select sle."shiftDate" as shift_date, cast ( sum ( sle."productCount" * template1."lengthBlankSize" * template1."widthBlankSize" / 1000000 * case when template2."id" = product2."id" then bspg."numbersProduct" else 1 end ) as int8 ) as square_meters from SensorLogEntry sle inner join Job job on sle."job" = job."id" inner join OrderStep os on job."orderStep" = os."id" inner join cb_order order1 on os."order_id" = order1."id" inner join Template template2 on order1."template" = template2."id" left outer join Product product1 on template2."id" = product1."id", Template template1 cross join Product product2 inner join Template template3 on product2."id" = template3."id", TechnologyCard tc, BlankSizeParameterGroup bspg where order1."template" = template1."id" and product2."id" = tc."product" and tc."bl_size_fk" = bspg."id" and ( template2."id"=product2."id" or case when product1."id" is not null then 1 when template2."id" is not null then 0 end <>1 and product2."id"=(select max(product3."id") from Product product3 inner join Template template4 on product3."id"=template4."id") ) group by sle."shiftDate" order by sle."shiftDate";