DROP OWNED SQL - Language Statements DROP OWNED remove database objects owned by a database role DROP OWNED DROP OWNED name [, ...] [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] Description The DROP OWNED instructs the system to drop those database objects owned by one of the given roles which reside on the current database. All privileges granted to the given roles will also be revoked. If CASCADE is specified, DROP OWNED will behave like a DROP ... CASCADE was issued for each object, that is, objects dependent on the ones owned by the given users will be dropped as well. Notes The DROP OWNED command is mostly used in preparation to drop the roles. It may be necessary to issue the command in more than one database. Using the CASCADE option may make the command recurse to objects owned by other users. See the REASSIGN OWNED command for an alternative that gives the objects away to another role. Compatibility The DROP OWNED statement is a PostgreSQL extension. See Also