[1] "=====================================================================" [1] "One-tailed Student's T test, SKEW = 1, default_statistics_target = 10" Welch Two Sample t-test data: s10$TOT[s10$SKEW == 1 & s10$USESTAT == 0] and s10$TOT[s10$SKEW == 1 & s10$USESTAT == 1] t = 0.3694, df = 27.749, p-value = 0.3573 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval: -17303.79 Inf sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 530016.7 525218.3 [1] "=====================================================================" [1] "One-tailed Student's T test, SKEW = 2, default_statistics_target = 10" Welch Two Sample t-test data: s10$TOT[s10$SKEW == 2 & s10$USESTAT == 0] and s10$TOT[s10$SKEW == 2 & s10$USESTAT == 1] t = -0.9827, df = 27.964, p-value = 0.8329 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval: -29454.19 Inf sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 540471.2 551255.6 [1] "=====================================================================" [1] "One-tailed Student's T test, SKEW = 3, default_statistics_target = 10" Welch Two Sample t-test data: s10$TOT[s10$SKEW == 3 & s10$USESTAT == 0] and s10$TOT[s10$SKEW == 3 & s10$USESTAT == 1] t = 2.2689, df = 25.44, p-value = 0.01600 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval: 9449.36 Inf sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 586986.0 548829.5 [1] "=====================================================================" [1] "One-tailed Student's T test, SKEW = 1, default_statistics_target = 100" Welch Two Sample t-test data: s100$TOT[s100$SKEW == 1 & s100$USESTAT == 0] and s100$TOT[s100$SKEW == 1 & s100$USESTAT == 1] t = -0.5446, df = 17.821, p-value = 0.7036 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval: -28177.18 Inf sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 506444.2 513175.4 [1] "=====================================================================" [1] "One-tailed Student's T test, SKEW = 2, default_statistics_target = 100" Welch Two Sample t-test data: s100$TOT[s100$SKEW == 2 & s100$USESTAT == 0] and s100$TOT[s100$SKEW == 2 & s100$USESTAT == 1] t = 0.8893, df = 16.688, p-value = 0.1932 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval: -7475.02 Inf sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 510603.9 502803.7 [1] "=====================================================================" [1] "One-tailed Student's T test, SKEW = 3, default_statistics_target = 100" Welch Two Sample t-test data: s100$TOT[s100$SKEW == 3 & s100$USESTAT == 0] and s100$TOT[s100$SKEW == 3 & s100$USESTAT == 1] t = 1.9314, df = 13.491, p-value = 0.03736 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval: 2575.890 Inf sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 533821.8 503746.1