINGS | JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_EXITWINDOWS | JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_READCLIPBOARD | JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_SYSTEMPARAMETERS | JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_WRITECLIPBOARD; if (as_service) { if (!IsWindows7OrGreater()) { /* * On Windows 7 (and presumably later), * JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_HANDLES prevents us from * starting as a service. So we only enable it on * Vista and earlier (version <= 6.0) */ uiRestrictions.UIRestrictionsClass |= JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_HANDLES; } } _SetInformationJobObject(job, JobObjectBasicUIRestrictions, &uiRestrictions, sizeof(uiRestrictions)); securityLimit.SecurityLimitFlags = JOB_OBJECT_SECURITY_NO_ADMIN | JOB_OBJECT_SECURITY_ONLY_TOKEN; securityLimit.JobToken = restrictedToken; _SetInformationJobObject(job, JobObjectSecurityLimitInformation, &securityLimit, sizeof(securityLimit)); _AssignProcessToJobObject(job, processInfo->hProcess); } } } } CloseHandle(restrictedToken); ResumeThread(processInfo->hThread); FreeLibrary(Kernel32Handle); /* * We intentionally don't close the job object handle, because we want the * object to live on until pg_ctl shuts down. */ return r; } #endif /* WIN32 */ static void do_advice(void) { write_stderr(_("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n"), progname); } static void do_help(void) { printf(_("%s is a utility to initialize, start, stop, or control a PostgreSQL server.\n\n"), progname); printf(_("Usage:\n")); printf(_(" %s init[db] [-D DATADIR] [-s] [-o \"OPTIONS\"]\n"), progname); printf(_(" %s start [-w] [-t SECS] [-D DATADIR] [-s] [-l FILENAME] [-o \"OPTIONS\"]\n"), progname); printf(_(" %s stop [-W] [-t SECS] [-D DATADIR] [-s] [-m SHUTDOWN-MODE]\n"), progname); printf(_(" %s restart [-w] [-t SECS] [-D DATADIR] [-s] [-m SHUTDOWN-MODE]\n" " [-o \"OPTIONS\"]\n"), progname); printf(_(" %s reload [-D DATADIR] [-s]\n"), progname); printf(_(" %s status [-D DATADIR]\n"), progname); printf(_(" %s promote [-D DATADIR] [-s]\n"), progname); printf(_(" %s kill SIGNALNAME PID\n"), progname); #ifdef WIN32 printf(_(" %s register [-N SERVICENAME] [-U USERNAME] [-P PASSWORD] [-D DATADIR]\n" " [-S START-TYPE] [-w] [-t SECS] [-o \"OPTIONS\"]\n"), progname); printf(_(" %s unregister [-N SERVICENAME]\n"), progname); #endif printf(_("\nCommon options:\n")); printf(_(" -D, --pgdata=DATADIR location of the database storage area\n")); #ifdef WIN32 printf(_(" -e SOURCE event source for logging when running as a service\n")); #endif printf(_(" -s, --silent only print errors, no informational messages\n")); printf(_(" -t, --timeout=SECS seconds to wait when using -w option\n")); printf(_(" -V, --version output version information, then exit\n")); printf(_(" -w wait until operation completes\n")); printf(_(" -W do not wait until operation completes\n")); printf(_(" -?, --help show this help, then exit\n")); printf(_("(The default is to wait for shutdown, but not for start or restart.)\n\n")); printf(_("If the -D option is omitted, the environment variable PGDATA is used.\n")); printf(_("\nOptions for start or restart:\n")); #if defined(HAVE_GETRLIMIT) && defined(RLIMIT_CORE) printf(_(" -c, --core-files allow postgres to produce core files\n")); #else printf(_(" -c, --core-files not applicable on this platform\n")); #endif printf(_(" -l, --log=FILENAME write (or append) server log to FILENAME\n")); printf(_(" -o OPTIONS command line options to pass to postgres\n" " (PostgreSQL server executable) or initdb\n")); printf(_(" -p PATH-TO-POSTGRES normally not necessary\n")); printf(_("\nOptions for stop or restart:\n")); printf(_(" -m, --mode=MODE MODE can be \"smart\", \"fast\", or \"immediate\"\n")); printf(_("\nShutdown modes are:\n")); printf(_(" smart quit after all clients have disconnected\n")); printf(_(" fast quit directly, with proper shutdown\n")); printf(_(" immediate quit without complete shutdown; will lead to recovery on restart\n")); printf(_("\nAllowed signal names for kill:\n")); printf(" ABRT HUP INT QUIT TERM USR1 USR2\n"); #ifdef WIN32 printf(_("\nOptions for register and unregister:\n")); printf(_(" -N SERVICENAME service name with which to register PostgreSQL server\n")); printf(_(" -P PASSWORD password of account to register PostgreSQL server\n")); printf(_(" -U USERNAME user name of account to register PostgreSQL server\n")); printf(_(" -S START-TYPE service start type to register PostgreSQL server\n")); printf(_("\nStart types are:\n")); printf(_(" auto start service automatically during system startup (default)\n")); printf(_(" demand start service on demand\n")); #endif printf(_("\nReport bugs to .\n")); } static void set_mode(char *modeopt) { if (strcmp(modeopt, "s") == 0 || strcmp(modeopt, "smart") == 0) { shutdown_mode = SMART_MODE; sig = SIGTERM; } else if (strcmp(modeopt, "f") == 0 || strcmp(modeopt, "fast") == 0) { shutdown_mode = FAST_MODE; sig = SIGINT; } else if (strcmp(modeopt, "i") == 0 || strcmp(modeopt, "immediate") == 0) { shutdown_mode = IMMEDIATE_MODE; sig = SIGQUIT; } else { write_stderr(_("%s: unrecognized shutdown mode \"%s\"\n"), progname, modeopt); do_advice(); exit(1); } } static void set_sig(char *signame) { if (strcmp(signame, "HUP") == 0) sig = SIGHUP; else if (strcmp(signame, "INT") == 0) sig = SIGINT; else if (strcmp(signame, "QUIT") == 0) sig = SIGQUIT; else if (strcmp(signame, "ABRT") == 0) sig = SIGABRT; #if 0 /* probably should NOT provide SIGKILL */ else if (strcmp(signame, "KILL") == 0) sig = SIGKILL; #endif else if (strcmp(signame, "TERM") == 0) sig = SIGTERM; else if (strcmp(signame, "USR1") == 0) sig = SIGUSR1; else if (strcmp(signame, "USR2") == 0) sig = SIGUSR2; else { write_stderr(_("%s: unrecognized signal name \"%s\"\n"), progname, signame); do_advice(); exit(1); } } #ifdef WIN32 static void set_starttype(char *starttypeopt) { if (strcmp(starttypeopt, "a") == 0 || strcmp(starttypeopt, "auto") == 0) pgctl_start_type = SERVICE_AUTO_START; else if (strcmp(starttypeopt, "d") == 0 || strcmp(starttypeopt, "demand") == 0) pgctl_start_type = SERVICE_DEMAND_START; else { write_stderr(_("%s: unrecognized start type \"%s\"\n"), progname, starttypeopt); do_advice(); exit(1); } } #endif /* * adjust_data_dir * * If a configuration-only directory was specified, find the real data dir. */ static void adjust_data_dir(void) { char cmd[MAXPGPATH], filename[MAXPGPATH], *my_exec_path; FILE *fd; /* do nothing if we're working without knowledge of data dir */ if (pg_config == NULL) return; /* If there is no postgresql.conf, it can't be a config-only dir */ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/postgresql.conf", pg_config); if ((fd = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) return; fclose(fd); /* If PG_VERSION exists, it can't be a config-only dir */ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/PG_VERSION", pg_config); if ((fd = fopen(filename, "r")) != NULL) { fclose(fd); return; } /* Must be a configuration directory, so find the data directory */ /* we use a private my_exec_path to avoid interfering with later uses */ if (exec_path == NULL) my_exec_path = find_other_exec_or_die(argv0, "postgres", PG_BACKEND_VERSIONSTR); else my_exec_path = pg_strdup(exec_path); /* it's important for -C to be the first option, see main.c */ snprintf(cmd, MAXPGPATH, "\"%s\" -C data_directory %s%s", my_exec_path, pgdata_opt ? pgdata_opt : "", post_opts ? post_opts : ""); fd = popen(cmd, "r"); if (fd == NULL || fgets(filename, sizeof(filename), fd) == NULL) { write_stderr(_("%s: could not determine the data directory using command \"%s\"\n"), progname, cmd); exit(1); } pclose(fd); free(my_exec_path); /* Remove trailing newline */ if (strchr(filename, '\n') != NULL) *strchr(filename, '\n') = '\0'; free(pg_data); pg_data = pg_strdup(filename); canonicalize_path(pg_data); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, '?'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}, {"log", required_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {"mode", required_argument, NULL, 'm'}, {"pgdata", required_argument, NULL, 'D'}, {"silent", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"timeout", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"core-files", no_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; char *env_wait; int option_index; int c; pgpid_t killproc = 0; #ifdef WIN32 setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0); #endif progname = get_progname(argv[0]); set_pglocale_pgservice(argv[0], PG_TEXTDOMAIN("pg_ctl")); start_time = time(NULL); /* * save argv[0] so do_start() can look for the postmaster if necessary. we * don't look for postmaster here because in many cases we won't need it. */ argv0 = argv[0]; umask(S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); /* support --help and --version even if invoked as root */ if (argc > 1) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-?") == 0) { do_help(); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-V") == 0) { puts("pg_ctl (PostgreSQL) " PG_VERSION); exit(0); } } /* * Disallow running as root, to forestall any possible security holes. */ #ifndef WIN32 if (geteuid() == 0) { write_stderr(_("%s: cannot be run as root\n" "Please log in (using, e.g., \"su\") as the " "(unprivileged) user that will\n" "own the server process.\n"), progname); exit(1); } #endif env_wait = getenv("PGCTLTIMEOUT"); if (env_wait != NULL) wait_seconds = atoi(env_wait); /* * 'Action' can be before or after args so loop over both. Some * getopt_long() implementations will reorder argv[] to place all flags * first (GNU?), but we don't rely on it. Our /port version doesn't do * that. */ optind = 1; /* process command-line options */ while (optind < argc) { while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "cD:e:l:m:N:o:p:P:sS:t:U:wWz", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'D': { char *pgdata_D; char *env_var; pgdata_D = pg_strdup(optarg); canonicalize_path(pgdata_D); env_var = psprintf("PGDATA=%s", pgdata_D); putenv(env_var); /* * We could pass PGDATA just in an environment * variable but we do -D too for clearer postmaster * 'ps' display */ pgdata_opt = psprintf("-D \"%s\" ", pgdata_D); break; } case 'e': event_source = pg_strdup(optarg); break; case 'l': log_file = pg_strdup(optarg); break; case 'm': set_mode(optarg); break; case 'N': register_servicename = pg_strdup(optarg); break; case 'o': /* append option? */ if (!post_opts) post_opts = pg_strdup(optarg); else { char *old_post_opts = post_opts; post_opts = psprintf("%s %s", old_post_opts, optarg); free(old_post_opts); } break; case 'p': exec_path = pg_strdup(optarg); break; case 'P': register_password = pg_strdup(optarg); break; case 's': silent_mode = true; break; case 'S': #ifdef WIN32 set_starttype(optarg); #else write_stderr(_("%s: -S option not supported on this platform\n"), progname); exit(1); #endif break; case 't': wait_seconds = atoi(optarg); wait_seconds_arg = true; break; case 'U': if (strchr(optarg, '\\')) register_username = pg_strdup(optarg); else /* Prepend .\ for local accounts */ register_username = psprintf(".\\%s", optarg); break; case 'w': do_wait = true; wait_set = true; break; case 'z': del_service_rid = true; break; case 'W': do_wait = false; wait_set = true; break; case 'c': allow_core_files = true; break; default: /* getopt_long already issued a suitable error message */ do_advice(); exit(1); } } /* Process an action */ if (optind < argc) { if (ctl_command != NO_COMMAND) { write_stderr(_("%s: too many command-line arguments (first is \"%s\")\n"), progname, argv[optind]); do_advice(); exit(1); } if (strcmp(argv[optind], "init") == 0 || strcmp(argv[optind], "initdb") == 0) ctl_command = INIT_COMMAND; else if (strcmp(argv[optind], "start") == 0) ctl_command = START_COMMAND; else if (strcmp(argv[optind], "stop") == 0) ctl_command = STOP_COMMAND; else if (strcmp(argv[optind], "restart") == 0) ctl_command = RESTART_COMMAND; else if (strcmp(argv[optind], "reload") == 0) ctl_command = RELOAD_COMMAND; else if (strcmp(argv[optind], "status") == 0) ctl_command = STATUS_COMMAND; else if (strcmp(argv[optind], "promote") == 0) ctl_command = PROMOTE_COMMAND; else if (strcmp(argv[optind], "kill") == 0) { if (argc - optind < 3) { write_stderr(_("%s: missing arguments for kill mode\n"), progname); do_advice(); exit(1); } ctl_command = KILL_COMMAND; set_sig(argv[++optind]); killproc = atol(argv[++optind]); } #ifdef WIN32 else if (strcmp(argv[optind], "register") == 0) ctl_command = REGISTER_COMMAND; else if (strcmp(argv[optind], "unregister") == 0) ctl_command = UNREGISTER_COMMAND; else if (strcmp(argv[optind], "runservice") == 0) ctl_command = RUN_AS_SERVICE_COMMAND; #endif else { write_stderr(_("%s: unrecognized operation mode \"%s\"\n"), progname, argv[optind]); do_advice(); exit(1); } optind++; } } if (ctl_command == NO_COMMAND) { write_stderr(_("%s: no operation specified\n"), progname); do_advice(); exit(1); } /* Note we put any -D switch into the env var above */ pg_config = getenv("PGDATA"); if (pg_config) { pg_config = pg_strdup(pg_config); canonicalize_path(pg_config); pg_data = pg_strdup(pg_config); } /* -D might point at config-only directory; if so find the real PGDATA */ adjust_data_dir(); /* Complain if -D needed and not provided */ if (pg_config == NULL && ctl_command != KILL_COMMAND && ctl_command != UNREGISTER_COMMAND) { write_stderr(_("%s: no database directory specified and environment variable PGDATA unset\n"), progname); do_advice(); exit(1); } if (!wait_set) { switch (ctl_command) { case RESTART_COMMAND: case START_COMMAND: do_wait = false; break; case STOP_COMMAND: do_wait = true; break; default: break; } } if (ctl_command == RELOAD_COMMAND) { sig = SIGHUP; do_wait = false; } if (pg_data) { snprintf(postopts_file, MAXPGPATH, "%s/postmaster.opts", pg_data); snprintf(version_file, MAXPGPATH, "%s/PG_VERSION", pg_data); snprintf(pid_file, MAXPGPATH, "%s/postmaster.pid", pg_data); snprintf(backup_file, MAXPGPATH, "%s/backup_label", pg_data); snprintf(recovery_file, MAXPGPATH, "%s/recovery.conf", pg_data); } switch (ctl_command) { case INIT_COMMAND: do_init(); break; case STATUS_COMMAND: do_status(); break; case START_COMMAND: do_start(); break; case STOP_COMMAND: do_stop(); break; case RESTART_COMMAND: do_restart(); break; case RELOAD_COMMAND: do_reload(); break; case PROMOTE_COMMAND: do_promote(); break; case KILL_COMMAND: do_kill(killproc); break; #ifdef WIN32 case REGISTER_COMMAND: pgwin32_doRegister(); break; case UNREGISTER_COMMAND: pgwin32_doUnregister(); break; case RUN_AS_SERVICE_COMMAND: pgwin32_doRunAsService(); break; #endif default: break; } exit(0); }