create table ab (a int not null, b int not null) partition by list (a); create table ab_a2 partition of ab for values in(2) partition by list (b); create table ab_a2_b1 partition of ab_a2 for values in (1); create table ab_a2_b2 partition of ab_a2 for values in (2); create table ab_a2_b3 partition of ab_a2 for values in (3); create table ab_a1 partition of ab for values in(1) partition by list (b); create table ab_a1_b1 partition of ab_a1 for values in (1); create table ab_a1_b2 partition of ab_a1 for values in (2); create table ab_a1_b3 partition of ab_a1 for values in (3); create table ab_a3 partition of ab for values in(3) partition by list (b); create table ab_a3_b1 partition of ab_a3 for values in (1); create table ab_a3_b2 partition of ab_a3 for values in (2); create table ab_a3_b3 partition of ab_a3 for values in (3);