#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # multiversion/cluster aware pg_ctl wrapper; this also supplies the correct # configuration parameters to 'start', and makes sure that postgres really # stops on 'stop'. # # (C) 2005-2009 Martin Pitt # (C) 2009 Cyril Bouthors # (C) 2013-2015 Christoph Berg # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use POSIX qw/setsid dup2 setlocale LC_ALL :sys_wait_h/; use PgCommon; use Fcntl 'SEEK_SET'; my ($version, $cluster, $pg_ctl, $force); my (@postmaster_auxoptions, @pg_ctl_opts_from_cli); my (%postgresql_conf, %info); my $mode = 'smart'; # default shutdown mode my $foreground = 0; # don't daemonize, use postgres instead of pg_ctl my $stdlog = 0; # when run in foreground, still log to the default logfile # Check for known broken configurations of this cluster sub check_valid_config { my %postgresql_conf = read_cluster_conf_file $version, $cluster, 'postgresql.conf'; my $log_statement_stats = config_bool $postgresql_conf{'log_statement_stats'}; my $log_parser_stats = config_bool $postgresql_conf{'log_parser_stats'}; my $log_planner_stats = config_bool $postgresql_conf{'log_planner_stats'}; my $log_executor_stats = config_bool $postgresql_conf{'log_executor_stats'}; # statement and other statistics are mutually exclusive if ($log_statement_stats && ($log_parser_stats || $log_planner_stats || $log_executor_stats)) { error ('invalid postgresql.conf: log_statement_stats and the other log_*_stats options are mutually exclusive'); } } # If a pid file is already present, delete it if it is stale/invalid, or exit # with a notice if it belongs to an already running postgres. sub start_check_pid_file { my $pidfile = $info{'pgdata'}.'/postmaster.pid'; if (PgCommon::check_pidfile_running $pidfile) { print "Cluster is already running.\n"; exit 2; } # Remove invalid or stale PID file if (-e $pidfile) { unlink $pidfile; print "Removed stale pid file.\n"; } } # Check if a pid file is not present or it is invalid. If so, clean up/abort. sub stop_check_pid_file { my $pidfile = $info{'pgdata'}.'/postmaster.pid'; my $pid = read_pidfile $pidfile; return if (defined $pid && PgCommon::check_pidfile_running $pidfile); if ($info{'running'}) { error 'pid file is invalid, please manually kill the stale server process.'; } # Remove invalid or stale PID file if (-e $pidfile) { unlink $pidfile; print "Removed stale pid file.\n"; } print "Cluster is not running.\n"; exit 2; } # check if a cluster reliably connects or fails # Arguments: sub cluster_port_ready { my ($v, $c, $p, $sd) = @_; my $psql = get_program_path 'psql', $v; error 'cluster_port_ready: could not find psql binary' unless $psql; my $n = 0; my $result = 0; # probe until we get three successful or failed connections in a row $ENV{'PGPASSWORD'} = 'foo'; # prevent hangs if superuser cannot connect withouth password my $out; while ($n < ($result ? 10 : 3)) { select undef, undef, undef, 0.5; $out = `$psql -h '$sd' --port $p -l 2>&1 >/dev/null`; if ($? == $result) { $n++; } else { $n = 0; } $result = $?; } if ($out =~ 'FATAL:') { print STDERR "Warning: connection to the database failed, disabling startup checks:\n$out\n"; return cluster_port_running $v, $c, $p; } return !$result; } sub start { my $cdir = $info{'configdir'}; check_valid_config; start_check_pid_file; # check conflicting port if (cluster_port_running $version, $cluster, $info{'port'}) { my $sockdir = get_cluster_socketdir $version, $cluster; error("Port conflict: another instance is already running on $sockdir with port $info{'port'}"); } # prepare environment (empty except for content of 'environment', and LANG) %ENV = read_cluster_conf_file $version, $cluster, 'environment'; # set LANG so non-ascii chars in the server log are not replaced by '?' (affected are non-session contexts) unless (exists $ENV{LANG}) { my $lc_messages = PgCommon::get_conf_value $version, $cluster, 'postgresql.conf', 'lc_messages'; $ENV{LANG} = $lc_messages if $lc_messages; } # 9.5 configures OOM killer using env vars if ($version >= 9.5) { $ENV{PG_OOM_ADJUST_FILE} = "/proc/self/oom_score_adj" unless (exists $ENV{PG_OOM_ADJUST_FILE}); # PG_OOM_ADJUST_VALUE defaults to 0, but can be overridden here } my $postmaster_opts = ''; my $usd = $version >= 9.3 ? 'unix_socket_directories' : 'unix_socket_directory'; if (!(PgCommon::get_conf_value $version, $cluster, 'postgresql.conf', $usd)) { $postmaster_opts .= "-c $usd=\"$info{'socketdir'}\""; } $postmaster_opts .= " -c config_file=\"$cdir/postgresql.conf\""; if (!(PgCommon::get_conf_value $version, $cluster, 'postgresql.conf', 'hba_file')) { $postmaster_opts .= " -c hba_file=\"$cdir/pg_hba.conf\""; } if (!(PgCommon::get_conf_value $version, $cluster, 'postgresql.conf', 'ident_file')) { $postmaster_opts .= " -c ident_file=\"$cdir/pg_ident.conf\""; } if ((-d '/var/run/postgresql') && !defined (PgCommon::get_conf_value $version, $cluster, 'postgresql.conf', 'external_pid_file')) { # check whether /var/run/postgresql/ is writeable as the cluster owner my $vrp_writable; if ($> == 0) { change_ugid $info{'owneruid'}, $info{'ownergid'}; $vrp_writable = -w '/var/run/postgresql'; $< = $> = 0; $( = $) = 0; } else { $vrp_writable = -w '/var/run/postgresql'; } if ($vrp_writable) { $postmaster_opts .= " -c external_pid_file=\"/var/run/postgresql/$version-$cluster.pid\""; } } $postmaster_opts .= ' ' . (join ' ', @postmaster_auxoptions); ($postmaster_opts) = $postmaster_opts =~ /(.*)/; # untaint if ($foreground) { if ($stdlog and $info{'logfile'}) { dup2(POSIX::open($info{logfile}, POSIX::O_WRONLY|POSIX::O_APPEND), 1); dup2(POSIX::open($info{logfile}, POSIX::O_WRONLY|POSIX::O_APPEND), 2); } my $postgres = get_program_path 'postgres', $version; exec '/bin/sh', '-c', "exec $postgres $postmaster_opts" or error "Executing $postgres failed: $!" } # only supply or default logfile path when none is given explicitly in # postgresql.conf my @options = ($pg_ctl, 'start', '-D', $info{'pgdata'}); my $logsize = 0; if ($info{'logfile'}) { push @options, ('-l', $info{'logfile'}); # remember current size of the log $logsize = (stat $info{'logfile'})[7] || 0; # ignore stat errors } push @options, @pg_ctl_opts_from_cli if @pg_ctl_opts_from_cli; my %pg_ctl_opts_from_file = read_cluster_conf_file $version, $cluster, 'pg_ctl.conf'; push @options, split(' ', $pg_ctl_opts_from_file{'pg_ctl_options'}) if defined $pg_ctl_opts_from_file{'pg_ctl_options'} and $pg_ctl_opts_from_file{'pg_ctl_options'} ne ''; push @options, ('-s', '-o', $postmaster_opts); if (fork) { wait; error "could not exec $pg_ctl @options: $!" if $?; } else { setsid or error "could not start session: $!"; # without this, you'll get zombies on startup dup2(POSIX::open('/dev/null', POSIX::O_WRONLY), 1); dup2(POSIX::open('/dev/null', POSIX::O_WRONLY), 2); exec $pg_ctl @options or error "could not exec $pg_ctl @options: $!"; } # wait a bit until the socket exists my $success = 0; my $currlogsize = 0; my $pidfile = $info{'pgdata'}.'/postmaster.pid'; for (my $attempt = 0; $attempt < 60; $attempt++) { select (undef, undef, undef, 0.5); $currlogsize = (stat $info{'logfile'})[7] if $info{'logfile'} && -r $info{'logfile'}; if (cluster_port_running $version, $cluster, $info{'port'}) { $success = 1; last; } # if postgres wrote something, but the process does not exist any # more, there must be a problem and we can stop immediately last if ($currlogsize > $logsize && !PgCommon::check_pidfile_running $pidfile); } # OK, the server runs, now wait until it stabilized if ($success) { $success = cluster_port_ready $version, $cluster, $info{'port'}, $info{'socketdir'}; } if (!$success) { if ($currlogsize) { print STDERR "The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output:\n"; open LOG, $info{'logfile'} or error "Could not open log file " . $info{'logfile'}; seek LOG, $logsize, SEEK_SET; print STDERR $_ while ; } else { print STDERR "The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output.\n"; } exit 1; } return 0; } sub stop { stop_check_pid_file; my $result = 1; if ($force) { if (!fork()) { close STDOUT; exec $pg_ctl, '-D', $info{'pgdata'}, '-s', '-w', '-m', 'fast', @pg_ctl_opts_from_cli, 'stop'; } else { wait; $result = $? >> 8; } # try harder if "fast" mode does not work if (-f $info{'pgdata'}.'/postmaster.pid') { print "(does not shutdown gracefully, now stopping immediately)\n"; $result = system $pg_ctl, '-D', $info{'pgdata'}, '-s', '-w', '-m', 'immediate', @pg_ctl_opts_from_cli, 'stop'; } # if that still not helps, use the big hammer if (-f $info{'pgdata'}.'/postmaster.pid') { print "(does not shutdown, killing the process)"; my $pid = read_pidfile ($info{'pgdata'}.'/postmaster.pid'); kill (9, $pid) if $pid; $result = 0; } } else { if (!fork()) { close STDOUT; exec $pg_ctl, '-D', $info{'pgdata'}, '-s', '-w', '-m', $mode, @pg_ctl_opts_from_cli, 'stop'; } else { wait; $result = $? >> 8; } } # external_pid_file files are currently not removed by postgres itself if ($result == 0) { unlink "/var/run/postgresql/$version-$cluster.pid"; } return $result; } sub restart { my $result; if ($info{'running'}) { $result = stop; return $result if $result; } return start; } sub reload { exec $pg_ctl, '-D', $info{'pgdata'}, '-s', @pg_ctl_opts_from_cli, 'reload'; } sub status { exec $pg_ctl, '-D', $info{'pgdata'}, 'status'; } sub promote { exec $pg_ctl, '-D', $info{'pgdata'}, '-s', @pg_ctl_opts_from_cli, 'promote'; } # # main # my ($skip_systemctl_redirect, $bindir); exit 1 unless GetOptions ('o|options=s' => \@postmaster_auxoptions, 'f|force' => \$force, 'm|mode=s' => \$mode, 'foreground' => \$foreground, 'skip-systemctl-redirect' => \$skip_systemctl_redirect, 'stdlog' => \$stdlog, 'bindir=s' => \$bindir, ); if ($mode =~ /^(s(mart)?|f(ast)?|i(mmediate)?)$/) { $mode = $1; # untaint } else { print "Invalid -m mode, valid are: smart fast immediate\n"; exit 1; } ($bindir) = $bindir =~ /^(\/.*)$/ if $bindir; # untaint # accept both "version cluster action" and "version[-/]cluster action" if (@ARGV < 2 or (@ARGV < 3 and $ARGV[0] !~ m![-/]!)) { print "Usage: $0 \n"; exit 1; } $version = shift @ARGV; if ($version =~ m!^(\d+\.\d)[-/](.+)!) { ($version, $cluster) = ($1, $2); } else { $cluster = shift @ARGV; } my $action = shift @ARGV; @pg_ctl_opts_from_cli=(); foreach my $argv (@ARGV) { push @pg_ctl_opts_from_cli, $argv =~ /(.*)/; # untaint } ($version) = $version =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)$/; # untaint ($cluster) = $cluster =~ /^([^'"\s]+)$/; # untaint error 'specified cluster does not exist' unless $version && $cluster && cluster_exists $version, $cluster; %info = cluster_info ($version, $cluster); unless ($action eq 'stop') { # check if cluster is disabled in start.conf error 'Cluster is disabled' if $info{'start'} eq 'disabled'; } # untaint environment $ENV{'PATH'} = '/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin'; delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'}; unless (-d $info{'pgdata'} && defined $info{'owneruid'}) { error $info{'pgdata'} . ' is not accessible or does not exist'; } # check that owner uid/gid is valid unless (getpwuid $info{'owneruid'}) { error 'The cluster is owned by user id '.$info{'owneruid'}.' which does not exist' } unless (getgrgid $info{'ownergid'}) { error 'The cluster is owned by group id '.$info{'ownergid'}.' which does not exist' } # owneruid and configuid need to match, unless configuid is root if (($< == 0 or $> == 0) and $info{'configuid'} != 0 and $info{'configuid'} != $info{'owneruid'}) { my $configowner = (getpwuid $info{'configuid'})[0] || "(unknown)"; my $dataowner = (getpwuid $info{'owneruid'})[0]; error "Config owner ($configowner:$info{configuid}) and data owner ($dataowner:$info{owneruid}) do not match, and config owner is not root"; } # redirect the request through systemd if (not $skip_systemctl_redirect and getppid() != 1 and # not run from init -d '/run/systemd/system' and not exists $ENV{_SYSTEMCTL_SKIP_REDIRECT} and # systemd is running not exists $ENV{'PG_CLUSTER_CONF_ROOT'} and # not handling user clusters $action =~ /^(start|stop|restart)$/ # redirect only these actions ) { $action = $1; # untaint system 'systemctl', 'is-active', '-q', "postgresql\@$version-$cluster"; my $unit_active = $? == 0; # if extra options are given, proceed with pg_ctlcluster with a warning if (@postmaster_auxoptions != 0 or @pg_ctl_opts_from_cli != 0 or $bindir) { # extra options given print "Notice: extra pg_ctl/postgres options given, bypassing systemctl for $action operation\n" if (-t 1); # if we are root, redirect to systemctl unless stopping a cluster running outside systemd } elsif ($> == 0) { if ($action eq 'stop' and not $unit_active) { # proceed with pg_ctlcluster } else { print "Redirecting $action request to systemctl\n" if (-t 1); system 'systemctl', $action, "postgresql\@$version-$cluster"; exit $? >> 8; # program end } # as non-root, raise an error on restarting a cluster running from systemd } elsif ($action eq 'restart' and $unit_active) { error "cluster is running from systemd, can only restart it as root. Try instead:\n sudo systemctl $action postgresql\@$version-$cluster"; # program end # otherwise just raise a warning on start and restart as non-root } elsif (-t 1) { if ($action =~ /start/) { print "Warning: the cluster will not be running as a systemd service. Consider using systemctl:\n"; } elsif ($unit_active) { # on stop, warn when running from systemd print "Warning: stopping the cluster using pg_ctlcluster will mark the systemd unit as failed. Consider using systemctl:\n"; } print " sudo systemctl $action postgresql\@$version-$cluster\n"; } } # recreate missing standard log dir if ($> == 0 && ! -e '/var/log/postgresql' && $info{'logfile'} =~ m!^/var/log/postgresql!) { system 'install', '-d', '-m', '1775', '-o', 'root', '-g', 'postgres', '/var/log/postgresql'; } # recreate missing log file if ($action ne 'stop' && $info{'logfile'} && ! -e $info{'logfile'}) { open L, '>', $info{'logfile'} or error 'Could not create log file ' . $info{'logfile'}; chmod 0640, $info{'logfile'}; my $g; if ($info{'owneruid'} < 500) { $g = (getgrnam 'adm')[2]; } else { $g = $info{'ownergid'}; } chown $info{'owneruid'}, $g, $info{'logfile'}; close L; } # recreate /var/run/postgresql if ($action ne 'stop' && ! -d $info{'socketdir'}) { system 'install', '-d', '-m', 2775, '-o', $info{'owneruid'}, '-g', $info{'ownergid'}, $info{'socketdir'}; } # recreate stats_temp_directory if ($action ne 'stop' && $info{'statstempdir'} && ! -d $info{'statstempdir'}) { system 'install', '-d', '-m', 750, '-o', $info{'owneruid'}, '-g', $info{'ownergid'}, $info{'statstempdir'}; } if ($> == 0) { # have postgres start with increased OOM killer protection; 9.0 and # later has builtin support for resetting the adjustment of child processes if ($action eq 'start' and $version >= '9.0' and not $PgCommon::rpm) { if (-w '/proc/self/oom_score_adj') { open F, '>/proc/self/oom_score_adj'; print F "-900\n"; close F; } } chdir ('/var/lib/postgresql'); change_ugid $info{'owneruid'}, $info{'ownergid'}; } # we are running as the cluster owner now if( $> != $info{'owneruid'} ) { error 'You must run this program as the cluster owner ('. (getpwuid $info{'owneruid'})[0].') or root'; } $pg_ctl = $bindir ? "$bindir/pg_ctl" : get_program_path ('pg_ctl', $version); if ($action =~ /^(start|stop|restart|reload|status|promote)$/) { no strict 'refs'; exit &$action; } else { error 'Invalid action (must be one of: start stop restart reload status promote)'; } __END__ =head1 NAME pg_ctlcluster - start/stop/restart/reload a PostgreSQL cluster =head1 SYNOPSIS B [I] I I I B<--> [I] where I = B|B|B|B|B|B =head1 DESCRIPTION This program controls the B server for a particular cluster. It essentially wraps the L command. It determines the cluster version and data path and calls the right version of B with appropriate configuration parameters and paths. You have to start this program as the user who owns the database cluster or as root. To ease integration with B operation, the alternative syntax "B IB<->I I" is also supported. =head1 ACTIONS =over 4 =item B A log file for this specific cluster is created if it does not exist yet (by default, CIC<->IC<.log>), and a PostreSQL server process (L) is started on it. Exits with 0 on success, with 2 if the server is already running, and with 1 on other failure conditions. =item B Stops the L server of the given cluster. By default, "smart" shutdown mode is used, which waits until all clients disconnected. =item B Stops the server if it is running and starts it (again). =item B Causes the configuration files to be re-read without a full shutdown of the server. =item B Checks whether a server is running. If it is, the PID and the command line options that were used to invoke it are displayed. =item B Commands a running standby server to exit recovery and begin read-write operations. =back =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-f>|B<--force> For B and B, the "fast" mode is used which rolls back all active transactions, disconnects clients immediately and thus shuts down cleanly. If that does not work, shutdown is attempted again in "immediate" mode, which can leave the cluster in an inconsistent state and thus will lead to a recovery run at the next start. If this still does not help, the B process is killed. Exits with 0 on success, with 2 if the server is not running, and with 1 on other failure conditions. This mode should only be used when the machine is about to be shut down. =item B<-m>|B<--mode> [B|B|B] Shutdown mode to use for B and B actions, default is B. See pg_ctl(1) for documentation. =item B<--foreground> Start B in foreground, without daemonizing via B. =item B<--stdlog> When B<--foreground> is in use, redirect stderr to the standard logfile in C. (Default when not run in foreground.) =item B<--bindir> I Path to B. (Default is CIC.) =item B<-o>|B<--options> I