I'm running 7.1.1

I create the Pl/Pgsql function using Pgaccess the code is like this:
Insert into tab1 Select * from tab2 where id = xxxx  limit var_name;

>From: Tom Lane
>To: "Richard Huxton"
>CC: "Matteo Centenaro" , pgsql-general@postgresql.org
>Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Insert and limit
>Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 10:42:11 -0400
>"Richard Huxton" writes:
> > [follow-up message said Matteo was interested in plpgsql]
> > Still seems OK.
>I think a more relevant question is "what version are you running?"
>IIRC, LIMIT only works in a top-level SELECT before 7.1.
> regards, tom lane
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