Il 17/08/2010 15:44, Tom Lane ha scritto:
Edoardo Innocenti <> writes:
Query Plan:<br>
"HashAggregate (cost=4910.06..4910.19 rows=1 width=659)"
Hm ... the planner seems to think that this is a small query that isn't
going to take long, which is a bit at odds with the fact that you're
running out of memory.  I suspect that these rowcount estimates are
far too low, which would suggest that you need to make sure your
ANALYZE statistics are up-to-date, and perhaps raise the statistics
targets.  Try to get the plan's estimated rowcounts to approximate

We have pg_autovacuum enable and we launch vacuumdb -z every weeks.
These tables do not grow fast, 300 record max. Is it possible that
the statistics are the cause?
BTW, you might want to think about turning off your mail program's
HTML option.  What other people are seeing looks like this:
and it's not pretty.

			regards, tom lane


Edoardo Innocenti
Infrastructure Coordinator

SDB Information Technology
Phone: +39.055.3811222
Fax:   +39.055.5201411

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