Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I do not know if this can even be considered a bug, but I would be pleased, if somebody could make a statement on this:

While using views calling functions on INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE via according rules, I noticed an inconsistent behaviour of the JDBC-interface of postgres;
 an INSERT-, UPDATE- or DELETE-statement producing tuples as return-value (in our case through rules calling functions but although via the 'RETURNING'-clause of a single INSERT- or UPDATE-statement) is returning the expected number of tuples when called via the console (even through pgAdmin) or via ODBC
when called via JDBC only an 'UpdateCount' of 0 is returned;
debugging to protocol-level showed, that the postgreSQL-server does not even differ between a 'simple' UPDATE or one returning tuples;

a 'simple' UPDATE returning only an 'UpdateCount' produces the following sequence of commands (at protocol-level):
49 - 50 - 110 - 67 - 90      or in characters      '1' - '2' - 'n' - 'C' - Z'
exactly the same is returned on an UPDATE returning tuples;
of course, as 'n' means that no data is available (according to class org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl) no tuple will be available and the 'UpdateCount' will also be 0;

... so am I right guessing that there is no way to retrieve the resulting tuples via JDBC? (- in difference to the console and ODBC)

For our needs we implemented a java.sql.Driver encapsulating the sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver that returns the expected values as a workaround, but that causes additional conversions that are not really necessary;
in my opinion it would be a better solution to leave the decision, whether to return the tuples, an 'UpdateCount' or even throw an Exception up to the implementor of the driver and not to ignore the fact that tuples where produced already on server-side;

I am looking forward to hearing your point of view!

With best regards,

Otto Weichselbaum


SEW – Otto Weichselbaum

DI (FH) Otto Weichselbaum
A-4040 LINZ, Heindlstrasse 19/4
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