globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'dd_;' CC_connect: entering... CC_connect(): DSN = 'Test', server = 'localhost', port = '', database = 'test', username = 'tgl', password='no$way' connecting to the server socket... connection to the server socket failed. CONN ERROR: func=SQLConnect, desc='Error on CC_connect', errnum=101, errmsg='Could not connect to the server' **** SQLError: henv=0, hdbc=134613032, hstmt=0 calling CC_get_error enter CC_get_error enter CC_create_errormsg msg = 'Could not connect to the server' exit CC_create_errormsg exit CC_get_error CC_get_error: status = 101, msg = #Could not connect to the server; Could not connect to remote socket.#