We are using MS Access as a frontend to import many water quality records into postgresql v. 8.0.2 on Red Hat 3 Enterprise. When importing a table of 40,000+ records something is going wrong with the timestamp field only for certain records. The records are listed below. MS Access Details: DATA TO IMPORT FROM LOCAL MSACCESS Table into linked ODBC pg table: ID original_deployment_code date_time water_temp depth_m salinity sp_cond do_per do_mg_l ph 1 MLM20010327 2001-04-01 02:00:00 17.860001 1.49352 30.1 46.299999 80.400002 6.42 7.64 2 MLM20010327 2001-04-01 02:30:00 17.700001 1.61544 30.200001 46.400002 78.699997 6.3 7.64 3 MLM20010327 2001-04-01 03:00:00 17.67 1.64592 30.200001 46.400002 72.800003 5.84 7.62 4 MLM20010327 2001-04-01 03:30:00 17.639999 1.524 30.1 46.299999 79.300003 6.36 7.61 Here's the SQL run from Access: INSERT INTO public_wq ( original_deployment_code, collection_id, date_time, water_temp, ph, sp_cond, salinity, do_per, do_mg_l, depth_m ) SELECT original_deployment_code, c.id, lwq.date_time, water_temp, ph, sp_cond, salinity, do_per, do_mg_l, depth_m FROM DD5 AS lwq INNER JOIN public_collection AS c ON lwq.original_deployment_code=c.original_collection_code; I get a uniqueness constraint error. Here are the Postgresql table details: CREATE TABLE "public"."wq" ( "id" SERIAL, "collection_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "date_time" TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, "original_deployment_code" VARCHAR(20), "water_temp" NUMERIC(28,6), "depth_m" NUMERIC(28,6), "salinity" NUMERIC(28,6), "sp_cond" NUMERIC(28,6), "do_per" NUMERIC(28,6), "do_mg_l" NUMERIC(28,6), "ph" NUMERIC(28,6), "turbidity" NUMERIC(28,6), "chlorophyll_ug_l" NUMERIC(28,6), "orp_mv" NUMERIC(28,6), "reviewed" BOOLEAN DEFAULT false NOT NULL, "date_entered" TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, "date_updated" TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, "entered_by" VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, "updated_by" VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "wq_pkey" PRIMARY KEY("id"), CONSTRAINT "fk_collection" FOREIGN KEY ("collection_id") REFERENCES "public"."collection"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE ) WITH OIDS; COMMENT ON TABLE "public"."wq" IS 'This is continuous wq. Unique constraint is on collection and date_time. Do we need fields for raw and interpolated values???'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."wq"."collection_id" IS 'fk to collection table. '; COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."wq"."date_time" IS 'Date that the sample was taken. This is usually in 30 minute increments per collection.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."wq"."original_deployment_code" IS '???'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."wq"."do_per" IS 'Calculate this in a trigger?'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."wq"."reviewed" IS 'This defaults to false and must be set manually in order to verify entries. Possibly setup a view to filter these out.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."wq"."date_entered" IS 'Triggered value upon insert. Will use current_timestamp unless specified.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."wq"."date_updated" IS 'Triggered value upon update. Will use current_timestamp.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."wq"."entered_by" IS 'Triggered value upon insert. Will use current_user unless otherwise specified.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."wq"."updated_by" IS 'Triggered value upon update. Will use current_user.'; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "wq_unique_key" ON "public"."wq" USING btree ("collection_id", "date_time"); CREATE TRIGGER "new_wq_trig" BEFORE INSERT ON "public"."wq" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "public"."new_record_logger"(); CREATE TRIGGER "update_wq_trig" BEFORE UPDATE ON "public"."wq" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "public"."update_record_logger"(); ****new_record_logger trigger**** BEGIN if new.date_entered is null then new.date_entered := current_timestamp; end if; if new.entered_by is null then new.entered_by := current_user; end if; if new.date_updated is null then new.date_updated := current_timestamp; end if; if new.updated_by is null then new.updated_by := current_user; end if; return new; END; RESULTS: Taking the uniqueness constraint off allows import and the above inserted data is below (Notice that 2:00 and 2:30 changed to 3:00 and 3:30 during the insert): id collection_id date_time original_deployment_code water_temp depth_m salinity sp_cond do_per do_mg_l ph turbidity chlorophyll_ug_l orp_mv reviewed date_entered date_updated entered_by updated_by 204414 1982 2001-04-01 03:30:00 MLM20010327 17.639999 1.524 30.1 46.299999 79.300003 6.36 7.61 0 2005-07-27 14:28:39 2005-07-27 14:28:39 ddabney ddabney 204413 1982 2001-04-01 03:00:00 MLM20010327 17.67 1.64592 30.200001 46.400002 72.800003 5.84 7.62 0 2005-07-27 14:28:39 2005-07-27 14:28:39 ddabney ddabney 204412 1982 2001-04-01 03:30:00 MLM20010327 17.700001 1.61544 30.200001 46.400002 78.699997 6.3 7.64 0 2005-07-27 14:28:39 2005-07-27 14:28:39 ddabney ddabney 204411 1982 2001-04-01 03:00:00 MLM20010327 17.860001 1.49352 30.1 46.299999 80.400002 6.42 7.64 0 2005-07-27 14:28:39 2005-07-27 14:28:39 ddabney ddabney I'm assuming this is a bug.