#include exec sql include header_test; exec sql type c is char reference; typedef char* c; exec sql type ind is union { int integer; short smallinteger; }; typedef union { int integer; short smallinteger; } ind; int main () { typedef struct { long born; short age; } birthinfo; exec sql type birthinfo is struct { long born; short age; }; exec sql begin declare section; struct personal_struct { varchar name[8]; birthinfo birth; } personal; struct personal_indicator { int ind_name; birthinfo ind_birth; } ind_personal; int ind_married; ind children; ind ind_children; char married[11]; c testname="Petra"; char *query="select name, born, age, married, children from meskes where name = :var1"; exec sql end declare section; exec sql var ind_married is long; exec sql declare cur cursor for select name, born, age, married, children from meskes; char msg[128], command[128]; FILE *dbgs; if ((dbgs = fopen("log", "w")) != NULL) ECPGdebug(1, dbgs); strcpy(msg, "connect"); exec sql connect to unix:postgresql://localhost:5432/mm; strcpy(msg, "create"); exec sql create table meskes(name char(8), born integer, age smallint, married date, children integer); strcpy(msg, "insert"); exec sql insert into meskes(name, married, children) values ('Petra', '19900404', 3); exec sql insert into meskes(name, born, age, married, children) values ('Michael', 19660117, 33, '19900404', 3); exec sql insert into meskes(name, born, age) values ('Carsten', 19910103, 8); exec sql insert into meskes(name, born, age) values ('Marc', 19930907, 5); exec sql insert into meskes(name, born, age) values ('Chris', 19970923, 1); strcpy(msg, "commit"); exec sql commit; strcpy(msg, "open"); exec sql open cur; exec sql whenever not found do break; while (1) { strcpy(msg, "fetch"); exec sql fetch in cur into :personal:ind_personal, :married:ind_married, :children.integer:ind_children.smallinteger; printf("%8.8s", personal.name.arr); if (ind_personal.ind_birth.born >= 0) printf(", born %d", personal.birth.born); if (ind_personal.ind_birth.age >= 0) printf(", age = %d", personal.birth.age); if (ind_married >= 0) printf(", married %s", married); if (ind_children.smallinteger >= 0) printf(", children = %d", children.integer); putchar('\n'); } strcpy(msg, "close"); exec sql close cur; /* and now the same query with prepare */ exec sql prepare MM from :query; exec sql declare prep cursor for MM; strcpy(msg, "open"); exec sql open prep using :testname; exec sql whenever not found do break; while (1) { strcpy(msg, "fetch"); exec sql fetch in prep into :personal:ind_personal, :married:ind_married, :children.integer:ind_children.smallinteger; printf("%8.8s", personal.name.arr); if (ind_personal.ind_birth.born >= 0) printf(", born %d", personal.birth.born); if (ind_personal.ind_birth.age >= 0) printf(", age = %d", personal.birth.age); if (ind_married >= 0) printf(", married %s", married); if (ind_children.smallinteger >= 0) printf(", children = %d", children.integer); putchar('\n'); } strcpy(msg, "close"); exec sql close prep; strcpy(msg, "drop"); exec sql drop table meskes; strcpy(msg, "commit"); exec sql commit; strcpy(msg, "disconnect"); exec sql disconnect; if (dbgs != NULL) fclose(dbgs); return (0); }